Getting rid of unnecessary things — 6 ways to simplify your life
I aspire to liberation. Rid of all the excess in my life.
Today you would call me trendy word "minimalist". Although only a few years ago it was different. My house was bursting at the seams with an endless amount of new clothes, cosmetics and perfumes, some interior stuff.
But life taught me a lot. My parents house burned down, I got divorced and spent a lot of time to travel, rented an apartment and provide for herself, abandoning the clothes and travel. In a rented apartment there was no wardrobe and cleaner, and I learned how to wash floors, that is, to do what I love with a deep childhood, I was placed in boxes on the floor. And nothing — was even comfortable.
Over the years I've seen destroyed careers of people close to me, and how they suffer. Pay attention to how power and money parents spent on maintaining the many extra, in my opinion, things and objects. And I concluded that we want to share with you.
1. Regularly to get rid of unnecessary and/or old things
Moving from apartment to apartment, I appreciated that the less I have unnecessary things, the easier it is to live. The main thing that travels with me, needed it at this stage and correct for my life style.
Life is unpredictable. And if to surrender fully and emotionally invested in things can be very hard if you suddenly have to part with them.
A dozen sentimental bears from the past, clothes that no longer fit or just don't like it, but it seems to be still not old — it is a pity to throw out, — all this takes a lot of space and pulls the energy. And we're not talking about esoteric — you have to make an effort, to iron, to vacuum, to give to the dry cleaners and do another set of manipulations is appropriate we things. Elementary, excesses in the wardrobe complicate the choice of clothes. While search through the whole Cabinet, and you can forget about a new blouse under a pile of old dresses.
Four million one hundred fifty two thousand seven hundred sixty one
Every season I review your entire wardrobe. Rid of what I don't like poor sitting that I never wore and can't imagine a situation when wearing. Make an exception only for very high quality and expensive things, jewelry. Who knows, maybe, years through ten years they will become a valuable rarity? Or finally once again will fit me?
With the rest do so: cheap clothes, or one that is not in very good condition, washed, straightening and taken to the charity shop or in the end, leave next to a dumpster in the city centre or in a residential area. Usually homeless people from taking it.
That's better — selling. I often use Avito. Just today I sold wool scarf with hat Guess. Hat were barbed for me, and generally not liked, so spent two seasons almost untouched. And sometimes, we come together with friends and throw parties with the fitting and exchange the clothes. An excellent opportunity to meet and spend fun time together. Cocktails are included!
If there is something that I have not yet decided to sell or give away, — lay it on the floor, and see has changed is my attitude to this stuff.
Why I decided to clean the closet every three months? Yes, because it's insanely tedious to sell everything and give when the Cabinet is not properly reviewed for a couple of years. Despite the fact that the last two years I periodically get from it all, now I'm here for the second week to bring order to your closet.
Unnecessary/outdated appliances and gadgets
Oh, those gifts and all that we receive "on duty" or from those who do not knows us. Then always still have extra coffee grinder, slow cooker, smart alarms and other seems to be needed, but not us stuff. They are waiting in the wings, or rather the moment when it is already morally obsolete and will be shipped, at best, to the country.
If the thing in the package and has never been used, I sell it or put a gift to someone who really needs it. Among my friends there are lovers of fresh coffee and those who need a keychain flashlight to your keys.
Sometimes it also happens that yourself will choose some super fashionable gadget, will you walk with him for a month and realize that everything has enough. So I had, for example, with smart "bracelet" Jawbone Up24. I chose it as a gift for a birthday and ordered friends in wish list. Thought of it I will help to Wake up with my biorhythms and eat only the right foods. In the end, after a month I got bored, and your biorhythms, I established myself.
Throw it in a box with unwanted items I did not and decided to sell. This, by the way, and began my acquaintance with Avito. Took off the price 4 times, and the buyer is immediately found. Yes, I wish to give a good thing at this price, but for myself, I decided that I'd rather let the money twice to go to the restaurant, than fill in a box of useless I thing.
And so in all. Now I can sell the extra juicers and food processors left over from family life, do not wait to regain family and I will squeeze the juice to their children and husband. Maybe my future husband lives in another country and every day juice for him to squeeze personal chef!
