Effective treatment with foil of sciatica and not just
The foil is applied to biologically active points.
Radiation from these points, Bouncing back to Meridian and positive effect on the body that is associated with it.
Therapeutic effect:
Cold. Wrap the feet with foil – from 3 to 7 layers, between which needs to be laid on paper or cotton cloth. Keep the foil on foot in about 40 minutes (but not more than 2 hours). Then 2 hours should be repeated. And so 2-3 times every day.
Lumbar radiculitis. Make the field of several layers of foil with paper strips and lay 3 times a day for 40 mins a few days the pain will disappear, and after 1.5–2 weeks will pass sciatica.
The heel spur. Foil with velvet paper backing (from tea with the elephants) fold 4 times and place them in a sock under the heel. A few days can be cured the heel spur.
In reflexology by using spikes and magnetorelaxometry used magnetic massaging insoles that raise the biological renewal of the body and improve energy balance.
Therapeutic effect:
The use of magnetic massage insoles need 2-3 hours a day, putting on socks or tights. The spikes have a beneficial massage on the foot, and the magnetic beads have the tension close to the natural magnetic field of the earth. During the first 10 days the condition markedly improved: the hands and feet become warmer, relieves swelling of the legs; aktiviziruyutsya blood flow and metabolism; is an intensive excretion of toxins from the body.
From the book Yu. M. Ivanov, "the Laws of good health"
Also interesting: the Effective but forgotten method of treatment of joints with foil
Why supermodel Irina Shayk on the beach wearing a tinfoil hat
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/molodilnik/photos/pb.476402835747129.-2207520000.1476564954./1094052213982185/?type=3&theater
Radiation from these points, Bouncing back to Meridian and positive effect on the body that is associated with it.

Therapeutic effect:
- cold,
- sciatica,
- atherosclerosis,
- myositis,
- heel spurs and other diseases.

Cold. Wrap the feet with foil – from 3 to 7 layers, between which needs to be laid on paper or cotton cloth. Keep the foil on foot in about 40 minutes (but not more than 2 hours). Then 2 hours should be repeated. And so 2-3 times every day.
Lumbar radiculitis. Make the field of several layers of foil with paper strips and lay 3 times a day for 40 mins a few days the pain will disappear, and after 1.5–2 weeks will pass sciatica.
The heel spur. Foil with velvet paper backing (from tea with the elephants) fold 4 times and place them in a sock under the heel. A few days can be cured the heel spur.

In reflexology by using spikes and magnetorelaxometry used magnetic massaging insoles that raise the biological renewal of the body and improve energy balance.
Therapeutic effect:
- aktiviziruyutsya blood flow in the body, purified the blood vessels as blood is actively dissolves the salts and slags (under the influence of the magnets);
- stabilizatsiya blood pressure and heart;
- improves vision and hearing;
- restores immune system are viral diseases;
- increase sexual potency;
- improve digestion, metabolism, sleep, memory, brain function;
- calms the nervous system;
- feet and hands become warmer that relieves fatigue and swelling.
The use of magnetic massage insoles need 2-3 hours a day, putting on socks or tights. The spikes have a beneficial massage on the foot, and the magnetic beads have the tension close to the natural magnetic field of the earth. During the first 10 days the condition markedly improved: the hands and feet become warmer, relieves swelling of the legs; aktiviziruyutsya blood flow and metabolism; is an intensive excretion of toxins from the body.
From the book Yu. M. Ivanov, "the Laws of good health"
Also interesting: the Effective but forgotten method of treatment of joints with foil
Why supermodel Irina Shayk on the beach wearing a tinfoil hat
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/molodilnik/photos/pb.476402835747129.-2207520000.1476564954./1094052213982185/?type=3&theater
Diaphragm of the pelvis: the forgotten skill not Prim tail
Drink water with turmeric every morning and you will see what happens!