As we pull on other people's problems
Given 1. People often love to give, to help, to respond, to respond, to give advice.
There are people who have a heart big, beautiful, sympathetic, compassionate, sensitive. Them from the heart want to alleviate the suffering of the world or, at least, all found their way people. Such responsive people think that if you give a man what he wants or needs, then he (man) will become a little happier.
And these are the people, lack of sleep at night and not giving time to their personal needs, trying my best to make others at least a little happier. But, instead of gratitude, often faced with the scenario the tale about the goldfish. The person we gave the trough or the house, etc., begins to want more Intrusive and continues to be in its misfortune. But now he needs that would give him a Palace.
This is simply because in fact people are not willing to accept, to own, right to use etc. what he is given.
Given 2. Everything in the world is enough and every one can own so many – how many is really ready on their way.
From the second datum implies that the feelings that a man can have — failure, unhappiness, anxiety, worry, fear and other suffering merely mechanical instruments of the Universe, pushing the man to adult life, training, development and find the optimum individual and his own way.
Yes, it would, of course, wonderful, what else in my childhood my parents taught us to be happy and have a good understanding of the causes of their negative conditions. But this could teach only happy parents. And many of our parents have not learned the main art of a happy life in harmony with himself and with the world.
And that we have to learn on their own, overcoming transferred to their parents negative attitudes and status.
In the beginning, affection happiness to the possession of material goods is too large and, therefore, the idea of happiness, the canvas is projected on the possession of material values. Later, going a certain way, he is drawn to desire something more important, and the idea of happiness is projected on the possession of certain spiritual experiences. But neither in that nor in other there is no true authentic state of joy and happiness.
Therefore, giving a man what he is worried or suffering, we deprive him of the important experiences and clashes with itself in the present. It would seem that facilitating the sharpness of his needs, we, in theory, make it happier. But in the end, a total picture of the world, it turns out that the one who gave the other something in a timely manner, gave without asking, without a balanced sharing of the violated value of the experience status of that person.
Reality 3. The one who gives to another out of sympathy, to ease the "suffering" and wants to make the other person happier, not really to see and understand the value of the human condition.
And thus enters the need for accommodation of this condition to understand its value and stop trying to "facilitate" such a condition from other people. I call it the trap of compassion or wrong compassion.
Ie absolutely good faith to relieve pain and suffering of another person, the action that another person develops greed, selfishness and the desire to receive without a true willingness to be, and provokes further demand more from the one who gave.
Thus, the incorrect donation instead creates feelings of love and gratitude, people who believe that it is not able to cope with my life.
Of course, compassion and donation benefits "just because" sooner or later ends at the giver and he gets into a situation when no longer able to sponsor the needy with their energy and gifts. From the giver there is a huge resentment in others, the lack of manpower, lack of material and other goods that he gave. Ie, he gets into a situation in which, until recently, was the one who asked.
Resentment in this case there to block for some time incorrect the flow of giving love, energy, heart), as the man himself is not aware of the consequences of their actions. Because giving makes all of the aspirations of the light, but does not see the consequences.
The mechanism of resentment works to protect the giver from an unbalanced exchange of values, to teach them the value of their own resource and wise approach to giving. But the lack of energy and strength, just the consequences of unbalanced, misaligned.
After some time the person recovers, comes out of a shortage situation, again it comes to balance and open the heart again. At this moment understand the important principles of compassion, or what compassion really is, and to start respecting the condition of the people in which they arrive. It is important to learn a harmonious, balanced relationship with other people.
Balanced relationships are built on respect, values and a harmonious exchange of tangible and intangible values. The principles of sharing, it is important not quantity, but value and attention invested in what are changing and awareness, a willingness to give something of equal value from the other side.
About States.
1. Any condition properly and harmoniously for a person who is in it.
2. No need to think, "I wish I was bad in this condition!" or "how would I deal with this situation?". It is a pity, i.e. the agreement that people do in an unjust situation. But it is not confidence of the Supreme Law.
3. You can help:
If you ask, ask, appeal.
Using skills to inspire, or to add clarity to the person who needs help, to find their own way out of their situation and begin to act, but not to do anything for the person.
If the person who asked, ready to exchange for what you get. The exchange can be tangible or material.
About compassion.
True compassion does not want anything to alleviate or change. True compassion comes from the wisdom and vision that help means only one thing — learn to be happy and live in harmony and in balance with the world. And then he will there's a way to inspire others to be happy.
And instead of a conclusion.
