5 signs of low self-esteem
"Who am I? What am I?" Have you ever asked yourself when any such question. Did you thought about the fact that your life is not what you would like to see her? With a smile if you greet your reflection in the mirror in the morning, often mumbling to herself or fall asleep in tears?
At the heart of this question already lies the assumption that you're not good enough. Do you think that don't deserve to be happy. What you should go with the flow of povsednevnosti, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel not belonging to themselves?
Self esteem affects our confidence on the ability to make the right choice and cope with the consequences of that choice. It is the belief that we are entitled to success, performance and cherished dreams for the right to be happy.
People are divided into two categories:
THOSE who take the best and convenient version of himself, tormented with thoughts of how could be.
And THOSE who choose a real that can affect every aspect of life and build their future with their own hands.
Want to know which category do You belong? Then offer the 5 signs of low self-esteem and tips on how to regain the life you deserve!
1.You feel you always have to "show" yourself!
You are not new. You have collected more than a few awards for my whole life. But you priemuschestvenno, as must constantly prove their worth — at work, in classes, even with friends and partners. You can't shake the feeling that you need to do just one more thing in order to prove to others that you are good enough, smart or strong, in fact you don't believe in your abilities.
ADVICE: Sit down and meditate. What you think you need to prove, and to whom, and most importantly why you feel such a need. Ask yourself, does this make sense. Focus on your strengths and achievements. Express attempts to prove to the world their worth, look inside and find the value of believing in yourself.
2. You have a toxic relationship.
We all know these people — those who feed on our energy. After talking with them, you feel downcast, restless, depressed. You give and they take. And every time they take more and more. You do not have control over those who comes into your life, knowing you are willing to invest your time and energy in a toxic relationship. Deep down, you believe that don't deserve the love and support. What is worse. What "real" friends don't actually exist, and is only temporary acquaintances.
TIP: to give a boost to your self-esteem, make a list of unique gifts that you can offer to others. Start small. When you receive a compliment, add it to your list. Once you understand and know who responds to your kindness, you will attract into your life really loving the people You deserve.
3. You're devastated each failure.
You lost your job and this event knocked you off track for a few months? Life is not always the sum of pleasant moments. It is fleeting and sometimes filled with not the most pleasant events: sickness, disappointment, loss and failure are inherent in each of us. But people with low self-esteem tend to take temporary difficulties as a black band in my life which has no end. You feel that every day is getting worse. And that there is no need to fight. Why up and move on if you're knocked down by the blow of fate?
TIP: Learn to separate normal everyday failures (those which we all face in varying degrees) from their own deep experiences, which have a devastating effect on your life.
Sometimes it is necessary to look for support among like-minded people. Don't be afraid to come a community of people in the counseling center. Being among people experiencing a similar crisis in your life, you can, for example, and through the understanding of other people's problems, take away a positive experience and find the correct channel through which to move forward.
4. You call their success "luck"
If it comes to blows, then maybe, just maybe, success will be on your side and you will be the winner. But as soon as you yourself admit, you immediately blame it on "luck," on the happy occasion. This was not achieved thanks to your talent, diligence, persistence, prompting you to action, it is rather the forces of the universe, got you in a difficult moment and gave the opportunity to withdraw from the bout the winner. So?
Wrong. You earned your success, and the failure to recognize this can seriously undermine your future success in business or in personal life.
TIP: It may make you feel not very comfortable, but you should learn to describe every step you do. At the moment when success is achieved, you can gradually reconsider its decision to recall the actions that are performed and to understand that this is only your merit. If you set your path, you will be able to track how your trajectory was formed, You did it and not some unknown magical power, just helped to catch the tail of luck.
5. Your dreams remain dreams
Each of us has own dream, but there are those for whom the dream will forever remain only a dream. You can find a bunch of excuses as to why she was not destined to become a reality. Or worse, you do not allow yourself to dream. Why do it if it is never destined to come true? Discounting the ability to move toward your ideal life is one of the most harmful consequences of low self-esteem.
Dreams should not be at the level of unfulfilled fantasies — they are simply a reflection of where you want the consequence to be. Determine whether you want to achieve a dream, or you enough to be content with little, to later regret his past life.
TIP: If you find that the dream of his perfect life, not really taking any steps to implement it, try the following exercise.
Imagine yourself in the train destination, your ideal life. What would it look like? Who would go together in one car? How would you feel? What would you do?
When you see a fairly clear idea, write it down, what is the real step you can take to get closer to his dream. Even one of your small step could be the beginning of transformation and to send you further along the path to the dream.
