Get rid of dystonia
The essence of dystonia — is disruption of body functions: respiration, circulation, perspiration, and urination, as a result of insufficient performance of the vessels and an insufficient supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Occurs vascular dystonia on the basis of a nervous overstrain or after acute or chronic infectious inflammatory diseases, poisonings, vitamin deficiencies, nervous breakdowns.
There are three types of vascular dystonia:
1st, when the common signs of fatigue you do not have a feeling of lack of air, changes in the heartbeat.
2nd type – low blood pressure, weakness, headache, cold hands and feet, fainting.
3rd periodic jumps in blood pressure.
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The most important thing you can do for your health is to change your lifestyle:
1.Don't worry and don't be nervous, try to identify what points make you much worry and experience stress. Having established this, try to avoid them.
2.You change your diet: eat more foods containing potassium, magnesium (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, cereal, soy, beans, peas, apricots, rose hips, dried apricots, raisins, carrots, eggplants, onions, lettuce, parsley, nuts). Instead of animal fats contribute to a diet of unrefined vegetable oils – corn, sunflower, olive, flax.
3.Regularly give yourself is not hard, but feasible exercise at least 15-20 minutes a day, but daily. Sports recommend one sport to change others, for example – skiing, then Biking, then Jogging or walking.
4. Ditch unhealthy habits — Smoking, drinking, overeating, a big consumption of salt.
5. One of the most serious fallacies of modern humans what of the TV to relax. Yes you can, when is a lightweight, cultural transmission, and another thing contemporary repertoire. So, in any case, don't watch it before sleep, remove it from the bedroom as it not only acts on the psyche, but also pollutes the space elektromagnitnym radiation. The TV is an additional source of stress in their repertoire, with their noise, electromagnetic radiation.
6. If you feel alarming symptoms of dystonia, an urgent need to escape, to engage in their favorite hobby, take a walk in the Park, sometimes just to chat with his friend on the phone to a light theme, and the symptoms may disappear.
Treatment of dystonia must be integrated, you need to drink and grass, change the mindset, food and movement. Then the success of the recovery will be successful. For the treatment of these symptoms traditional healer use peppermint, cudweed, oregano, sage, hop cones, roots of peony, fennel seeds. All these herbs not only have a calming effect on the nervous system, but also nourish the body with vitamins, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Each of these plants are used in the form of dose of 1 tablespoon per Cup of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain. You need to drink instead of tea, with honey 1 glass of water two or three times a day. In dystonia with pain in the heart to the above herbs you need to add one of the herbs: Linden flowers, rose, peony, clover, thyme, clover. The infusion is prepared the same way, but of the two herbs, например1/2 tablespoons of mint and ½ teaspoons of red clover to a Cup of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes and drink the tea two to three times a day with honey. Sugar is not recommended, since it is not a medical product.
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In dystonia with low blood pressure are recommended tincture tonic plants Golden root, leuzea carthamoides, Chinese Magnolia vine, Eleutherococcus. You will take 30 drops 1-2 times a day, alternating tinctures.
To bring the cardiovascular system back to normal, it is useful to have in the collection part, which consists of: hawthorn, marjoram, lemon balm, hops, Valerian, rose hips.
Below I will describe in great detail the medicinal properties of the herbs used for the treatment of dystonia in order to know what each plant brings to the body, this treatment will be more successful, effective, psychologically - minded. And the second, expanding horizons of knowledge of medicinal plants. I want to warn that any treatment, whether medical or herbal treatment it is necessary to observe precisely the dosage of medication specified in the prescription, the mixing of pharmaceutical raw materials; to prepare the dosage form, accurately maintaining the technology of its preparation; properly store the prepared form; strictly observe the dosage when taking finished drugs; to examine the contra-all components in the collection, and to correlate them with the present diagnosis, as well as transferred earlier diseases. Only in this way will ensure the safety of the treatment and its success.
