Our gut – stimulating system of the entire body!
The real meaning of the intestine for the health of our body is known to few. This number got me. Understanding the meaning of the term "intestinal endointoxication" and the influence of toxins generated in the gut, the health of bodies - my main problem was its cleanliness. And rightly so.
But following the principle that we don't understand, the don't own – decided to study this issue not only from the point of view of biochemistry, but also from the point of view of Oriental medicine.
Ancient sages, the followers of yoga, Tibetan and Egyptian healers have claimed and claim that the colon must be kept in perfect condition.
Over the last hundred years our diet has changed dramatically. In our food appeared substances alien to our nature. It's all kinds of synthetic colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavors ... They are practically not processed by our body and the very bad are removed from the intestines, as the modern refined food does not contain dietary fiber. So, from year to year, they accumulate in the gut and as if "stuck" to its walls. And this "scum" blocks access of microorganisms and nutrients to the intestinal wall. And it seems to be okay. Well, let them! It's just one piece of the wall blocks but the next, the net will work fine! And here it turns out that it turns out our gut is a special system, which provides stimulation of the entire body. This system is very similar to that of stimulation of all vital organs by mechanical stimulation of the foot. Or iris, through which light irritation through the stimulation of the whole organism. The Pinna or the palm of the hand also have points, irritation of which gives stimulation to the relevant authorities. The colon also has its own special system through which stimulates the entire body. A certain portion of the colon stimulates specific body. Stimulation this is this: food slurry, filling the intestine, begin rapidly to multiply micro-organisms, releasing energy in the form of bioplasm, which encourages precisely the nearby area, and through it the body concerned. So any, even very small "scale" on the wall of the intestine, creating problems with any authority. If any portion of the colon is clogged "scum" or stones, stimulation of the relevant body does not occur and starts the slow decline of its functions, the development of specific pathology. So, the body preventing dirt and toxins that the body could not withdraw due to lack of energy and balanced diet. For example:
2. Lungs and bronchi
3. Stomach
4. Pancreas
5. The adrenal glands
6. Kidney
7. Gonads
8. Testicles
9. The bladder 10. Prostate
11. Male and female sex organs
12. Poor digestion
13. The pituitary gland
14. Allergic rhinitis
15. Thymus (thymus gland)
16. Coryza
17. Chronic rhinitis '
18. Asthma
19. Mammary glands
20. Mineral components
21. The thyroid gland
22. Newsvine calcium
23. Parathyroid gland
24. Liver
25. Gallbladder
26. Abnormal heart rhythm
27. Prenosove sinus (sinuses)
28. Auditory canal
29. Ears
30. Eyes Author: Smirnova Irina
Source: irismirnoff.blogspot.com/2011/02/blog-post_12.html
But following the principle that we don't understand, the don't own – decided to study this issue not only from the point of view of biochemistry, but also from the point of view of Oriental medicine.

Ancient sages, the followers of yoga, Tibetan and Egyptian healers have claimed and claim that the colon must be kept in perfect condition.
Over the last hundred years our diet has changed dramatically. In our food appeared substances alien to our nature. It's all kinds of synthetic colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavors ... They are practically not processed by our body and the very bad are removed from the intestines, as the modern refined food does not contain dietary fiber. So, from year to year, they accumulate in the gut and as if "stuck" to its walls. And this "scum" blocks access of microorganisms and nutrients to the intestinal wall. And it seems to be okay. Well, let them! It's just one piece of the wall blocks but the next, the net will work fine! And here it turns out that it turns out our gut is a special system, which provides stimulation of the entire body. This system is very similar to that of stimulation of all vital organs by mechanical stimulation of the foot. Or iris, through which light irritation through the stimulation of the whole organism. The Pinna or the palm of the hand also have points, irritation of which gives stimulation to the relevant authorities. The colon also has its own special system through which stimulates the entire body. A certain portion of the colon stimulates specific body. Stimulation this is this: food slurry, filling the intestine, begin rapidly to multiply micro-organisms, releasing energy in the form of bioplasm, which encourages precisely the nearby area, and through it the body concerned. So any, even very small "scale" on the wall of the intestine, creating problems with any authority. If any portion of the colon is clogged "scum" or stones, stimulation of the relevant body does not occur and starts the slow decline of its functions, the development of specific pathology. So, the body preventing dirt and toxins that the body could not withdraw due to lack of energy and balanced diet. For example:
- The nasopharynx is associated with area of the small intestine into the large kishechno
- Thyroid, kidney, liver, gall bladder — nourishes and stimulates the ascending portion of the colon.
- The slope of the bronchial tubes, spleen
- Plot of the sigmoid colon, genital organs, urinary bladder.
2. Lungs and bronchi
3. Stomach
4. Pancreas
5. The adrenal glands
6. Kidney
7. Gonads
8. Testicles
9. The bladder 10. Prostate
11. Male and female sex organs
12. Poor digestion
13. The pituitary gland
14. Allergic rhinitis
15. Thymus (thymus gland)
16. Coryza
17. Chronic rhinitis '
18. Asthma
19. Mammary glands
20. Mineral components
21. The thyroid gland
22. Newsvine calcium
23. Parathyroid gland
24. Liver
25. Gallbladder
26. Abnormal heart rhythm
27. Prenosove sinus (sinuses)
28. Auditory canal
29. Ears
30. Eyes Author: Smirnova Irina
Source: irismirnoff.blogspot.com/2011/02/blog-post_12.html