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Slap on procrastination and other strange ways to get yourself to work

Strange, but, mind you, rather effektivnye

traditional "textbooks success" advised to increase the motivation, do not leave the most difficult to then constantly keep track of time. But during the day is often something goes wrong, the advice of the books do not work, and in the end it turns out that really does help in the affairs of other things. T & P drew up a list of unusual life hacking for those who want to work longer and still be alive chelovekom.Opleuhi against prokrastinatsii

The journalist, entrepreneur and founder of the online platform Hack the System Manish Network hired a special employee in order to limit the scope of its presence in the social networks during working hours. "Chosen" Manisha called Kara, and its main task was to weigh him a friendly slap in the face every time he opened a Facebook page rather than deal with the case. Kara also monitored the implementation of the tasks on the list, which earlier in the day gave her web, and communicate with them in the process. At the same time she herself could simultaneously engage in their own projects. For your attention to the monitor, Manisha, shouts, slaps and slaps Cara received $ 8 chas.

The results of this experiment were striking. According to the analysis of productivity, made using the application RescueTime, the amount of productive time has increased from negligible 35-40% per day up to 98%. This Manish says that the main "engine" was not the fear of yet another slap in the face, but that work was fun. "We added in the process of creating the text element of communication - the businessman said. - When I was the first version of the text of the next, I asked the opinion of Kara. When he could not come up with the correct wording, it was nearby and could help me. She turned a routine in the game ".Konechno not have to use heavy artillery such as slapping, even comic. The most important strategy Manisha Network - is creating an atmosphere of friendly attention when a person gently return to the case without any threats and condemnation. The form in which this happens, you can choose any. And it is better, of course, hire an unfamiliar partner, the ratio of the process was purely delovym.Samoorganizatsiya for those who work with tekstom

Writer, blogger and columnist for the online edition of The Daily Beast Jamie Todd Rubin working full time and raising two children. To increase the productivity of their professional, he made it a rule to write every day for at least 20 minutes. "I found out that 20 minutes - 500 words - says Jamie - and learned to work, ignoring the fact that children are noisy, or the fact that the room is a TV». < Rubin advises move time when you need to engage in writing, depending on the agenda, but do not install it always at a certain hour, then to a change of plans, you have broken the schedule and spoil the mood.

"If I finish with the text early, then I do not worry about it - says columnist. - If you planned a busy day or even all starts to go according to plan, I just say to myself: "You will have only 10 minutes." I do so because in almost any situation can count on that amount of time. Not too much, but at full power I am able to write some pages (250 words) in 10 minutes. One page - one page is greater than it was yesterday ». Blockquote> In addition, Jamie adheres to the strategy of multitasking. Usually he is working on two works of art, and two or three materials in the genre of fiction. "I learned this trick after reading the autobiography of Isaac Asimov (an American science fiction writer, was born in the Russian Federation. - Comm. T & P), - says Rubin. - The value of the active multitasking is that it allows you to switch to maximize the utility of the 10-minute window. If I sit down to write, and I understand he's not in the mood for a story, I switch to the article, and vice versa ".a what to do with fatigue? It seems all know the state when nothing wants to do, and, as a rule, in such circumstances, the only solution seems to be to postpone the work until tomorrow. But Jamie Rubin is confident that it is possible to do. "We all know this trick: put a few large bills in a secret pocket wallet on the safe side. I do the same with the stories and novels. I do not work on the script, but almost always know how to end the story. Usually, in my mind, there is one scene - usually the culmination - I want to write particularly strong. When my mind is doing badly, and nothing happens to come up, I just get this "scene on the safe side" and work with her ".Muzyka and noise as a way sosredotochitsya

The music we listen to at work, able to elevate our productivity up to heaven, or, conversely, to relax at the wrong time. It all depends on what is included. The creators of the portal Focus @ Will, who specializes in the study of the connection between music and productivity, they say that in working hours is better to not listen to what you usually hear.
< If you like jazz, do not include it at work. If the music is truly a pleasure, it means that it also stimulates the release of dopamine in your brain, -that is, in fact, it distracts you. Unfamiliar music, on the other hand, maximizes the focus of attention. According to research by Focus @ Will, it can prolong the time of concentration to 100 minut.Gruppe researchers from the University of Illinois found out that listening to music for any work in the average concentration increases by 6, 3%. Researchers are advised to listen to Baroque music, classic cover versions of pop songs, ambient, chillout, or just noise. And if the first few paragraphs everything is clear, the latter poses a reasonable question - where to get the right sounds? On the Internet there are several sites with the "noise to work." For those who like to work in the cafe, suitable Rainy Cafe Machine. Here you can choose what you want to hear: the sound of rain and thunder, the noise of cafes, where visitors have, or all together. Volume and sound can be adjusted ratio. On page Coffitivity sounds no rain, but you can choose a "cafe" you want to listen to. There are simple options: Morning Murmur, Lunchtime Lounge and University Undertones, and regional, to listen to them you need to have an account: Paris Paradise, Brazil Bistro and Texas Teahouse. A website Simply Noise can be found just noise, "white", "pink" or "red", which resembles the sound of a broken televizora.Ne drown their chuvstva

The creators of the platform Buffer to improve productivity are advised to change their attitude towards work and effort. First of all, they offer to get rid of the neurotic desire to be "motivated" and "feel at a height" and look into the eyes of his real feelings. The volume of work, complexity of the problem, boredom, or lack of confidence, which inspires a particular case, there are frightening. Ultimately, if we are so desperately trying to motivate yourself before every jump in the pool or an attempt to invite someone on a date, we'd still be on what not dare. Better not to expend energy on trying to drown out the feelings, say to yourself, for example, "Yes, that's longing!" And accomplish the task all ravno.Buffer offers not immediately grasp of the most difficult and responsible work, and perform a couple of tasks easier to warm up. The trick here - in switching attention. So the importance of simple things naturally increases, and complicated on the background ceases to inspire uzhas.Esche one recommendation - to work less and manage your energy, not time. This will do the job when it does best, and do not waste time in the moments when the forces there. In addition, Buffer advises to unlearn all the time to say "yes." Refusing to give up, and much more difficult than to accept, but to do so it will be easier if, instead of "I can not" and "I can not" say "I do not check my email in the morning" and "I go to bed no later than eleven».

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