
Before you - the translation of the article Mark Manson, the author of the popular own blog blockquote>
That's all I have: MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone, seven shirts, two pairs of jeans, two jackets, coats, one sweater, two pairs of shoes, suitcase, backpack, shorts for gym, toilet accessories, socks and underwear. Everything I own, can be half an hour to pack a small suitcase and carry much ugodno.a this despite the fact that I also own Internet business, bringing good pribyl.V "Fight Club," Tyler Durden made a bold statement: "What you own, finally over you»
What I will try to convince you of is that you probably need is not so much the things you think, and that getting rid of them can be a wonderful release and make you schastlivee.V 2007, the year I was aground after graduation. To somehow cope with it, I sold most of his property, and temporarily moved to the couch to his priyatelyu.Eto was a difficult time. But in spite of my desire to sell everything in general, I still moved to the other with two huge boxes of all kinds of rubbish, with a suitcase full of clothes, a desktop computer, with a chair, with a table, a cupboard, TV and other things. The six months I lived on the couch, 75% of all these things and lay in boxes netronutymi.![]()
Next year, I continued to fight for their online business, but there was no money. I had nowhere to go, and I went to live with his mother, simultaneously refusing to most things. Now remember this is ridiculous, but at the time I really felt like a failure because I always had to sell their belongings in order to keep the business on plavu.Shest months later I moved to Buenos Aires. I took a large suitcase, and before leaving for a long time thought to bring along to everything in the suitcase was "necessary" for the six-month stay abroad. Needless to say, I did not use, and half the things I brought with me to Argentina. < Ever since I got rid literally from anything that I do not use regularly. Most of the time I live "out of a suitcase." Most of my things - expensive, but they were not purchased for fun, not for a demonstration of status and not on a whim but simply because polezny.Edinstvennym exception to this rule is my guitar, I left my mother, because I do not want to travel together with ney.1. Private investment and pain from poter![]()
«Private investments" - is something that is ridiculed in "Fight Club", that there is a need to have a lot of good things, that is especially characteristic of American culture. Americans are extremely materialistic, and often do not even realize it. A friend of mine recently told me that when he was a young specialist, he spent an incredible amount of time, furnished their apartment, make it an ideal place to live. He bought the right furniture that accentuate the identity of the owner, to buy more and more new elements dekora.Ironiya here that he spent a lot of time and effort to make the most attractive apartment to other people, instead of often go outside to meet these people and invite them to his apartment. He described this period as the most depressing period of my zhizni.Eta kind of personal investment in property - the result of advertising. And advertising works fine. People become attached to the companies that produce their cars and trucks to computers to clothes, and so on. D.Oni spend months saving money on these things, spend a lot of energy trying to choose the thing that "represents" their best, as they have already begun to identify themselves as "the guy on the Ford", "fan of Apple» and so on. d. It becomes part of your identity, and you can not imagine my life without it. In the meantime, investment in your identity, in different external attributes (sex, in what people think of you, in the things you own) - this is not too good, and it lowers samootsenku.Vtoroy factor - the loss - it is a sad prose of life. Psychologists say that the pain of losing something much more than the pleasure of owning something libo.Eto rule applies to all: for the relationship to the property, for a competition. And it is firmly embedded in us. In each of nas.Vozmozhnaya pain of loss motivates us to spend more time and energy to retain what we already have, and the costs are much greater than the pleasure of owning these veschami.Eto currently proklyatie.Odnako from attachment to things there certain benefits. Research luck allow us to make a couple of conclusions: 1) that we are much happier in anticipation of getting things than from the immediate possession of it, and 2) would be better We put energy into our relationship, and not what we own. Get rid of unnecessary things and improve the quality of life in the following ways: Spend more time and money to communicate with people; Invest as much as possible of his personality in his own behavior in relation to others, and as little as possible - into the surrounding things; Get rid of the fear of possible losses and from trying at all costs to keep that already have; Save money (it always helps to ease stress); I'm sure one day I will have property, I will have to furnish a small apartment or a house, or something like that. But when I get back to the permanent ownership of the property, I'm sure I will not project onto him their identity as do most lyudey.2. And from what you can get rid of today?![]()
Now the fun begins. Let's talk about any useless stuff that you have, and from which you can get rid of today. I am going to start with the simplest things, and gradually move on to the most slozhnym.90% of what have in your closet, garage or attic. This is the easiest part of our "general cleaning". It's all sorts of old golf clubs that you never use, rusty tools, boring board games, bicycle pump from which you no longer have old toys and the like. These are things that you would have thrown out a long time ago, if I had not told me: "Never do not know, suddenly come in handy." Or you do not throw away because they are expensive to you as a memory. But listen, if you have not used them in the last three months, and if you are not going to use them in the next three months, then throw them away. < CD. is now the year 2014. Go with the times and keep all your music on your computer. A few years ago I sold my entire collection of 400 CDs for $ 500, which is then paid for a plane ticket to Panama. It's simple. < Video Games. About half of my readers gasped when she read it. Yes, video games are fun, they sometimes help to "let off steam". But the majority of men, especially young men, are playing too much. They not only spend a lot of time and money, they destroy their social life. Ask yourself, what would your life be different if you are half the time spent on video games, spent reading books, or to communicate with other people? So it's time to get rid of the beloved game console and remove the hard drive Diablo 3. And start to live. < Television. Well, yes, there is a good TV show. However, you can always watch them for free on your computer. Forget the TV. It just helps you to get involved in any meaningless nonsense, and nothing more. Do you like sports? Go watch your favorite game in a sports bar. Watch sport with other people is ten times better, even if these people are totally unfamiliar to you. < Books. I - "bookworm", and like a good paper like no other. But buy a Kindle or IPad, and upload to your books. To me it was not easy to do, and I resisted it as he could. Nevertheless, I'm glad I did it. < Clothing. All you need: 3-4 shirts, 3-4 T-shirts, two pairs of jeans, a nice pair of pants, shorts, sneakers, shoes, coats, jackets, sweaters, socks and underwear. Most likely, you have a lot more listed above. And most likely, you are constantly wearing not much more than the above. Most people put 75% of things in their closet, about once a month. So why not simplify everything and not get rid of them? < Furniture. And now seriously: the great chair in which you never sit, that dining room furniture to which you touch once a year, the additional table in the cabinet, bookshelf, which used to be a book that you've sold. When you get rid of all unnecessary furniture, you will probably find that your house or apartment is two times more than it seemed before. For some of you do it will be very difficult, but if you handle it, you can use the earned money to go to a better place. Remember that happiness brings the experience, rather than things. < machine. If you live in a city with normal public transport, it is likely that you do not need a car. I do not have the machine for nine years, and I think that it is unlikely to ever appear. My friends think I'm crazy, but they have never lived in a city with quality public transportom.Esli you a few things, then you may well live in the best place in town, and then use the bus or the subway to get where you necessary. This is not only cheaper, easier and more enjoyable. More then remains far less harmful vyhlopov.Edinstvennaya situation in which I might want to drive a car again, this is where I will have four young children, and I will have to wander here and there, or took them to practice football or classes ballroom dancing.