HAWTHORN the king of plants used in folk, and in medical medicine since ancient times. Drugs increase contraction of the cardiac muscle and at the same time reduce its excitability, stimulate blood circulation in the vessels of heart and brain, normalizes cardiac rhythm, slightly lower blood pressure, improve the General condition of cardiac patients. Calms the Central nervous system, helps with nervousness. Recently, there were reports that preparations of hawthorn to reduce cholesterol in blood, normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, is effective in atherosclerosis. The experience of traditional medicine from foreign countries suggests that it is successfully used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The effectiveness of hawthorn fruit due to their chemical composition: contain sugar, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, choline, tannins, organic acids, essential oils.
MARJORAM used in folk medicine since the time of Aristotle, Pliny the elder, Palladium. The plant contains essential oil up to 28 %, including thymol, carvacrol, geraniaceae free spirits. Used as medicine leafy tops of the grass with the flowers collected in the flowering beginning. It is established that the extracts of oregano have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has a calming effect, reduces fear and anxiety. Increase appetite, improve digestion and have an antibacterial effect, choleretic, diaphoretic, diuretic properties. Oregano infusions are used in folk medicine as a means of enhancing digestion, what happens in atony of the intestines, cramps in the stomach, with jaundice, liver inflammation, acute and chronic bronchitis. Pharmacological properties: improves the secretory activity of digestive glands, increases intestinal peristalsis, reduces the uterine musculature. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, sedative and analgesic effect, topically for skin rashes as therapeutic baths, for washing with headaches. Pregnant women drugs oregano is not recommended in connection with the possibility of abortion.
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MELISSA OFFICINALIS — bee potion in Greek. The raw materials used leaves. The leaves contain essential oil with strong lemon smell. The composition of this essential oil include vegetable acids, Especially rich in vitamin C. vitamin C of fresh leaves and young shoots. The healing properties of plants are determined by the presence of essential oil, which has a calming effect. Melissa stimulates the appetite, strengthens the digestive organs, acts as a mild laxative, stops cramps, nausea and vomiting, a beneficial effect on cardiac function, reduces and relieves pain, calms and strengthens the nervous system. Infusion of lemon balm leaves folk healers recommend in melancholy, anemia, heart disease, neuroses of the stomach, dizziness, essential oils relieves headaches. Melissa has sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Used in neurasthenia, the initial stages of hypertension, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis. The plant is used externally in the form of baths for loss of strength and in violation of the metabolism.
HOP known in use in Russia since the 10th century, it is valuable in traditional medicine due to the presence therein of lupulin, it is as a calming, sedative, stimulating appetite tool, enhances digestion, relieve, infusion of cones is recommended for diseases of the kidneys and liver, gastritis, dropsy, jaundice, neuralgia, insomnia. A decoction of hops or water infusion has several health trends: a calming, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, gentle laxative mild sedative. As external (bath, lotions, poultices, ointments) infusion of cones effective to strengthen the hair, while sciatica, ulcers, abscesses, various skin diseases. Welcome hops inside requires caution, as the lupulin toxic.
VALERIAN. All of us know it is a herbaceous plant with fragrant pink flowers. He has a spirit of cheerfulness. Translated from the Latin Valeo — which means "be healthy". Valerian is an ancient medicinal plant. About its valuable properties favorably act on the higher nervous activity was known by the ancient Greeks. Pliny, a Roman writer and scholar and lexicographer, considered Valerian to the media, arousing a thought. She has diverse effects on the body. Scientific studies have shown that it depresses the Central nervous system, reduces its excitability, reduces spasms of smooth muscle organs. All this is due to the chemical composition of plants, the rhizomes and roots, and use them for medicinal purposes, contain significant amounts of essential Valerian oil, Valerian. Acetic, malic, formic, stearic, Palmanova and other organic acids, alkaloids, tannins and volatile substances, but the main ingredient is Valerian essential oil has a sharp specific smell. Valerian is carminative, anthelmintic properties that promotes better digestion. The infusion of Valerian helps with shortness of breath, headaches, nervous excitation, hysteria, upheavals, convulsions, severe mental experiences, palpitations, insomnia, do kA a means of sustaining power. Valerian roots, powdered, popularly known as a tool in the treatment of typhus, pneumonia and scarlet fever, and migraines. Water napara children washed the eyes with inflammation of the mucous membranes. Valerian is very effective for thyroid disease, causing the patients experienced improved overall health, decreased anxiety, decreased painful heartbeat. Preparations of Valerian is recommended for people with asthma, epilepsy, neuroses of the heart, coronary insufficiency, spastic colitis, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the nerve. But, for the record, if someone is self-treatment with preparations of Valerian, long-term use it is not necessary, it is depressing effect on the nervous system and the digestive system.
