13 unusual house
Creative house centipedes, egg - and dome-like "huts" in our country — no longer a rarity. Sometimes even the Russian heartland is able to surprise seasoned travelers distinctive architectural creations. About where in the Russian cities to look for work domestic Gaudi, Eiffel, and Bernini, read our review of the most unusual buildings in the Russian streets.
House dome in Novosibirsk
Siberia is a harsh land, home to icy cold and wind. So the locals are building these homes, which are not afraid of the cold, nor the gusts of icy wind.
So, the local artist Ivan Dyrkin, inspired by the idea of an airship, designed and built wooden dome house, immediately became a landmark. The assurance of the national craftsman, the unusual "hut" due to the streamlined shape is extremely resistant to wind loads and even with significant damage will remain in place.
The white tower in Yekaterinburg
This White tower, though, and has nothing to do with Gondor, is very popular in Yekaterinburg. It is considered the unofficial symbol of the whole epoch, and some time in the 30-ies of the last century — Ural water tower had no equal in the world: its water tank at the time was huge and could compete only with a colleague from Chicago (well, and her tank was less than 20 m3). By the way, prototypes of the White tower can be found abroad, namely in China, where like structure is decorated with one of the dairies. In the Urals capital tower to this day is popular: it is named after the annual architectural festival, held in Yekaterinburg.
The most populous house of Krasnoyarsk
The horseshoe brings happiness. But for the inhabitants of the solar neighborhood in Krasnoyarsk it serves as a good shield from the weather. This area is famous for the horseshoe-shaped group of buildings that not only save residents from the harsh Siberian frosts, but also constitute the longest and most populated houses in the city on the Yenisei river. Only Solar five such buildings, each nine floors, 16 entrances and about 500 apartments.
House wall in Saint-Petersburg
Architect with a sense of humor is good. For example, walking around the Northern capital, you know that local architects were not averse to make fun of random passers-by. One of the evidence — the house-the wall street upland, which from a certain angle gives the impression of huge props, and the fact that there are people in General causes confusion among the uninitiated residents and guests of the city. The fact that at first glance the building looks completely flat. If you look at the house in profile, there is a feeling — it is so thin that there is hardly fit one person. The author of this great pun is the architect Quarts, according to the idea which in the beginning of the XX century and the building was constructed.
By the way, the house-walls — a frequent occurrence in the streets of Petersburg.
Ship house in Ivanovo
Unlike other unusual buildings, this house is well known to the residents of the city. They say that in Soviet times, sending a letter, it was possible not to bother stating the street and house number, by writing a "from the City of Ivanovo House-ship". In any case, the letter would have found its destination.
What's up to the home, Ivanovo "flying ship" was built in the 20-ies of the last century, when architecture and romance were side by side with the needs of the growing city. This, of course, "Scarlet sails", but in rainy weather, the resemblance to a cruise ship somehow becomes apparent: the glass Windows of the first floor lift it above the ground, the eight-story tower simulates the stern, the pointed end of the house — the bow and the ribbons of balconies — the deck.
Torn house in Moscow
Once home on moss, 10, p. 1, Mokhovaya street, 10, building 2 were joined together and were called the apartment house one of another companies. However, in 1941 the building was severely damaged during the first air raids on the capital. As a result, the house divided a gaping hole. Later, the gap did not recover, determined to restore the only surviving part of the house. And so it happened that the same Moscow building can be found in two locations.
The building of the "Glass" in Tver
In the walls of the business center "Tver", which was originally built as the hotel "Tver" to the 1980 Olympics, I want to behave very decently and quietly as possible. And you know why? This is one of the tallest buildings of the city in the form of a painfully unstable. It is no coincidence that the people called him "a Glass", it seems that 22-story skyscraper stands on the roof. However, his claim that there is nothing to fear, and rumors about the unacceptable tilt and shaky foundations — no more than idle fancies.
Musical theatre the White Grand piano" in Rostov-on-don
"Wait, I'll change and you'll play the piano!" What piano? On white, of course! That in front of you musical theatre, speaks eloquently of the architecture of the building, reminiscent of an outdoor piano. "White piano" of glass and concrete is considered a cultural monument. Some old-timers, however, still styled the monumental structure not only as a monument to Soviet long-term construction — construction lasted for 22 years. However, this does not detract from the merits of the theatre and does not interfere with the Rostov temple of the arts enrolled in the ranks of the largest musical theaters in the South.
Store the truck in Kostroma
Want to know what it was like Gulliver in the land of giants? Then go to the first, the only and the biggest shop with the telling title "Wagon", listed in the Guinness Book of records. Feature Kostroma avtouniversal that it is strikingly similar to the real truck — with the only difference that its dimensions are larger than the original 20 times. The rest of the giant truck is remarkably similar to the live prototype: bumpers and grille, a giant exhaust pipe and even rear view mirrors coupled with a gas tank that adorn the body, create a feeling that somewhere wandering around a giant driver. Otherwise, this is quite a common place, the main thing — do not try to go to the store across the cabin. For us, "midgets", the door to the supermarket located inside the wheel.
The house of Soviets in Kaliningrad
This giant of many names: "Buried robot", "Monster" and even "Sponge Bob". Needless to say, the House of Soviets — a major long-term construction of the Kaliningrad — causing residents is very mixed feelings. After all, it was built virtually on the ruins of the königsberg Royal castle — by the way, the last location of the famous Amber room. In the evening, 28-storey skyscraper resembles a talking head, but it does not prevent the use of stone block including as a viewing platform, among other things, the highest in the city.
Novosibirsk Technopark
Siberian Silicon valley is visible from afar. Two buildings, like a bowed head in obeisance, displaying local campus. Towers of Technopark frame the European-perfect roads and lush lawns, and inside of buildings scurry bright minds responsible for the future of Russian science. Unlike the sensational "SKOLKOVO", in the capital of Siberia already has two of the three alleged cases, which were not only the center of gravity of the IT community of Novosibirsk, but also managed to get the award "Building of the year" in the nomination "Information technologies".
House-egg in Moscow
The mansion is an unusual shape in the street Mashkov Metropolitan residents have long dubbed the "Faberge egg". This fantasy exhibit attracts crowds of curious tourists. Despite the outrageous forms, "Golden egg" is not a monument to surrealism and a house with all relying attributes: bedroom, kitchen, dining room, bathroom and underground garage and a domed attic, decorating the fourth floor of the building.
Interestingly, the initial project created in late 90-ies of the architects Sergei Tkachenko and Oleg Dubrovsky was intended for Bethlehem, where city planners were going to build a maternity hospital, but in Israel, a bold idea was rejected, and in Moscow, by contrast, have taken root. And now the mansion with a bright red Easter "shell" is considered to be a symbol of contemporary art, hidden in the embrace of the quiet centre of the capital.
Ship house in the village Borovoy, Kemerovo oblast
"Nikolaev ark" — the villagers called ship-house, built by local folk craftsman. Their offspring Nicholas saw in his dream and, without delay, got down to business. For two years the idea evolved, and the ship, in the form which was originally conceived bath, turned into a full "house edge," as love calls it to the author. On Board the ship, which immediately became a local landmark, fit bath, pool, living room, bedroom, nursery, and greenhouse.
By the way, neither architectural or construction education the author's construction there. He taught, whose ingenuity and rich experience helped him to realize the dream of the "flying Dutchman", was built without a single drawing.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/13_neobychnyh_domov_rossii_16526/

