Alexander Myasnikov almost all the advertised medicines useless

photo: www.kommersant.ru
How to strengthen the immune system? No way. Said Alexander Myasnikov, a former chief doctor of the Kremlin hospital, the head of the clinic, is now treated the political and business elite of Russia.
Dr butchers, is inbred in the 4th generation, wrote the book "How to live longer than 50 years", in which he expressed his opinion on some issues of Soviet medicine, shocking those who for decades believed in what he said doctors and media. Butchers sights on the most sacred – for the pills are all used to stuff myself on the advice of doctors, and in the past decade alone, due to the wide advertising companies.
Myasnikov claims that almost all the advertised medicines useless, and often harmful to people, calling this is a business and, using this human weakness – the desire to live long, be healthy, while doing nothing, just consuming drugs. Wide advertising company does not confirm the healing properties of drugs, but only shows the extent of the invested money, which must return a profit. And this profit dealers from the medicine will bring gullible people.
One of the shocking statements of Dr. Myasnikov was that to raise the immune system cannot. The immunity of a person or is, or not. If the immunodeficiency is congenital, such children often do not survive to adulthood and die from infections. If the acquired immunodeficiency is AIDS. All! Other diseases that affect the immune system, virtually no. Therefore, to improve nothing. And widely advertised immunomodulators just a waste of money. Even AIDS patients none of these drugs does not. According to European and American standards AIDS treatment is directed at combating the virus (or other pathogen).
In Russia now the fashion to check immunity. And almost all of it is close to zero. But the doctor immediately "console" checked, indicating that they can save immunomodulators, which must be pricking a few weeks. 20-30 thousand rubles (1000 dollars).
Myasnikov claims that in Western Europe and in the United States has clearly proven and accepted that these drugs are ineffective, and the majority of Russian doctors and continue to believe in the power of immunomodulators.
All the arguments that the epidemic someone gets sick (and, therefore, decreased immunity) the butchers rejected, explaining that this is not a decrease in immunity, a reduction in the effectiveness of protective reactions of the organism.
What says Dr. Miasnikov is also described in the article by Irakli Batiashvili. Learn more about Dr. Buziashvili can be read in my note Five purely Russian disease. There, in particular, mentioned that dystonia, cervical erosion, goiter, osteochondrosis and salt deposition, vitamin deficiency and immunodeficiency disease are diagnosed only in the countries of the former USSR.
The diagnosis of VSD is very comfortable and all covers – the palpitations, the cold, wet hands, dizzy, stomach ache, and much more – all dystonia! But this disease "dystonia" no! These symptoms can indicate different disorders and the approach should be different, not "VSD – self-will" or "have you got nerves". Which will certainly need the antidepressants. And the trade in these "essential" antidepressants flourishing. In this trade directly or indirectly tied many physicians, earn a huge profit, while in fact the treatment does not need! continues doctor butchers.
Source: aayurveda.ca/illness/immunity-how-to-boost/#more-5373