"Me, me, me": how ego interferes in the business and what to do with it
When a business invest his heart and soul, it sometimes gets you do business right. About how to steer on the right path, says the writer, designer and entrepreneur Paul Jarvis.
Ego's a funny old thing when we work on ourselves and launch our own products. Ego can be a catalyst: "To hell with this company, I could make it better myself." Or, "none of the products in this market really does not fit the audience, I can do something better."
But sometimes it's the ego that brought us to the path of creating your own project, you may not start there.
Last week a student of my course for freelancers asked me for feedback about the page, which he did for his product. Having studied it, I wrote him I didn't understand what he sells, and explained where, in my opinion, it is possible to improve something. First, I just don't understand the text (this is a common problem for marketing that is the Creator of the project — it is too close to it to see the product from the point of view of the audience). So I explained how to make the page more understandable to the audience how to conduct A/B tests with headers and buttons and how to question the audience on the subject of what words and terms to better use.
An hour later, I got angry (and very belligerent) a letter in which he demanded to return him the money for the course, as I deeply offended him and I had no right to tell him what he needs to do (although he directly asked). I don't say this to put this man in appearance. Me too such happened. I did something which took all my time and all my efforts, and then feel offended when someone didn't understand me. I have so much work put into it, how dare you even think that did not turn out very cool!
When our business caters to our ego, it hurts. Deep. We get angry, stomp their feet in anger, off on someone. The work itself is very personal, and sometimes it seems that you with their ideas and confront the world.
Sometimes we are so immersed in your work that you forget the most important: we build a business to serve others. Of course, they serve us in financial, emotional and other respects, but they could not and would not businesses in the full sense of the word, if they existed just for the sake of indulging our ego. Only when they serve the audience, the audience, in turn, serves our interests.
And so it happens that the main enemy of man working for himself is himself. Or, more precisely, his ego. This is a tricky opponent, who sneaks up on you. He does not necessarily attack when we are too tasneema: sometimes we are full of self-doubt, all the time criticize themselves and yet become a victim of ego. We need it to act independent journey to have the courage to start something, but then it can become a burden. If it is not controlled, because you can lose important connections, potential clients, partners or just free advice.
How not to let ego get the better of you?
1. Listen and learn. In any situation try to remember that you don't know everything (and this is always true). There is always something to learn. If someone says something you do not want to listen, use this as an opportunity to learn something (even if only to understand why you do not want to hear why you disagree with his words, etc.).
2. Give up the control. Still control is mostly an illusion. The less you try to control and the more you accept that you have no control over the thoughts and feelings of others (about your products or even about your character) — the better. Your idea, your product, your work may not bring any fruit. It Pocho, yeah, but it's not the end of the world, and that doesn't mean you can't try something else.
3. If you ask someone for help or feedback, all the time go back to items 1 and 2. We too often ask people questions to which — we think — we already have the answers. If you about something ask, this is the real reason.
I immediately complied with the request of this guy about a refund for the course (although the time for such requests to him long since passed). Just because I'm running a business here. I also told him that it did not intend to offend him — I wanted to help (because he asked). I even offered to tell more about the changes offered him, and sent materials on how to conduct A/B tests. He did not answer, and I have no problem with it.
To deviate from that requires ego — need. It helps to understand that something is wrong and maybe need to try something else.
In addition, it is pointless to take as a personal insult to someone else's disagreement or misunderstanding of what you did — surely it will happen. Don't let the beast get to you, better ask yourself: what can I learn? published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=4236
Ego's a funny old thing when we work on ourselves and launch our own products. Ego can be a catalyst: "To hell with this company, I could make it better myself." Or, "none of the products in this market really does not fit the audience, I can do something better."
But sometimes it's the ego that brought us to the path of creating your own project, you may not start there.

Last week a student of my course for freelancers asked me for feedback about the page, which he did for his product. Having studied it, I wrote him I didn't understand what he sells, and explained where, in my opinion, it is possible to improve something. First, I just don't understand the text (this is a common problem for marketing that is the Creator of the project — it is too close to it to see the product from the point of view of the audience). So I explained how to make the page more understandable to the audience how to conduct A/B tests with headers and buttons and how to question the audience on the subject of what words and terms to better use.
An hour later, I got angry (and very belligerent) a letter in which he demanded to return him the money for the course, as I deeply offended him and I had no right to tell him what he needs to do (although he directly asked). I don't say this to put this man in appearance. Me too such happened. I did something which took all my time and all my efforts, and then feel offended when someone didn't understand me. I have so much work put into it, how dare you even think that did not turn out very cool!
When our business caters to our ego, it hurts. Deep. We get angry, stomp their feet in anger, off on someone. The work itself is very personal, and sometimes it seems that you with their ideas and confront the world.
Sometimes we are so immersed in your work that you forget the most important: we build a business to serve others. Of course, they serve us in financial, emotional and other respects, but they could not and would not businesses in the full sense of the word, if they existed just for the sake of indulging our ego. Only when they serve the audience, the audience, in turn, serves our interests.
And so it happens that the main enemy of man working for himself is himself. Or, more precisely, his ego. This is a tricky opponent, who sneaks up on you. He does not necessarily attack when we are too tasneema: sometimes we are full of self-doubt, all the time criticize themselves and yet become a victim of ego. We need it to act independent journey to have the courage to start something, but then it can become a burden. If it is not controlled, because you can lose important connections, potential clients, partners or just free advice.
How not to let ego get the better of you?
1. Listen and learn. In any situation try to remember that you don't know everything (and this is always true). There is always something to learn. If someone says something you do not want to listen, use this as an opportunity to learn something (even if only to understand why you do not want to hear why you disagree with his words, etc.).
2. Give up the control. Still control is mostly an illusion. The less you try to control and the more you accept that you have no control over the thoughts and feelings of others (about your products or even about your character) — the better. Your idea, your product, your work may not bring any fruit. It Pocho, yeah, but it's not the end of the world, and that doesn't mean you can't try something else.
3. If you ask someone for help or feedback, all the time go back to items 1 and 2. We too often ask people questions to which — we think — we already have the answers. If you about something ask, this is the real reason.
I immediately complied with the request of this guy about a refund for the course (although the time for such requests to him long since passed). Just because I'm running a business here. I also told him that it did not intend to offend him — I wanted to help (because he asked). I even offered to tell more about the changes offered him, and sent materials on how to conduct A/B tests. He did not answer, and I have no problem with it.
To deviate from that requires ego — need. It helps to understand that something is wrong and maybe need to try something else.
In addition, it is pointless to take as a personal insult to someone else's disagreement or misunderstanding of what you did — surely it will happen. Don't let the beast get to you, better ask yourself: what can I learn? published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=4236