Thanks stops heavy karma

Sculpture in the New Orleans Museum of Art Scuplture Garden entitled «Karma»
We - the students of this world
We can be in the heart of paradise, from the comfort of your own apartment, but if our desires present envy, greed, pride, and lust - the world can easily become our individual hell
. The world reacts to our desires as a person, he is waiting for us to friendship, unselfishness and love. We are creating an atmosphere around them, so the wise man always begins with a change of their own nature, realizing that the problem is in our very heart, not in the environment, not the neighbors, not colleagues, not spouses.
Why is this happening?
Because this world is built on the principle of learning. We - the students of this world, which must develop the qualities of the student. All around - this is our teacher. They specially sent by fate to teach us life lessons that should teach us to distinguish good from bad.
This student is able to learn from all, what brings his fate. He can learn even the stone. Stone is in the 50-degree heat for several months, and then all the winter he is in a terrible cold, as a result of such overload it - BOOM - and breaks into two halves, but still remains lie in the same place. And we are at the first trouble ready to run away from the family, quit his job, move to another country ...
Hostility to the world is the most dangerous, as it causes the hostility of the world to ourselves. So begins the most unpleasant part of our training. This is similar to what the student chooses a ticket for the exam, he does not like the ticket, since he does not know the correct answer, and he begins to insult the teacher and accuse him of bias.
How do you know the signs of hostility towards the world?
In addition, we feel envy.
Envy - a disagreement with the fact that our desires are fulfilled in others. Usually people think that the evil eye - it is when someone looked at us badly, but in fact a real evil eye - this is when we look at the success of another person with envy. This immediately brings to our life karmic reactions that lead to self-destruction, and primarily on human happiness leaves.
Happiness - is the fruit of gratitude. The more we are grateful to the people, the more we are grateful to God and the more fruit happiness blooms on the tree of our consciousness.
Not apples make the immune system resistant not cold bathing or chyavanprash and simple word, which we have been taught since childhood - the word "thank you" or "thank you"! Every sincere "thank you" saves us from one of the diseases that we might get sick in this life, and every unspeakable "thank you" adds one disease to our karma. This is our mission, which is hidden in this word: to give the benefit of everyone around us
! The story of the king and
rebellion One day a great king of India heard that the brewing rebellion in his kingdom. He sent his best detectives that they found out which way the wind is blowing. Detectives got to the tavern, where the assembled carpenters who live near the royal palace. It is from this place and started the unrest in the kingdom-state. It turned out that every night in the tavern came snacking local carpenter who lived opposite the royal palace and its windows looked out directly on the royal balcony. He went to the tavern and said again today that the king went to his balcony at eight in the morning, and his queen fed him grapes, and this at a time when we are all working so hard for some penny ... Spies hear these conversations and disappeared in the night fog.
Early in the morning to knock carpenter. He opened the door and, to his surprise, saw the royal astrologers who stood with bowed heads in front of him. They told him that today entered a new era of astrology, and the stars are positioned so that pointed to him as the new king, so tomorrow it should proceed to the responsibilities of the state governor. Carpenter first pokapriznichat for decency, but then happily he agreed and went to live in the palace.
But he woke up at two o'clock in the morning. The newly made king at first did not understand what had happened, but his servant explained that the king must defend the whole vigil in the temple to pray, how to be successful for the entire kingdom of the next day. A few hours later his prayer was taken to the gym martial art, where his few hours mutuzit the best wrestlers of the country. After that, he had to sign a few dozen of the death penalty by adopting a sober and informed decision. Finally, at eight in the morning they let him go for breakfast.
He staggered out onto the balcony, stretched, and this time came the queen and gave him a grape. The king was delighted and said: "What, breakfast starts" "And this was the breakfast - the queen said. - The king must give an example of austerity. Now it's time has come to start this business. " At this point, the king saw the balcony window of his small house opposite and understood.
At this point, once again came to the astrologers, and said that the position of the stars conceptually changed again, so that the period of his rule expired. They took the crown and escorted out of the palace. The carpenter came to his tavern, sat down to eat, and I heard one of the visitors was indignant that today a new king on the balcony grapes guzzle. He stood up and said loudly: "Never never criticize me when this king!»
Wonder thanks
Thanks - this is one of the main features of our consciousness, but the most interesting is that gratitude stops karma. If we, for example, are grateful to diseases like his teacher, who is punishing us for misconduct, this disease is converted into a part of spiritual development. In one word, gratitude makes trouble in the aspect of spiritual happiness. Ingratitude human misery kills and grateful - inspiring. And realize this is possible only by becoming grateful ...
If we have a problem at work, we should be thankful that we at least have a job.
If we have problems in the family, we should be grateful that we at least have a family.
If we do not give a salary, we should be grateful that we at least have something to give.
If we have stolen something, we should be thankful that we at least have something to steal.
If we have something sick, we should be thankful that at least there is something to be sick ...
Karma quite instructive by their very nature. To understand its effect is not so difficult. Just tap on the wall with all his strength, and the wall immediately knocks you back. Misunderstanding begins when the answer does not come immediately, but after a while, as in the "domino principle».
One day the king Akbar spoke with nine your best friends. These were the nine most talented creative people, while Akbar had some quirks; he could suddenly do something like that ... And, of course, the king did not ask: "Why did you do that?»
Suddenly he struck the human person standing nearby. It was the most intelligent man in the court. His name was Birbal. Birbal waited a moment, probably wondering what to do; however, to do something that was needed!
He turned around and slapped the man standing next to him. It was one of the ministers. The man could not understand: "What's going on? What is this a joke?. »
But now there is nothing to worry. After all, Birbal, "began the first"! Without thinking, the minister punched in the ear next. It is said that this slap around the whole capital.
A night Akbar suddenly struck by his own wife. He asked:
- What are you doing
? She replied:
- I do not know what it is, but it happens all over the capital. I was also struck today is your eldest wife. She was older than me, so I could not answer it the same. Except you, nobody hit me.
- Wow, - Akbar said. - My own slap in the face came back to me
. Principles
karma Our thoughts, plans and actions in this life form the quality of our next life. For example, if a person in a previous life was a killer, karma comes to him in this life in the form of fear, chronic disease and early death. If a person stole, the Karma is manifested in the form of a chronic lack of time, money and opportunity. If a person committed adultery, he will have more enemies than friends. In short, we honestly get what we deserve.
On the other hand, has the opposite effect. For example, forgiving others, every time we are cured of the disease, because the disease forgives us. And if we rejoice in other people's success, it is sure to come to us the glory and prosperity. A look into our own karma will allow us to Vedic predictive systems such as astrology, numerology and palmistri.
Author: Dmitry Dmitriev