ROSE HIPS – wild rose. Plant since ancient times was widespread and was introduced into cultivation in the Middle East, southern Europe, China, India, Central Asia, Iran. In our country, distributed several types of cinnamon rose, dog, green, Daur and etc. Chemical composition of fruits is characterized by the presence of sugar (about 18%), pectin and tannins, citric, malic and other organic acids, glycosides flavonovy. Especially it is necessary to talk about the content of vitamins. Briar – in the true sense of the word vitamin champion knows no equal among fruit and berry plants on the content of C and R. More vitamin C than rose hips, not a single plant. The contents of vitamin C per 100 grams of the product is 470 mg. Daily requirement of vitamin C for an adult is 55-110 milligrams. In the body, it is not synthesized and does not accumulate in proc. Therefore, the daily consumption is very important to maintain and preserve health, not to mention the medicinal effects. With it, smokers, under stress conditions the need for vitamin C increases. Lack of vitamin C results in decrease of mental and physical activity, occurrence of fatigue, sleep disturbance. Become fragile and brittle blood vessels, especially capillaries, increased sensitivity to infectious diseases. Even spots appearing on the face of the doctor explain the lack of vitamins, especially vitamin C.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in fruits more than black currants, three times, 50 times more than in lemon and 100 times more than in apples. In addition, contain vitamins A. B2, K and E. by the Way, to distinguish vysokovitaminnye plants from discovereing possible, without resorting to chemical analysis, — the sepals, Ostuma on the upper ends about the fruit until they Mature. Have vysokovitaminnym (green, brown), the sepals are erect, Nezavitin (rose hip) down, clinging to the walls of the fruit. As a multi-vitamin rosehips plant is widely used in the practice of medicine. It is used not only as fruit but also seeds, flowers, leaves, and even roots.
Rose is first and foremost an invaluable source of vitamins. Enough to take a day 1-3 of the fetus, to provide a daily dose of vitamin C for an adult. Drugs, infusions, teas rose hips have many valuable properties: it increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, weaken the development of arteriosclerosis have tonic, tonic action, the infusion of the fruit increases the secretion of bile weakens and stops the bleeding, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, frostbite, has a slight laxative effect.
A decoction of the seeds of the beautiful choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, a decoction of the roots is astringent, choleretic, antiseptic, full infusion of the leaves and flower — anti-microbial, analgesic, stomachic universal. Traditional medicine uses wild rose unsuccessfully in many diseases — respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal stone disease, beriberi, rheumatism, neurasthenia, tuberculosis. At the same time as internal use and outer — baths, bathing. In our team it is used to stabilize the condition of blood vessels, having a tonic effect in case of a breakdown.
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And still- there are certain contraindications, the patients who have increased blood clotting, before taking the infusion of the hips, necessary to consult a doctor.
You need to take 10 grams of each component, pour 0.5 liter of vodka, put in a dark place to infuse, stirring for 10 days. Drink at night 15-20 drops.
Infusion helps to normalize pressure, sleep, decrease of dizziness, noise in the ears.
Source: zdravclub.ru