Hypothyroidism - folk remedies for the treatment of thyroid gland
15% of people suffer with hypothyroidism, and every year the number of patients with this disease increases.
The thyroid gland is responsible for the health and longevity, it is also called the gland of youth. The normal functioning of the thyroid gland means that it is produced by thyroid hormones support this, the rate of metabolism, which is essential to a healthy body.

At low thyroid function , the rate of metabolism slows down. Human life is thus similar to the slow flow of the river, there is no desire, effort and interest to do an extra step.
Causes of hipotenusa different: a lack of iodine, inflammation, transferred to thyroid gland surgery, and treatment with thyreostatics (drugs that reduce thyroid function).
The symptoms of hypothyroidism
- Fatigue, chills, weakness, drowsiness, slowing of movements and speech, hoarseness, pain in the joints.
- The skin becomes pale, dry and has a yellowish hue, formed under the eyes "bags". There are swelling and puffiness of the face, tongue, and extremities.
- When possible hypothyroid, depression, pain in the heart, liver, stomach, loss of hair, eyebrows, teeth, low pulse, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, reduced
Important when hypothyroidism is nutrition.
For the normal functioning of the thyroid gland need to include a diet of foods that have purifying properties: beets, celery, turnips, black radish, parsnips, radishes, carrots.
Gradually add in fresh salads sprouted grain cereal (oats, wheat, barley) and legumes (peas, beans, lentils, alfalfa). Useful flakes cereal (oat, etc.).
Prepare a jelly of ground oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat. You can also eat dairy products and cheeses low fat.
Will include in its menu fish of all kinds, especially useful in marine.
Eat fresh berries and fruits accordingly to the season, it was at this time from them the maximum benefit. Digested berries and fruit better if their is, instead of one meal or in between meals.
You have to include in your diet vegetable stews, boiled and raw salads, vinaigrettes, vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes, zucchini, celery, green peas, turnips, pumpkin, rutabagas, parsnips, Jerusalem artichokes, eggplant, leeks, spinach). Add to the finished dish of green spices, tomatoes, vegetable oil, lemon juice, soy sauce.
Useful potatoes boiled in their jackets or baked in the skin (1-3 pieces a day).
Soups cook vegetarian.
Use in your menu spices, possesses antitoxic and anti-inflammatory effects (saffron, Basil, red pepper, fennel). They can be eaten as condiments or medicines.
For example, for elimination from the body of excess fluid use a decoction of the roots of parsley. For cooking 1 tbsp chopped parsley roots pour 1 Cup water, cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes, filter and take ¼ -1/2 Cup 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
If you have a slow metabolism will help Cayenne pepper. Take 100 g of crushed dry red pepper, pour ½ liter of 70% alcohol, insist 20 days. Take 10 ml three times a day before meals during the month. You can add the powder of red pepper to food 2-3 times a day.
It is not recommended to take while hypothyroid:
Artisan bread, fancy bread, ice cream, candy, cheese high fat content. From meat products to eliminate any types of sausages, pates, sausages, pork, duck and goose. From fats – lard, butter, Margarines. Do not eat canned food using vinegar and cured meats, as these products have a toxic effect.
The use of recipes of traditional medicine in the treatment of hypothyroidism
Treatment of hypothyroidism hormones can be combined with the recipes of traditional medicine. In the complex treatment of give preference to therapy one or two medicinal plants.
- Spiny cocklebur is effective for low thyroid function due to the high content of iodine. 1 tbsp herbs cocklebur prickly pour 1.5-2 cups boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, wrap and leave for 1 hour. After straining take 1 tablespoon 2 to 4 times a day before meals. To prepare the tincture of prickly cocklebur 50 g herb pour ½ liter of 70% alcohol, insist 2 weeks. Consume the tincture by adding 20-30 drops in ½ Cup warm milk or water before meals three times a day. The course of treatment – 3 weeks, after a break lasting 10 days course repeat.
- Kelp – 1 tsp powdered kelp mix in ½ Cup of boiled water. Take this dose 2-3 times a day before meal within a month.
- Cinquefoil white – 1 tbsp. l. grass pour 1 Cup water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, cool, strain and take 3-4 times a day for 1 tbsp the duration of the course – 1-1,5 months.
- Partitions walnuts – from 20-25 nuts, remove partitions, add 100 ml of 70% alcohol, insist 2 weeks in a dark place, then strain. Take 15-20 drops three times a day before meals for one month.
- Calamus swamp has not only anti-inflammatory but also regenerating action. Its tincture sanitize the body in inflammatory and infectious processes, reduces the level of intoxication. 100 g of crushed roots of calamus pour ½ liter of 70% alcohol, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Take three times a day 50 drops half an hour before meals for one month. After the course take a break with a duration of 10 days and repeat the treatment.

Source: garmony-life.ru/