House dome in Novosibirsk
Siberia is a harsh land, home to icy cold and wind. So the locals are building these homes, which are not afraid of the cold, nor the gusts of icy wind.
So, the local artist Ivan Dyrkin, inspired by the idea of an airship, designed and built wooden dome house, immediately became a landmark. The assurance of the national craftsman, the unusual "hut" due to the streamlined shape is extremely resistant to wind loads and even with significant damage will remain in place.

The white tower in Yekaterinburg
This White tower, though, and has nothing to do with Gondor, is very popular in Yekaterinburg. It is considered the unofficial symbol of the whole epoch, and some time in the 30-ies of the last century — Ural water tower had no equal in the world: its water tank at the time was huge and could compete only with a colleague from Chicago (well, and her tank was less than 20 m3). By the way, prototypes of the White tower can be found abroad, namely in China, where like structure is decorated with one of the dairies. In the Urals capital tower to this day is popular: it is named after the annual architectural festival, held in Yekaterinburg.

The most populous house of Krasnoyarsk
The horseshoe brings happiness. But for the inhabitants of the solar neighborhood in Krasnoyarsk it serves as a good shield from the weather. This area is famous for the horseshoe-shaped group of buildings that not only save residents from the harsh Siberian frosts, but also constitute the longest and most populated houses in the city on the Yenisei river. Only Solar five such buildings, each nine floors, 16 entrances and about 500 apartments.

House wall in Saint-Petersburg
Architect with a sense of humor is good. For example, walking around the Northern capital, you know that local architects were not averse to make fun of random passers-by. One of the evidence — the house-the wall street upland, which from a certain angle gives the impression of huge props, and the fact that there are people in General causes confusion among the uninitiated residents and guests of the city. The fact that at first glance the building looks completely flat. If you look at the house in profile, there is a feeling — it is so thin that there is hardly fit one person. The author of this great pun is the architect Quarts, according to the idea which in the beginning of the XX century and the building was constructed.
By the way, the house-walls — a frequent occurrence in the streets of Petersburg.