2. Choose things according to their expediency.
I used to buy their clothes and perfumes to set the mood. Hence, extra clothes, and a waste of money. But life, as they say, taught me a ruble. The rent is not cheap. And I slowly began to save. And most importantly, returned the joy that arises when long looking for something and find it.
Tell you the example of spirits. I used to have about ten different, and I enjoyed them depending on the mood. Therefore, they have not ended, and I really bothered me for several years. Throw a pity, and not want.
Now it's different. I have some daytime perfume, one evening and one for seduction. Something like that. And spirits, I now choose a few months. Shop, sniff — my or not. And only take the ones that made me memorize their scent.
Eight million one hundred thirty three thousand seven hundred forty five
And it's nice to buy something not just so, and make it a mini holiday! For example, I think I'll dedicate Saturday to myself. Wake up in the morning, delicious Breakfast, go shopping, buy a dress, then have lunch in a new place, and at the end of the day — a movie or a Spa. It's a ritual that gives much more fun than bought in haste and in a fit of boredom blouse, or mascara.
If you just feel sad and want to cheer yourself up — it is better to go for a massage or to the theatre. To spend money in delirium — not the best story.
It's about the clothes, but what about large purchases? Household appliances, cars and other things? Again, the principle of expediency. Why buy a TV in every room, if I watch it in the living room alone, and then only on holidays? Or what's the point in a food processor, if it has nowhere to put it. It will be stored in the closet or under the bed, and, accordingly, not be used.
3. Store family heirlooms and his own trophies you need, but not all.
Over the years of living in one place usually accumulates many memorable things, which over time can absorb the whole apartment, if not regularly to carry out their cleaning. For myself, I choose only what is ready to waste your space, everything else is parked to the destination. Old photos I store on removable hard drives, give drives, keeping only the most memorable.
It is always very difficult to part with things loved ones after their death. But we can all take with and carry the rest of my life. I would not want to get rid of the military uniform of his grandfather with medals and titles or some of my grandmother's jewelry and photos. But, for example, some of the books I would give to those who really need: friends at a little café in children's homes. Memories will not be less, but space I will have more.
Seventy eight million eight hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred forty three
Or another example, I have a memory box where I had put the old concert tickets, letters and other pleasant things. Although it takes a lot of space, so far I did not dare to throw it and bravely took her a at all crossings. But now I'm mentally Mature enough to to part with it if required life. After all, all the memories in our head!
4. Plan living space consciously.
In the living space, everything should be conveniently at hand. For example, I love to cook and all laid out in correct order for me. For me it is important that it was close, but wasn't in the pantry or closet. When I had a big kitchen, I could afford to put all kitchen appliances on various desks and kitchen Islands and enjoy it regularly. As soon as I was just putting something in a drawer, I forget about it. So blender could have lasted for months. Driving in a rented apartment with a small kitchen I took only the basics — a couple of pans, pots and other small utensils. I was no longer to of steamers and food processors.
The same applies to extra shelves, boxes and small items. In kitchen design and apartment (weird, but I've done it many times) I try to minimize extra space and items, which are then not clear how and with what frequency will be used. All that bears no real functionality, only prevents and is cluttering up your apartment.
Makeup I put so that in the morning at hand was just my regular set and not a cosmetic. The shadows and lipsticks, Foundation creams, which are less — are alone. So I save much time, because I don't need to look for.
Eight million one hundred fifty nine thousand nine hundred thirty six
Besides, I have a few drawers and compartments that contain the content for the most frequently used items out on the street. For example, in autumn there is the umbrella, keys, papers, gloves, a couple of packages, purse or credit card. And summer, sunglasses, Bandaids, wipes.
Such functional sets I have in those areas where find them with a quick access at the right time. And again, I regularly get rid of everything I don't need not working. I mean not working for me and my current life situation.
5. Do not buy extra products if you have no time to cook them.
My heart bleeds when I see my parents doing excessive harvesting of jams, sauces, mushrooms and cucumbers! Year after year the situation has not changed, and is eaten only half of what has been so carefully and with soul made.
I always try to use the principle of expediency. For example, I'm a fan of fresh berries, so in late summer I can dedicate time to collect them or buy and process for storage in the freezer. But I really do not understand those who do it "by inertia" — it is not necessary to be a "simpleton", which is ruined by greed. So life is only complicated because we are losing precious minutes that could be spent on something really important.
