Why You Should Keep Your Home Clean

A mess visits each of us' apartment from time to time. Sometimes this phenomenon is temporary, but it also happens that he stays in the apartment on a permanent basis. First you call it a creative mess, and then you call it a junkyard. Unnecessary old things, which are just a pity to throw away, turn into a mountain of junk. He's stealing not only your apartment, but your life.

This is exactly what happened to Fumio Sasaki. He used to have a lot of junk in his apartment. His life was filled with unnecessary things and activities. He could not find time and energy for himself, for his hobby and even for his life. But everything changed dramatically when Fumio's life became minimalist.

The story was inspired by photographer Thomas Peter, who, with the help of the photo project Less is Less, showed Sasaki’s life before and after the break, as well as illustrated other stunning examples of minimalism in the daily life of Japanese people. These pictures are just fascinating!

Now in the apartment Fumiko does not count and 200 items, although before his apartment was littered with things. The books he didn't even read were multiplying on the shelves. A collection of CDs and DVDs occupied almost all the free space. The wardrobes were filled with seemingly favorite things, although he wore them no more than once a year. The bike, the guitar, the amplifiers are Sasaki's hobbies that just dusted in the corner.

Sasaki recalls, I kept thinking about what I didn’t have. I was always missing something.” Every night he sat in front of the TV, drank beer, and then went to bed. In the morning he barely woke up and went to work, hating everyone and everything. Money was constantly lacking, because of this he even broke up with a girl.

Life slowly went downhill. It was then that he came across an article about minimalism and people who lead such a lifestyle. He realized that the mess around him was annoying, but there were too many things to do, so it was hard to find the strength to clean up. Then he decided to get rid of everything.

It took him a year to do that. Fumio gave away some of his belongings to friends, and handed over the rest to commission shops. Memorable letters or photos the man scanned to save digitally. Now its living space extends only 20 square meters. It just looks a lot more spacious. And he spends no more than two minutes cleaning.

Below will be a video in which the man shows off all the things he has and gives a small tour of the house. There you can see that in the closet of Sasaki there are 3 shirts, 4 pairs of socks, 2 jackets and a couple of other necessary things. In the bathroom locker, he has only a razor, scissors and a jar of soap for all occasions.

And it's not about the money. A man earns well, just prefers to spend money not on junk, but on travel, quality food, meetings with friends and self-development. He doesn’t need many things anymore, they don’t take money or time away from him. What is it? mess He's long forgotten.

Along with the apartment, Sasaki himself was transformed. He changed his mindset and his life became very different. He says: "Spending less time cleaning or buying things has given me time to do things I really enjoy." I began to move more, go out and travel.”” Sasaki believes that due to the large number of things we forget that we can and should leave the house.

In this video, you can see Fumio Sasaki’s apartment before and after his fascination with minimalism.


In general, all traditional Japanese culture strives for simplicity: Zen Buddhism, black and white calligraphy, sumie, haiku. This way of life involves the rejection of thoughtless consumption and the possession of only the most necessary things. More and more Japanese are becoming minimalists. And the newsroom. "Site" She shares the most amazing examples with you. Japanese minimalism in the interior.

  1. Small white lamp instead of massive chandeliers

  2. And the no-frills bathroom

  3. Look at your drawer in the kitchen, and now here's .

  4. The wardrobe looks like

  5. And the bed is easily replaced by a comfortable futon or tatami, which in the morning easily fold into a closet

  6. Minimalism Not Just for Singles

  7. Only the most necessary

  8. And nothing extra

As you can see, for happiness it is absolutely not necessary to buy expensive things and clutter the whole house with them. The junk is stealing your life energy. As long as there is a mess in your apartment, it will be present in your thoughts and in life in general. Just try to do some cleaning.

You don’t have to get rid of everything like Sasaki did, just try to throw everything out. And not only from the apartment, but also from life and head. Start small and you will see how your life will change for the better. Do you like minimalism? What do you think of this lifestyle?


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