How to perform squats "Plie»
Squat is an excellent exercise for development of muscles of the legs. There are many varieties of squats that create insulating strain on one muscle or set strain on many muscle groups. In this article, we will talk with you about isolation exercise that is working the inner thigh, and also helps to increase the elasticity of your buttocks. We will focus on squats "Plie" with dumbbells.
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In fact, to pump up feet, need to use a lot of exercises for the study of individual muscle groups to ultimately achieve proportional developed physique. Therefore, it is very useful to include this exercise in your workout. Squats "plies" can be used in different training methods. For example, you can make a small superset with squats with a barbell with a broad statement of the feet. It looks like this: first you do the squat "plie", after tiring of the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the inner thighs, and then immediately start the execution of squats with a broad statement of the feet. This method, which I will now describe is called the "method of pre-fatigue." It is quite effective, if you want to pump some individual muscle group, minimizing stress on other muscles.
Squats "plies" can be performed with dumbbells or without. For men to increase the load and carefully work out the legs, you can use two dumbbells with the right weight. The main thing in this exercise as with all exercises, this is the right technique. In many squats, where the weight of a great burden to lie on your back and the spine.
Not to damage it, you should try to watch in the first place for appliances, but due to the fact that the weight we have to be on his shoulders, and hands, the load is almost completely minimized. So if you're worried about your back, but you want to shake legs can perform squats "plie". But above all, it is better to consult with your doctor.
If the load on the spine is minimal, it does not mean that the Pro technique, it is possible to forget. There are knee joints, the muscles that need and to work properly, so let's analyze in detail the proper technique of this exercise.
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1. Starting position: Take a suitable, in your opinion, the weight of the dumbbell. Stand and place your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Perform a squat and grab the dumbbell with two hands as shown in the picture and lift up.
2. Back, throughout the exercise keep straight, a little bend at the waist. Take a breath and perform the squat as much as possible. Ideally, your thighs are parallel to the floor or making a small angle due to the deeper squat.
3. Hold for 1-2 seconds at the bottom point, and then, making the exhale, return to starting position, not fully straightening the legs.
4. To perform this exercise should be around 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
1. As I said earlier, it is impossible to straighten my legs at the highest point, always keep them slightly bent. So the load on the knee will be minimal. Follow this rule in all the squats, presses feet, etc.
2. In any exercise, and "plie" is no exception, back to keep straight.
3. Stand firmly on the entire area of the foot, no heel, no socks, not off the floor. So you keep the balance and well-worked target muscle group.
4. If you want to increase the load, you can take two dumbbells.
5. So as an exercise, isolating and not very energy-intensive, rest between sets should last no more than a minute.
6. When doing squats your knees should not extend beyond the line of the foot, that is, not to go for the socks, otherwise it will create a breaking strain on the ligaments and knee joints. published
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Source: buildbody.org.ua/bez-rubriki/kak-pravilno-vypolnyat-prisedaniya-plie