Two million five hundred forty eight thousand twenty seven
I'm not a fan of jam and canned vegetables and fruits, so do not try to make such workpiece. Being married made several jars, just enough to have enough for the winter. Don't like it when products are discarded. The same applies to shopping. Prefer a few times a week to get perishable products such as milk, meat or fish, than to buy several weeks ahead, and store it all in the freezer.
Again, all products that have undergone heat treatment, whether cold or warm, not carry much benefit, how much fresh. For myself, I decided to buy seasonal vegetables and use it work for beans.
There is always a solution, if you really want to find him.
6. Periodically assess whether you really need all those expensive things that we use.
Now we will focus on apartments, cars, villas, yachts... the Car is good, but how much time and money it takes to maintain. Quite comparable to the cost of daily taxi journeys. And still there are traffic jams, the time for warming up the engine (especially in winter), the problems with Parking, etc. Yes, even the machine makes us walk less. So a hundred times less to go. And to be in shape, you must then go to the gym, and you could just walk every day kilometers five to ten. And it's real.
I'll tell you by example. As soon as I got the car, I almost always start to drive it. With the change of jobs and housing in the past year I just out it did not get out. And what is the result? 've gained a few extra pounds, despite the sport. And then I decided to reconsider its attitude to the car, to assess whether I need it every day. Abandoning the usual pattern that the machine is the comfort, I re-discovered walking, bus, metro and even train. And was satisfied. Now I often do this: in the morning drive to work by car, and in the evening going home without her. Go to a couple of metro stations early from home to walk and do some shopping. So, I walk more, and have time to make parallel of your business.
Eleven million three hundred fifty six thousand four hundred ninety five
Apartments, villas and other real estate. I truly believe that these things must work for the owner. Or live there on a regular basis, or they have to make money. My choice is simple. I don't want to spend time on maintaining the houses, which are not going to live, buying furniture, cleaning, insurance and so on. Indeed, in this hole funneling power and energy, why should it be given to what is practically not in use. Guided by the principle of expediency, if possible, something I'll take, something to sell, and where the heart is, I'll live.published
Author: Valeria Romanovskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: interesno.co/myself/6ecc2e2b88b2
Today you would call me trendy word "minimalist". Although only a few years ago it was different. My house was bursting at the seams with an endless amount of new clothes, cosmetics and perfumes, some interior stuff.
But life taught me a lot. My parents house burned down, I got divorced and spent a lot of time to travel, rented an apartment and provide for herself, abandoning the clothes and travel. In a rented apartment there was no wardrobe and cleaner, and I learned how to wash floors, that is, to do what I love with a deep childhood, I was placed in boxes on the floor. And nothing — was even comfortable.
Over the years I've seen destroyed careers of people close to me, and how they suffer. Pay attention to how power and money parents spent on maintaining the many extra, in my opinion, things and objects. And I concluded that we want to share with you.
1. Regularly to get rid of unnecessary and/or old things
Moving from apartment to apartment, I appreciated that the less I have unnecessary things, the easier it is to live. The main thing that travels with me, needed it at this stage and correct for my life style.
Life is unpredictable. And if to surrender fully and emotionally invested in things can be very hard if you suddenly have to part with them.
A dozen sentimental bears from the past, clothes that no longer fit or just don't like it, but it seems to be still not old — it is a pity to throw out, — all this takes a lot of space and pulls the energy. And we're not talking about esoteric — you have to make an effort, to iron, to vacuum, to give to the dry cleaners and do another set of manipulations is appropriate we things. Elementary, excesses in the wardrobe complicate the choice of clothes. While search through the whole Cabinet, and you can forget about a new blouse under a pile of old dresses.
Four million one hundred fifty two thousand seven hundred sixty one
Every season I review your entire wardrobe. Rid of what I don't like poor sitting that I never wore and can't imagine a situation when wearing. Make an exception only for very high quality and expensive things, jewelry. Who knows, maybe, years through ten years they will become a valuable rarity? Or finally once again will fit me?
With the rest do so: cheap clothes, or one that is not in very good condition, washed, straightening and taken to the charity shop or in the end, leave next to a dumpster in the city centre or in a residential area. Usually homeless people from taking it.
