Physiotherapy to defeat the sciatica. Free yourself from the pain!
Victim of sciatica is a sad spectacle. This unpleasant disease affects the nerves, causing inflammation, pain, and sometimes limits the motor activity of certain parts of the body. A man with a bout of sciatica vulnerable and helpless, lost in his own suffering and pain relievers with warming ointments only bring slight relief. Another thing - therapeutic exercises, which patients usually too lazy to perform. But it acts directly on the cause of sciatica - straightens the spine, causes the intervertebral discs to move, reduce osteoarthritis symptoms and makes many other wonderful things. The most important thing - charging at sciatica pain relief!
These 4 exercises will relieve you from exacerbations of sciatica, help relieve aching, and even acute pain. Remember them to perform regular, because prevention is more important than treatment in a critical situation!
1. Cross Stretching
Lie down on your back, bend your knees. Put your right ankle on your left knee and pull the left thigh to the chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Change your leg.
2. Stretching the hip
Keep the right leg straight, left-hand bend at the knees and put on the right foot. Keep your back straight. Hold your left knee and hold this position for a minute. Change your leg.
3. Pose dove
Slide the right knee forward and turn it to the right. Keep your left leg straight behind you. Hold this position for 10 deep breaths and change leg.
4. Massage using a tennis ball
Find the most painful point on his back. Put a tennis ball on the floor so as to be able to lie on his sore spot. To focus on problem areas and lay down all the weight on the ball, rolling it in a circular motion on the back. This massage is very effective for acute pain, and it can be performed for about a minute, moving from one point to another.
Sciatica - real punishment! To avoid this and other types of sciatica, it is necessary to monitor the state of the back muscles, keeping them in good shape, exercise. Obesity is often the cause of sciatica, so keep your weight is normal and will not be superfluous. But if you caught this terrible disease, do not despair! Anyone who is engaged in charge - is not hopeless. You can not only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but also cure it only by means of the elementary motor activity! Supply this important information of their friends.
via takprosto cc
These 4 exercises will relieve you from exacerbations of sciatica, help relieve aching, and even acute pain. Remember them to perform regular, because prevention is more important than treatment in a critical situation!
1. Cross Stretching
Lie down on your back, bend your knees. Put your right ankle on your left knee and pull the left thigh to the chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Change your leg.

2. Stretching the hip
Keep the right leg straight, left-hand bend at the knees and put on the right foot. Keep your back straight. Hold your left knee and hold this position for a minute. Change your leg.

3. Pose dove
Slide the right knee forward and turn it to the right. Keep your left leg straight behind you. Hold this position for 10 deep breaths and change leg.

4. Massage using a tennis ball
Find the most painful point on his back. Put a tennis ball on the floor so as to be able to lie on his sore spot. To focus on problem areas and lay down all the weight on the ball, rolling it in a circular motion on the back. This massage is very effective for acute pain, and it can be performed for about a minute, moving from one point to another.

Sciatica - real punishment! To avoid this and other types of sciatica, it is necessary to monitor the state of the back muscles, keeping them in good shape, exercise. Obesity is often the cause of sciatica, so keep your weight is normal and will not be superfluous. But if you caught this terrible disease, do not despair! Anyone who is engaged in charge - is not hopeless. You can not only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but also cure it only by means of the elementary motor activity! Supply this important information of their friends.
via takprosto cc
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