Ship house in Ivanovo
Unlike other unusual buildings, this house is well known to the residents of the city. They say that in Soviet times, sending a letter, it was possible not to bother stating the street and house number, by writing a "from the City of Ivanovo House-ship". In any case, the letter would have found its destination.
What's up to the home, Ivanovo "flying ship" was built in the 20-ies of the last century, when architecture and romance were side by side with the needs of the growing city. This, of course, "Scarlet sails", but in rainy weather, the resemblance to a cruise ship somehow becomes apparent: the glass Windows of the first floor lift it above the ground, the eight-story tower simulates the stern, the pointed end of the house — the bow and the ribbons of balconies — the deck.

Torn house in Moscow
Once home on moss, 10, p. 1, Mokhovaya street, 10, building 2 were joined together and were called the apartment house one of another companies. However, in 1941 the building was severely damaged during the first air raids on the capital. As a result, the house divided a gaping hole. Later, the gap did not recover, determined to restore the only surviving part of the house. And so it happened that the same Moscow building can be found in two locations.

The building of the "Glass" in Tver
In the walls of the business center "Tver", which was originally built as the hotel "Tver" to the 1980 Olympics, I want to behave very decently and quietly as possible. And you know why? This is one of the tallest buildings of the city in the form of a painfully unstable. It is no coincidence that the people called him "a Glass", it seems that 22-story skyscraper stands on the roof. However, his claim that there is nothing to fear, and rumors about the unacceptable tilt and shaky foundations — no more than idle fancies.

Musical theatre the White Grand piano" in Rostov-on-don
"Wait, I'll change and you'll play the piano!" What piano? On white, of course! That in front of you musical theatre, speaks eloquently of the architecture of the building, reminiscent of an outdoor piano. "White piano" of glass and concrete is considered a cultural monument. Some old-timers, however, still styled the monumental structure not only as a monument to Soviet long-term construction — construction lasted for 22 years. However, this does not detract from the merits of the theatre and does not interfere with the Rostov temple of the arts enrolled in the ranks of the largest musical theaters in the South.

Store the truck in Kostroma
Want to know what it was like Gulliver in the land of giants? Then go to the first, the only and the biggest shop with the telling title "Wagon", listed in the Guinness Book of records. Feature Kostroma avtouniversal that it is strikingly similar to the real truck — with the only difference that its dimensions are larger than the original 20 times. The rest of the giant truck is remarkably similar to the live prototype: bumpers and grille, a giant exhaust pipe and even rear view mirrors coupled with a gas tank that adorn the body, create a feeling that somewhere wandering around a giant driver. Otherwise, this is quite a common place, the main thing — do not try to go to the store across the cabin. For us, "midgets", the door to the supermarket located inside the wheel.

The house of Soviets in Kaliningrad
This giant of many names: "Buried robot", "Monster" and even "Sponge Bob". Needless to say, the House of Soviets — a major long-term construction of the Kaliningrad — causing residents is very mixed feelings. After all, it was built virtually on the ruins of the königsberg Royal castle — by the way, the last location of the famous Amber room. In the evening, 28-storey skyscraper resembles a talking head, but it does not prevent the use of stone block including as a viewing platform, among other things, the highest in the city.

Novosibirsk Technopark
Siberian Silicon valley is visible from afar. Two buildings, like a bowed head in obeisance, displaying local campus. Towers of Technopark frame the European-perfect roads and lush lawns, and inside of buildings scurry bright minds responsible for the future of Russian science. Unlike the sensational "SKOLKOVO", in the capital of Siberia already has two of the three alleged cases, which were not only the center of gravity of the IT community of Novosibirsk, but also managed to get the award "Building of the year" in the nomination "Information technologies".

House-egg in Moscow
The mansion is an unusual shape in the street Mashkov Metropolitan residents have long dubbed the "Faberge egg". This fantasy exhibit attracts crowds of curious tourists. Despite the outrageous forms, "Golden egg" is not a monument to surrealism and a house with all relying attributes: bedroom, kitchen, dining room, bathroom and underground garage and a domed attic, decorating the fourth floor of the building.
Interestingly, the initial project created in late 90-ies of the architects Sergei Tkachenko and Oleg Dubrovsky was intended for Bethlehem, where city planners were going to build a maternity hospital, but in Israel, a bold idea was rejected, and in Moscow, by contrast, have taken root. And now the mansion with a bright red Easter "shell" is considered to be a symbol of contemporary art, hidden in the embrace of the quiet centre of the capital.

Ship house in the village Borovoy, Kemerovo oblast
"Nikolaev ark" — the villagers called ship-house, built by local folk craftsman. Their offspring Nicholas saw in his dream and, without delay, got down to business. For two years the idea evolved, and the ship, in the form which was originally conceived bath, turned into a full "house edge," as love calls it to the author. On Board the ship, which immediately became a local landmark, fit bath, pool, living room, bedroom, nursery, and greenhouse.
By the way, neither architectural or construction education the author's construction there. He taught, whose ingenuity and rich experience helped him to realize the dream of the "flying Dutchman", was built without a single drawing.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/13_neobychnyh_domov_rossii_16526/