See also: 5 conditions required to reach
Not your people anyway, you will go
Each path has a Terminus, and therefore your dream is sure to see you through the allotted amount of time. Every train is on schedule and always on time. You only need to find the strength to sit in the right car! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: bohoworld.ru/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2-%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BE%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0/
At the heart of this question already lies the assumption that you're not good enough. Do you think that don't deserve to be happy. What you should go with the flow of povsednevnosti, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel not belonging to themselves?

Self esteem affects our confidence on the ability to make the right choice and cope with the consequences of that choice. It is the belief that we are entitled to success, performance and cherished dreams for the right to be happy.
People are divided into two categories:
THOSE who take the best and convenient version of himself, tormented with thoughts of how could be.
And THOSE who choose a real that can affect every aspect of life and build their future with their own hands.
Want to know which category do You belong? Then offer the 5 signs of low self-esteem and tips on how to regain the life you deserve!

1.You feel you always have to "show" yourself!
You are not new. You have collected more than a few awards for my whole life. But you priemuschestvenno, as must constantly prove their worth — at work, in classes, even with friends and partners. You can't shake the feeling that you need to do just one more thing in order to prove to others that you are good enough, smart or strong, in fact you don't believe in your abilities.
ADVICE: Sit down and meditate. What you think you need to prove, and to whom, and most importantly why you feel such a need. Ask yourself, does this make sense. Focus on your strengths and achievements. Express attempts to prove to the world their worth, look inside and find the value of believing in yourself.
2. You have a toxic relationship.
We all know these people — those who feed on our energy. After talking with them, you feel downcast, restless, depressed. You give and they take. And every time they take more and more. You do not have control over those who comes into your life, knowing you are willing to invest your time and energy in a toxic relationship. Deep down, you believe that don't deserve the love and support. What is worse. What "real" friends don't actually exist, and is only temporary acquaintances.
TIP: to give a boost to your self-esteem, make a list of unique gifts that you can offer to others. Start small. When you receive a compliment, add it to your list. Once you understand and know who responds to your kindness, you will attract into your life really loving the people You deserve.
3. You're devastated each failure.
You lost your job and this event knocked you off track for a few months? Life is not always the sum of pleasant moments. It is fleeting and sometimes filled with not the most pleasant events: sickness, disappointment, loss and failure are inherent in each of us. But people with low self-esteem tend to take temporary difficulties as a black band in my life which has no end. You feel that every day is getting worse. And that there is no need to fight. Why up and move on if you're knocked down by the blow of fate?
TIP: Learn to separate normal everyday failures (those which we all face in varying degrees) from their own deep experiences, which have a devastating effect on your life.
Sometimes it is necessary to look for support among like-minded people. Don't be afraid to come a community of people in the counseling center. Being among people experiencing a similar crisis in your life, you can, for example, and through the understanding of other people's problems, take away a positive experience and find the correct channel through which to move forward.
4. You call their success "luck"
If it comes to blows, then maybe, just maybe, success will be on your side and you will be the winner. But as soon as you yourself admit, you immediately blame it on "luck," on the happy occasion. This was not achieved thanks to your talent, diligence, persistence, prompting you to action, it is rather the forces of the universe, got you in a difficult moment and gave the opportunity to withdraw from the bout the winner. So?
Wrong. You earned your success, and the failure to recognize this can seriously undermine your future success in business or in personal life.
TIP: It may make you feel not very comfortable, but you should learn to describe every step you do. At the moment when success is achieved, you can gradually reconsider its decision to recall the actions that are performed and to understand that this is only your merit. If you set your path, you will be able to track how your trajectory was formed, You did it and not some unknown magical power, just helped to catch the tail of luck.
5. Your dreams remain dreams
Each of us has own dream, but there are those for whom the dream will forever remain only a dream. You can find a bunch of excuses as to why she was not destined to become a reality. Or worse, you do not allow yourself to dream. Why do it if it is never destined to come true? Discounting the ability to move toward your ideal life is one of the most harmful consequences of low self-esteem.
Dreams should not be at the level of unfulfilled fantasies — they are simply a reflection of where you want the consequence to be. Determine whether you want to achieve a dream, or you enough to be content with little, to later regret his past life.
TIP: If you find that the dream of his perfect life, not really taking any steps to implement it, try the following exercise.
Imagine yourself in the train destination, your ideal life. What would it look like? Who would go together in one car? How would you feel? What would you do?
When you see a fairly clear idea, write it down, what is the real step you can take to get closer to his dream. Even one of your small step could be the beginning of transformation and to send you further along the path to the dream.
See also: 5 conditions required to reach
Not your people anyway, you will go
Each path has a Terminus, and therefore your dream is sure to see you through the allotted amount of time. Every train is on schedule and always on time. You only need to find the strength to sit in the right car! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: bohoworld.ru/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2-%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BE%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0/