Help is possible and necessary:
1. When you ask and is really willing to give something to get something that is important and necessary.
2. When you begin to apply and use what they got.
3. Time to inspire, to tell the right story, and to help with hope to look forward and find a way out.
4. To teach some important, necessary and useful skills that will help a person to cope with their situation.
Author: Ada Dzhalalova

There are people who have a heart big, beautiful, sympathetic, compassionate, sensitive. Them from the heart want to alleviate the suffering of the world or, at least, all found their way people. Such responsive people think that if you give a man what he wants or needs, then he (man) will become a little happier.
And these are the people, lack of sleep at night and not giving time to their personal needs, trying my best to make others at least a little happier. But, instead of gratitude, often faced with the scenario the tale about the goldfish. The person we gave the trough or the house, etc., begins to want more Intrusive and continues to be in its misfortune. But now he needs that would give him a Palace.

This is simply because in fact people are not willing to accept, to own, right to use etc. what he is given.
Given 2. Everything in the world is enough and every one can own so many – how many is really ready on their way.
From the second datum implies that the feelings that a man can have — failure, unhappiness, anxiety, worry, fear and other suffering merely mechanical instruments of the Universe, pushing the man to adult life, training, development and find the optimum individual and his own way.
Yes, it would, of course, wonderful, what else in my childhood my parents taught us to be happy and have a good understanding of the causes of their negative conditions. But this could teach only happy parents. And many of our parents have not learned the main art of a happy life in harmony with himself and with the world.
And that we have to learn on their own, overcoming transferred to their parents negative attitudes and status.
In the beginning, affection happiness to the possession of material goods is too large and, therefore, the idea of happiness, the canvas is projected on the possession of material values. Later, going a certain way, he is drawn to desire something more important, and the idea of happiness is projected on the possession of certain spiritual experiences. But neither in that nor in other there is no true authentic state of joy and happiness.
Therefore, giving a man what he is worried or suffering, we deprive him of the important experiences and clashes with itself in the present. It would seem that facilitating the sharpness of his needs, we, in theory, make it happier. But in the end, a total picture of the world, it turns out that the one who gave the other something in a timely manner, gave without asking, without a balanced sharing of the violated value of the experience status of that person.
Reality 3. The one who gives to another out of sympathy, to ease the "suffering" and wants to make the other person happier, not really to see and understand the value of the human condition.
And thus enters the need for accommodation of this condition to understand its value and stop trying to "facilitate" such a condition from other people. I call it the trap of compassion or wrong compassion.
Ie absolutely good faith to relieve pain and suffering of another person, the action that another person develops greed, selfishness and the desire to receive without a true willingness to be, and provokes further demand more from the one who gave.
Thus, the incorrect donation instead creates feelings of love and gratitude, people who believe that it is not able to cope with my life.
Of course, compassion and donation benefits "just because" sooner or later ends at the giver and he gets into a situation when no longer able to sponsor the needy with their energy and gifts. From the giver there is a huge resentment in others, the lack of manpower, lack of material and other goods that he gave. Ie, he gets into a situation in which, until recently, was the one who asked.
Resentment in this case there to block for some time incorrect the flow of giving love, energy, heart), as the man himself is not aware of the consequences of their actions. Because giving makes all of the aspirations of the light, but does not see the consequences.
The mechanism of resentment works to protect the giver from an unbalanced exchange of values, to teach them the value of their own resource and wise approach to giving. But the lack of energy and strength, just the consequences of unbalanced, misaligned.
After some time the person recovers, comes out of a shortage situation, again it comes to balance and open the heart again. At this moment understand the important principles of compassion, or what compassion really is, and to start respecting the condition of the people in which they arrive. It is important to learn a harmonious, balanced relationship with other people.
Balanced relationships are built on respect, values and a harmonious exchange of tangible and intangible values. The principles of sharing, it is important not quantity, but value and attention invested in what are changing and awareness, a willingness to give something of equal value from the other side.
About States.
1. Any condition properly and harmoniously for a person who is in it.
2. No need to think, "I wish I was bad in this condition!" or "how would I deal with this situation?". It is a pity, i.e. the agreement that people do in an unjust situation. But it is not confidence of the Supreme Law.
3. You can help:
If you ask, ask, appeal.
Using skills to inspire, or to add clarity to the person who needs help, to find their own way out of their situation and begin to act, but not to do anything for the person.
If the person who asked, ready to exchange for what you get. The exchange can be tangible or material.
About compassion.
True compassion does not want anything to alleviate or change. True compassion comes from the wisdom and vision that help means only one thing — learn to be happy and live in harmony and in balance with the world. And then he will there's a way to inspire others to be happy.
And instead of a conclusion.
Help is possible and necessary:
1. When you ask and is really willing to give something to get something that is important and necessary.
2. When you begin to apply and use what they got.
3. Time to inspire, to tell the right story, and to help with hope to look forward and find a way out.
4. To teach some important, necessary and useful skills that will help a person to cope with their situation.
Author: Ada Dzhalalova