How to bring the nervous system in an order — 6 simple tips
Take yourself and use these tips!
1. Learn to understand your emotions
The first step to reduce anxiety is the realization that when you start to worry. According to studies, people are much faster calm down, if you feel the onset of an attack of excitement, not give in to his influence and try to deal with it. The brain switches to rational thinking and the wave of retreat experiences.
2. Take a deep breath (better than one)
Slowly and deeply breathing in through the nose, you reduce the reaction of the organism to stress. Yes, this advice is not the most original, but it does not mean that it is not working. When you get nervous, your breathing and heart rate increase. If you start to breathe deeply, it will give the body the signal that you're relaxed, and he calms down. Such is the scientific magic!
3. Think about this
If you begin to feel that your thoughts fly away to the past or the future and this leads to a nervous condition, immediately try to return to the present. It is here and now you're all right.Your thoughts can create a sense of danger. Stabilizing them you're returning the nervous system to its normal condition.
4. Pay attention only on what you can control
In any situation, your brain craves control. Even an illusory sense of control reduces anxiety, anxiety and even pain. Therefore, to avoid the opposite reaction, you need to concentrate only on those points that you can control. In any case it is not necessary to simulate the worst possible options and so on.
5. Make the decisions even if you don't want to do
The decision of any, even the minor switches your brain in a rational environment. As a result, it ceases to be impulsive. In addition, after the decision do you lift your mood and self-esteem, which is also very important.
6. Stop at the "good"
Sometimes cause unnecessary worries become unrealistic or idealized expectations. No need to strive to be the best parent. Be just good. You don't have to send the child to study in the best UNIVERSITY. Let just learning. You don't have to look the best. Just be yourself! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/psy.person?w=wall-70841494_45234
1. Learn to understand your emotions
The first step to reduce anxiety is the realization that when you start to worry. According to studies, people are much faster calm down, if you feel the onset of an attack of excitement, not give in to his influence and try to deal with it. The brain switches to rational thinking and the wave of retreat experiences.
2. Take a deep breath (better than one)
Slowly and deeply breathing in through the nose, you reduce the reaction of the organism to stress. Yes, this advice is not the most original, but it does not mean that it is not working. When you get nervous, your breathing and heart rate increase. If you start to breathe deeply, it will give the body the signal that you're relaxed, and he calms down. Such is the scientific magic!
3. Think about this
If you begin to feel that your thoughts fly away to the past or the future and this leads to a nervous condition, immediately try to return to the present. It is here and now you're all right.Your thoughts can create a sense of danger. Stabilizing them you're returning the nervous system to its normal condition.
4. Pay attention only on what you can control
In any situation, your brain craves control. Even an illusory sense of control reduces anxiety, anxiety and even pain. Therefore, to avoid the opposite reaction, you need to concentrate only on those points that you can control. In any case it is not necessary to simulate the worst possible options and so on.
5. Make the decisions even if you don't want to do
The decision of any, even the minor switches your brain in a rational environment. As a result, it ceases to be impulsive. In addition, after the decision do you lift your mood and self-esteem, which is also very important.
6. Stop at the "good"
Sometimes cause unnecessary worries become unrealistic or idealized expectations. No need to strive to be the best parent. Be just good. You don't have to send the child to study in the best UNIVERSITY. Let just learning. You don't have to look the best. Just be yourself! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/psy.person?w=wall-70841494_45234
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