Potholes will save gasoline
Engineers conducted a study which found that directly on the movement spent about 15% of the fuel, the remaining fuel is spent inefficiently. They decided to create a design that allows you to recover some of the losses.
A group of enthusiasts has developed shock absorbers that collect the energy, converting vertical suspension movement into a rotational movement of the rotor, the generator is running. It sends electricity directly to the vehicle battery or devices.
According to Professor lei Zuo, shock absorbers should give the 100-400 watts of power on regular roads or even more on bad roads. For comparison, the average cell phone call uses about 1 watt. The new technology will increase the fuel efficiency by 1% — 5%. On a global scale such flavors will save from $13 to $ 19 billion fuel money.
Design does not require uniform motion up and down. Movement dampers can be chaotic. Thanks to a system of gears, the rotor rotates from upward movement and from downward movement. Initially, the team lei Zuo has designed several types of energy efficient dampers, including electromagnetic and hydroelectric linear, but machine showed the best results.
According to the creators, the industrial production of high quality with accurate gears the efficiency of the device could reach 85%. In this case, for replacing the conventional shock absorbers do not need to make changes in the design of the car.
If the development team will be able to implement their plans, the devices will quickly gain popularity in the Russian market.
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Source: greenevolution.ru/2015/08/12/yamy-na-dorogax-sekonomyat-benzin/