That's better — selling. I often use Avito. Just today I sold wool scarf with hat Guess. Hat were barbed for me, and generally not liked, so spent two seasons almost untouched. And sometimes, we come together with friends and throw parties with the fitting and exchange the clothes. An excellent opportunity to meet and spend fun time together. Cocktails are included!
If there is something that I have not yet decided to sell or give away, — lay it on the floor, and see has changed is my attitude to this stuff.
Why I decided to clean the closet every three months? Yes, because it's insanely tedious to sell everything and give when the Cabinet is not properly reviewed for a couple of years. Despite the fact that the last two years I periodically get from it all, now I'm here for the second week to bring order to your closet.
Unnecessary/outdated appliances and gadgets
Oh, those gifts and all that we receive "on duty" or from those who do not knows us. Then always still have extra coffee grinder, slow cooker, smart alarms and other seems to be needed, but not us stuff. They are waiting in the wings, or rather the moment when it is already morally obsolete and will be shipped, at best, to the country.
If the thing in the package and has never been used, I sell it or put a gift to someone who really needs it. Among my friends there are lovers of fresh coffee and those who need a keychain flashlight to your keys.
Sometimes it also happens that yourself will choose some super fashionable gadget, will you walk with him for a month and realize that everything has enough. So I had, for example, with smart "bracelet" Jawbone Up24. I chose it as a gift for a birthday and ordered friends in wish list. Thought of it I will help to Wake up with my biorhythms and eat only the right foods. In the end, after a month I got bored, and your biorhythms, I established myself.
Throw it in a box with unwanted items I did not and decided to sell. This, by the way, and began my acquaintance with Avito. Took off the price 4 times, and the buyer is immediately found. Yes, I wish to give a good thing at this price, but for myself, I decided that I'd rather let the money twice to go to the restaurant, than fill in a box of useless I thing.
And so in all. Now I can sell the extra juicers and food processors left over from family life, do not wait to regain family and I will squeeze the juice to their children and husband. Maybe my future husband lives in another country and every day juice for him to squeeze personal chef!
2. Choose things according to their expediency.
I used to buy their clothes and perfumes to set the mood. Hence, extra clothes, and a waste of money. But life, as they say, taught me a ruble. The rent is not cheap. And I slowly began to save. And most importantly, returned the joy that arises when long looking for something and find it.
Tell you the example of spirits. I used to have about ten different, and I enjoyed them depending on the mood. Therefore, they have not ended, and I really bothered me for several years. Throw a pity, and not want.
Now it's different. I have some daytime perfume, one evening and one for seduction. Something like that. And spirits, I now choose a few months. Shop, sniff — my or not. And only take the ones that made me memorize their scent.
Eight million one hundred thirty three thousand seven hundred forty five
And it's nice to buy something not just so, and make it a mini holiday! For example, I think I'll dedicate Saturday to myself. Wake up in the morning, delicious Breakfast, go shopping, buy a dress, then have lunch in a new place, and at the end of the day — a movie or a Spa. It's a ritual that gives much more fun than bought in haste and in a fit of boredom blouse, or mascara.
If you just feel sad and want to cheer yourself up — it is better to go for a massage or to the theatre. To spend money in delirium — not the best story.
It's about the clothes, but what about large purchases? Household appliances, cars and other things? Again, the principle of expediency. Why buy a TV in every room, if I watch it in the living room alone, and then only on holidays? Or what's the point in a food processor, if it has nowhere to put it. It will be stored in the closet or under the bed, and, accordingly, not be used.
3. Store family heirlooms and his own trophies you need, but not all.
Over the years of living in one place usually accumulates many memorable things, which over time can absorb the whole apartment, if not regularly to carry out their cleaning. For myself, I choose only what is ready to waste your space, everything else is parked to the destination. Old photos I store on removable hard drives, give drives, keeping only the most memorable.
It is always very difficult to part with things loved ones after their death. But we can all take with and carry the rest of my life. I would not want to get rid of the military uniform of his grandfather with medals and titles or some of my grandmother's jewelry and photos. But, for example, some of the books I would give to those who really need: friends at a little café in children's homes. Memories will not be less, but space I will have more.
Seventy eight million eight hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred forty three
Or another example, I have a memory box where I had put the old concert tickets, letters and other pleasant things. Although it takes a lot of space, so far I did not dare to throw it and bravely took her a at all crossings. But now I'm mentally Mature enough to to part with it if required life. After all, all the memories in our head!
