As formed debts?

Debt appears in two cases: either the person has lent someone money and he did not return, or he took someone in debt and can not return. Sometimes it happens that occurs both.

What is the reason for debt?

The one who borrowed it, he buys love. In early childhood he made the decision that you have to be good and earn the love, he was rejected and loved.

For this decision he pays in adulthood that can not refuse even then, when he realizes that the money is not returned. He gives a loan, "buying" their good opinion of himself. Buying them love to the detriment of themselves for their own money, sooner or later will be bad for them, because it will require more to repay. But he does not want to give, because at the subconscious level will assume that they paid him for that in their eyes he was considered good.

© Elena Ray

"Why do you demand money from us? You wanted to be good for us? You our opinion bought for the money that he gave to us. All paid! Go away, liar!"

The one who took the money in debt and can not pay, paying for the person in his family who hated.

Why was he hated? Because he made a promise to do something and not fulfill it. It's not always the promise of money. Often it is some other deception. For example, he promised to marry and had left the woman pregnant. Gave his word and broke it.

But why the deception goes to the descendant in the form of debt? Because the subconscious mind cannot lie. The subconscious registering any fact and, unlike consciousness, which tries to avoid unpleasant feelings and awareness, requires the completion of a Gestalt.

A descendant reads the repressed guilt of an ancestor, and it tries to complete the past. He pays, not understanding why the string of payments grows and grows endlessly.

And this continues until, until or not live fully suppressed feelings of guilt, or not aware of the cause of this.


Are you in debt? So, you don't love yourself. He who loves himself, does not buy from other good about ourselves for their money.

He who loves himself, filled with love of their ancestors. He had no sense of guilt at someone else's deception. Honesty in the past — honesty in this — honesty in the future. Life without debt, prosperity and abundance in children. published

Author: mark Ifraimov P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki




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