5 reasons to say "no" in business

The most successful leaders, it is easy to abandon unprofitable transactions, from the project that threatens a waste of money, from the case, not in accordance with their priorities. But these same leaders feel uncomfortable to object, when their doubts are less obvious or when their organization train is configured to perform one or another plan.

In some situations, to doubt or ask too many questions seems politically risky. Many managers tend to put off unpleasant conversations with his subordinates, when the subject — fuzzy standards, inappropriate behavior, or the emergence of bad habits.

But no matter how difficult it may be, it often happens that failure is a key component of effective leadership. Failure to reject leads to the fact that eroded the company's values and commitment to customers or employees, undermined safety system, fiscal discipline, social or environmental responsibility, and this takes place gradually and imperceptibly. To say "no" in such cases, the best strategy for success.

And to start is to learn to recognize a typical situation when this problem occurs. Here are five moments when it is extremely important to pause and make the decision very deliberately, based on a deep understanding of options and consequences.


1. They push you to make a promise that you will not be able to perform.

Although in the short term people may be disappointed, much better realistic to indicate that you can do, and what not — and thereby preserve the trust of others and authority. You can't deny rudely, and using the "positive no" by William URY: indicate its willingness to consider the interests of people using the more General "Yes" and offer you an alternative option to achieve the same goal. For example: "I would love to say "Yes". But what is the risk I see... What if instead, we try X?"

2. You feel a vague anxiety.

People often experience doubts or a kind of uneasy feeling when looming unhealthy compromise. If you have any such feelings, pause and think. What exactly bothers you in this situation? What are the longer term consequences of your current actions? If you think that everything is fine, but the other person that you trust, doubts, and also pause and figure out what this person is concerned. And then you can refer to the data and to understand, whether justified alarm.

3. You think you have no choice.

"You can't refuse" — I often say leaders, who are under a lot of pressure — they need to meet high expectations. But really the choice is always there — just sometimes the stakes are very high. And we as professionals have an obligation to recognize when there is something more important than to implement a particular project or to comply with the deadline. Remember the accident on the Deepwater: many people tacitly agreed with the decision to "cut corners", thinking that it always does, and that probably everything will be fine.

4. Your plan healed own life.

When people took to walk a certain course, they usually tend to continue, even if the facts show that they will lose. To cope with such pressure, in health care, aviation and other industries developed special protocols, which require in certain moments to stop and more time to study the information. Ask them to list the background from which they emanate, and then re-test them. In one company I worked for, the head is required to conduct before launching the product another marketing study, which helped the team to notice the big mistake and prevent it.

5. You can see how the growing dangerous trend.

Scandals and disasters often starts with small compromises that accumulate over time. If you notice a pattern in the decisions that may jeopardize the safety, quality, data protection, customer focus, professional ethics, take a step back and examine what result this can lead in the aggregate. Head of customer service Department in the same company that produces the food, I noticed that the supervisors spend more time on marketing than on production processes and quality assurance. The company began to receive more complaints from consumers, but the managers dismissed them. Eventually it got to the point I had to withdraw EN masse from stores products. It ruined the brand of the company, and its restoration took several years.

When you are ready to notice such a situation and to act properly, it reduces the likelihood that you will miss a critical turning point. If you are waiting to speak and argue, it becomes harder and harder. If you are trained to say "no" or constructive questions, you will increase your positive impact on the organization.


About what does not speak

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One very respected woman leader observed that her subordinates are constantly told that we must work together, but outside of meetings behave negatively and aggressively. In the middle of one of the meetings she took her badge and put it on the table. She said she will not continue if a team is not ready to work in new ways. People first silent, but then began to more honestly Express their doubts. A few months later I heard the story from another Department of the same company: this situation has inspired the colleagues of my friend to act and make the proper changes.



P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=6701