4. Plan living space consciously.
In the living space, everything should be conveniently at hand. For example, I love to cook and all laid out in correct order for me. For me it is important that it was close, but wasn't in the pantry or closet. When I had a big kitchen, I could afford to put all kitchen appliances on various desks and kitchen Islands and enjoy it regularly. As soon as I was just putting something in a drawer, I forget about it. So blender could have lasted for months. Driving in a rented apartment with a small kitchen I took only the basics — a couple of pans, pots and other small utensils. I was no longer to of steamers and food processors.
The same applies to extra shelves, boxes and small items. In kitchen design and apartment (weird, but I've done it many times) I try to minimize extra space and items, which are then not clear how and with what frequency will be used. All that bears no real functionality, only prevents and is cluttering up your apartment.
Makeup I put so that in the morning at hand was just my regular set and not a cosmetic. The shadows and lipsticks, Foundation creams, which are less — are alone. So I save much time, because I don't need to look for.
Eight million one hundred fifty nine thousand nine hundred thirty six
Besides, I have a few drawers and compartments that contain the content for the most frequently used items out on the street. For example, in autumn there is the umbrella, keys, papers, gloves, a couple of packages, purse or credit card. And summer, sunglasses, Bandaids, wipes.
Such functional sets I have in those areas where find them with a quick access at the right time. And again, I regularly get rid of everything I don't need not working. I mean not working for me and my current life situation.
5. Do not buy extra products if you have no time to cook them.
My heart bleeds when I see my parents doing excessive harvesting of jams, sauces, mushrooms and cucumbers! Year after year the situation has not changed, and is eaten only half of what has been so carefully and with soul made.
I always try to use the principle of expediency. For example, I'm a fan of fresh berries, so in late summer I can dedicate time to collect them or buy and process for storage in the freezer. But I really do not understand those who do it "by inertia" — it is not necessary to be a "simpleton", which is ruined by greed. So life is only complicated because we are losing precious minutes that could be spent on something really important.
Two million five hundred forty eight thousand twenty seven
I'm not a fan of jam and canned vegetables and fruits, so do not try to make such workpiece. Being married made several jars, just enough to have enough for the winter. Don't like it when products are discarded. The same applies to shopping. Prefer a few times a week to get perishable products such as milk, meat or fish, than to buy several weeks ahead, and store it all in the freezer.
Again, all products that have undergone heat treatment, whether cold or warm, not carry much benefit, how much fresh. For myself, I decided to buy seasonal vegetables and use it work for beans.
There is always a solution, if you really want to find him.
6. Periodically assess whether you really need all those expensive things that we use.
Now we will focus on apartments, cars, villas, yachts... the Car is good, but how much time and money it takes to maintain. Quite comparable to the cost of daily taxi journeys. And still there are traffic jams, the time for warming up the engine (especially in winter), the problems with Parking, etc. Yes, even the machine makes us walk less. So a hundred times less to go. And to be in shape, you must then go to the gym, and you could just walk every day kilometers five to ten. And it's real.
I'll tell you by example. As soon as I got the car, I almost always start to drive it. With the change of jobs and housing in the past year I just out it did not get out. And what is the result? 've gained a few extra pounds, despite the sport. And then I decided to reconsider its attitude to the car, to assess whether I need it every day. Abandoning the usual pattern that the machine is the comfort, I re-discovered walking, bus, metro and even train. And was satisfied. Now I often do this: in the morning drive to work by car, and in the evening going home without her. Go to a couple of metro stations early from home to walk and do some shopping. So, I walk more, and have time to make parallel of your business.
Eleven million three hundred fifty six thousand four hundred ninety five
Apartments, villas and other real estate. I truly believe that these things must work for the owner. Or live there on a regular basis, or they have to make money. My choice is simple. I don't want to spend time on maintaining the houses, which are not going to live, buying furniture, cleaning, insurance and so on. Indeed, in this hole funneling power and energy, why should it be given to what is practically not in use. Guided by the principle of expediency, if possible, something I'll take, something to sell, and where the heart is, I'll live.published
Author: Valeria Romanovskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: interesno.co/myself/6ecc2e2b88b2
If You don't know what to do with your life, read this
As the decision to leave a prestigious job and founded a startup messed my life