A simple test to determine the state of health of the spine
A simple test for possible problems with the spine.
1. Palpate your spine. This procedure:
— WAN — 2
— slightly painful — 1
— painless — 0
2. Nadlezni palpate your muscles. Muscle
— tense — 2
— slightly tense — 1
— soft — 0
3. From a standing position, try to get the tips of the fingers of the floor. The exercise is performed:
— easy — 0
— with difficulty — 2
— when you run there is pain in the spine — 3
4. In the sitting position on the floor, try to touch the forehead knees. When this occurs
— tension in the popliteal areas — 1
— back pain — 3
— no discomfort — 0
5. Interlock hands behind back (one arm over the shoulder, the second from the bottom).
— not got - 2
— hands touch fingers 1
— hands clasped — 0
6. Lying on your back, bend your legs at a right angle at the knee and hip joints, not pressing them to each other. Try to keep as long as possible.
— hold as long as 0
— tired both feet — 1
— tires of one leg — 3
— lower back pain — 2
7. Try to take in mouth joints of the folded fingers.
— fit at least two fingers — 3
only two fingers — 2
— three fingers or more — 0
8. Take the chin to the shoulder girdle (without raising shoulders).
— do not get 3
— get, but the movement painful 2
— get easy 0
Hidden psychological reasons for excess weight
The technique of "Healing Memory" of migraine and severe headaches
0-3 oktas
Your spine is healthy and needs only preventive measures: daily exercises, balanced diet, and maintaining emotional comfort.
Pathological changes in the spine worrisome. You need to pass a rehabilitation course.
More than 15 points
Your spine is in a critical condition. It is urgent to undergo treatment.published
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6423
1. Palpate your spine. This procedure:
— WAN — 2
— slightly painful — 1
— painless — 0
2. Nadlezni palpate your muscles. Muscle
— tense — 2
— slightly tense — 1
— soft — 0

3. From a standing position, try to get the tips of the fingers of the floor. The exercise is performed:
— easy — 0
— with difficulty — 2
— when you run there is pain in the spine — 3
4. In the sitting position on the floor, try to touch the forehead knees. When this occurs
— tension in the popliteal areas — 1
— back pain — 3
— no discomfort — 0
5. Interlock hands behind back (one arm over the shoulder, the second from the bottom).
— not got - 2
— hands touch fingers 1
— hands clasped — 0
6. Lying on your back, bend your legs at a right angle at the knee and hip joints, not pressing them to each other. Try to keep as long as possible.
— hold as long as 0
— tired both feet — 1
— tires of one leg — 3
— lower back pain — 2
7. Try to take in mouth joints of the folded fingers.
— fit at least two fingers — 3
only two fingers — 2
— three fingers or more — 0
8. Take the chin to the shoulder girdle (without raising shoulders).
— do not get 3
— get, but the movement painful 2
— get easy 0
Hidden psychological reasons for excess weight
The technique of "Healing Memory" of migraine and severe headaches
0-3 oktas
Your spine is healthy and needs only preventive measures: daily exercises, balanced diet, and maintaining emotional comfort.
Pathological changes in the spine worrisome. You need to pass a rehabilitation course.
More than 15 points
Your spine is in a critical condition. It is urgent to undergo treatment.published
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6423