As women do it? ..

Colady.ruSobirayus to work, I ask my wife:
- Where is my new blue shirt
? -. There
- There - this is where
? - The room
. - In the bedroom or living room
? - In the bedroom

. Going into the bedroom, I opened the closet. No shirt.

- She's not here
. - There
. - No
. - Look in the closet
. - I look in the closet. No it.
- With open eyes see
! - No, I say it here

! Footsteps wife - is the sound of inevitability. Walks to the bedroom, she goes to the cupboard, without looking puts into his hand and pulls my shirt. A silent look that says a lot. Leaves.

Left alone with the cabinet. Wardrobe - how I hate you ... and fridge too

. via


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