Unusual ways to use cabbage

We used to use Kale only as a product for cooking. But, it turns out, it can be used for other purposes.
The use of cabbage Due to its composition, cabbage is a good air purifier. Can you give an example of the English industrial centre Luton-Bedfordshire. In this town there is a very high concentration of harmful substances in the air. In addition, good help in the pollution and waste exhaust gases. Not surprisingly, in the flowerbeds of the city killed a very large number of green plants.

Except... cabbage, which is green to yourself and even the air around it clears. Few people know, but the cabbage you can use for cleaning carpets — woolen and synthetic. This is done simply — cabbage cut into pieces and used as a brush. But if you want to refresh the color of the carpet, you'll appreciate the cabbage brine. To do this, simply wipe the carpet soaked in brine gauze. Cabbage leaf... clean aluminum cookware. It turns out that cabbage cleans the utensils from aluminium. After this procedure, the cookware should be wiped with a soft flannel.
Also cabbage can be used as a facial mask for skin with increased oiliness. Only here you need to use sauerkraut. It is sufficient to apply once a week, cover with a cloth, for 25 minutes. After removing the mask, the face of the need to spread the cream. But that's not all that capable favorite snack!

I'm sure many women know how useful cabbage for weight loss. Even developed a special diet for this product. Trays of sauerkraut juice will restore the strength of the nails.
Quite popular to use cabbage in folk medicine. Already our ancestors knew how helpful cabbage: it strengthens the human body, improves the immune system (they understood it as an opportunity to stay healthy and in the cold season), soothes pain and helps with insomnia.
Fresh chopped egg whites cabbage leaves applied to burns, purulent wounds and ulcers not healed. Cabbage with honey to treat heel spurs. Raw cabbage juice is used for removing warts.
Amazing application found of Savoy and cauliflower. Of these types we can distinguish the alcohol beckons. What's special about it? Only that he is sweet in taste and can replace sugar for diabetes patients.
Source: /users/413
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