What if you just can't stand to get out
I study the theme of personal effectiveness and self-organization 19 years and, despite the fact that is already well understood with many questions, find each day something more useful than are happy to share with you!
Where does the inner, negatively charged emotional resistance: "I don't want to get out and I will not! I hate it!". Or even: "I Hate cleaning!"?
Usually this resistance to someone who makes you clean up and do other household Affairs against your will. This is usually an adult from childhood (mom, dad, grandma, older sister, etc.).
In childhood we are very sensitive to forcing us to something, to limit our freedom. Soin childhood establishes such a strong negative reaction that we are forced to do a disliked household chores.
Why now, when we got older and mom's not making us clean, we are internally continuing to protest?
Because we have within us the Personality of the Parent, which continues to make us to blame for the mess, and counterbalanced her personality the Child that desperately and habitually resists the Parent.
And we wonder, like I'm an adult, like the one forcing me to do anything, like I wanted to live clean and keep in order their business, so where is the resistance itself by its own decisions and plans?
And the answer is simple: if a strong resistance is, hence, the pressure inside himself strong! Action force creates a reaction force.
Even in adulthood, parents continue to blame for the mess, coming to visit or speaking to one another on the phone. And someone partner takes on this role, and we get her husband, who, like the mother in childhood, she blames for the mess and makes clean up. Internal resistance in this case increases.
If there is internal pressure that starts to happen?
We strongly knock his freedom "not to clean" not to do what we want. And "knocking" it, gleefully enjoy! Maybe you know that special thrill when there's no clean dishes, we barely opolaskivaniem a Cup and drink from it. Or when the mountain of things lying everywhere, and we are walking through them and go to watch a movie! We can!We grew up, and nobody will be forced to do something that is not desirable!
But the joy is short-lived. In an internal dialogue included the Parent, which again begins to reproach and shame for the mess or even an Adult who appeals to our awareness and reminds us that in fact, it is we ourselves (not someone) needs order and beauty around, and it's time to do it.
Then we take up the diary for planning or just a rag and go clean up. But after some time the circle repeats itself. Resistance is growing, we begin to procrastinate chores, the mess increases, the pressure starts, and we "take on the mind".
See also: How successful people stay calm 10 tips
What you think – don't you think. So
And you have such inner resistance, rooted in childhood? How you can tell: if you were forced to do household chores, and you were angry and hated this thing, most likely, there is resistance now unless you have studied this topic independently or with a psychologist.
Looking ahead, I foresee a question: can something be done? Yes, you can. You need to be aware of the internal pressure of the Parent and weaken it, strengthening and developing the internal position of the Adult.published
Author: Yevgeny Kharitonov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: eharitonova.ru/?p=7072
Where does the inner, negatively charged emotional resistance: "I don't want to get out and I will not! I hate it!". Or even: "I Hate cleaning!"?

Usually this resistance to someone who makes you clean up and do other household Affairs against your will. This is usually an adult from childhood (mom, dad, grandma, older sister, etc.).
In childhood we are very sensitive to forcing us to something, to limit our freedom. Soin childhood establishes such a strong negative reaction that we are forced to do a disliked household chores.
Why now, when we got older and mom's not making us clean, we are internally continuing to protest?
Because we have within us the Personality of the Parent, which continues to make us to blame for the mess, and counterbalanced her personality the Child that desperately and habitually resists the Parent.
And we wonder, like I'm an adult, like the one forcing me to do anything, like I wanted to live clean and keep in order their business, so where is the resistance itself by its own decisions and plans?
And the answer is simple: if a strong resistance is, hence, the pressure inside himself strong! Action force creates a reaction force.
Even in adulthood, parents continue to blame for the mess, coming to visit or speaking to one another on the phone. And someone partner takes on this role, and we get her husband, who, like the mother in childhood, she blames for the mess and makes clean up. Internal resistance in this case increases.
If there is internal pressure that starts to happen?
We strongly knock his freedom "not to clean" not to do what we want. And "knocking" it, gleefully enjoy! Maybe you know that special thrill when there's no clean dishes, we barely opolaskivaniem a Cup and drink from it. Or when the mountain of things lying everywhere, and we are walking through them and go to watch a movie! We can!We grew up, and nobody will be forced to do something that is not desirable!
But the joy is short-lived. In an internal dialogue included the Parent, which again begins to reproach and shame for the mess or even an Adult who appeals to our awareness and reminds us that in fact, it is we ourselves (not someone) needs order and beauty around, and it's time to do it.
Then we take up the diary for planning or just a rag and go clean up. But after some time the circle repeats itself. Resistance is growing, we begin to procrastinate chores, the mess increases, the pressure starts, and we "take on the mind".
See also: How successful people stay calm 10 tips
What you think – don't you think. So
And you have such inner resistance, rooted in childhood? How you can tell: if you were forced to do household chores, and you were angry and hated this thing, most likely, there is resistance now unless you have studied this topic independently or with a psychologist.
Looking ahead, I foresee a question: can something be done? Yes, you can. You need to be aware of the internal pressure of the Parent and weaken it, strengthening and developing the internal position of the Adult.published
Author: Yevgeny Kharitonov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: eharitonova.ru/?p=7072