URS – balls of Hominy with cheese

If you come to Moldova, you will be treated to applicable national dish – grits. It's corn porridge cooked in a special way, which in the finished cut the thread and served with different toppings.

In General, the recipe of porridge made from corn grits can be found not only in Moldavian cuisine: in Italy it's polenta, Georgia – Gomi, etc.

But we have another very interesting dish made out of corn, which is called “URS”. Are "balls" of corn porridge, inside of them there cheese cheese and butter. Served with sour cream and garlic sauce.

These balls of Hominy takes a bit more time when cooking, but trust me – it's worth it. It turns out very tasty and colorful when serving guests!

Come and visit us in Sunny Moldova! And if not, make a small journey in the kitchen with “URS”

Ingredients:For the balls:

  • 200 g of corn grits or fine flour
  • 1 liter of water
  • 0,5 teaspoon of salt
  • 100 g of cheese
  • 100 g butter (25g for the filling + 75 g for baking)
For sauces:

  • sour cream
  • olive oil
  • parsley
  • asafoetida (or garlic)
Recipe of URS – balls of Hominy with sheep cheese:For the balls of Hominy, we need corn flour fine grinding. Therefore, reliability is better grits grind in a blender or coffee grinder to dust Now prepare Hominy for the balls. Bring the water to a boil, add salt and slowly stream, add cornmeal, mixing thoroughly (I stir with a whisk) to avoid lumps. In the center of the cauldron put a wooden spatula so that the grits don't burn. Cook the porridge for about 20 minutes at a low boil until completely absorbed water, while not forgetting to stir regularly. The finished polenta cools. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Chilled Hominy tablespoon divide into portions. I turned 23 servings of optimum size. For the filling we will need 100 g of cheese and 25 g butter. Wet hands in water and take a little Hominy. Moving her palm on the palm to make it more dense.

Now replusive ball of Hominy into a pancake thickness of about 3 mm. in the middle Put 2 teaspoons of cheese and a piece of butter. Wrap the flapjack in kolobochek .

Protiven lubricated with oil and spread our balls. On top of each bun put a slice of butter. Bake “URS” in a pre-heated to 200 degrees oven for 15-20 minutes until balls of polenta is lightly browned.

Prepare sauce for “URS” (balls of Hominy):Traditionally, the “URS” are served with sour cream and sauce “muzhdu”. With sour cream, everything is clear, if you have a good home, it is all wonderful.

Muzhdu sauce is prepared in a jiffy. In olive oil add a little salt, the chopped parsley and continue your choice . If you eat garlic, then the chopped garlic. If not, as in our case, lightly roasted asafoetida.

It turns out very tasty!

That's all! Lay the table and help themselves, “URS” .

Bon appetit! published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: vegetarianrecept.ru/vtorye-blyuda/urs-shariki-iz-mamalygi-s-brynzoj.html