Close the door to the past...
Unfinished business, like open doors to the past slamming in the wind and will not allow us to recover that which has long outlived its function.
Even “frozen” or “suspended”, they continue to delay on itself a significant part of our energy, thoughts and opportunities to do something else. Monthly automatic payment - the money is debited by default. Where? Why? To keep this a “karmic” connection that is not yet complete.
Great last therapist Frederick Perls considered “unfinished business” the main reason of neurosis. He believed that every started process tends to its logical conclusion. And each of our life Gestalt must be completed.
In personal coaching sessions we used to paint the priorities, raking a ton of Affairs on the “urgent, important”, “not important, not urgent, important and urgent, unimportant and not urgent”. And even such a seemingly simple job and brings clarity and relief, and most importantly-the ability to do what is really important and not to pull your what it is worth to close.
But there are “things”, and that cases aren't ones that people don't usually make the list of chores around the house.
To reconcile with my mom.
Or come to the house where you grew up and to hold his hand over a bright layer of fresh paint, which the new owners had thoughtfully painted old, even a grandfather provided, the fence to say goodbye to the idea of ever returning here. At least not in this life.
Or to pack the man who went away a year ago, but just in case I left you three pairs of clothes and a bunch of rubbish.
Maybe clean up the documents and close long hanging on you IP.
And you never know what...
We continue to remember their unfinished business, for some reason, leaving the door ajar, even if they whiz sweeps only the wind. published
Author: Irina Dubova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: dybova.ru/news/zavershaya-dela-zakryvaya-dveri-v-proshloe/