Very tasty candy

Iris cream - 240 g
Nuts (hazelnuts) - 30-37 pcs
. Dark chocolate - 70 g
Cream (10%) - 8-9 Art. l.
Butter - 1, 5, Art. l.
Vegetable oil - for greasing forms
Dried cranberries - to taste
1. broken into pieces or finely chopped toffee. Better to take the iris to be cut, but not break.
2. Melt in a water bath with the addition of 5 Iris Art. l. cream.
3. Remove from heat and stir in 1, 5, Art. l. butter (15 g).
4. Mass will smooth and shiny.
5. The mold is required to grease with vegetable oil is odorless, otherwise you will not get it out of her candy.
6 teaspoons pour melted toffee on formochkam.
7. Pre-fried hazelnuts and clean.
8. The half of chocolates put on the nuts, the other half - dried cranberries
. 9. In a water bath to melt the dark chocolate, add the 3-4 tablespoons of cream. Add cream gradually, you may need 2-3 tbsp. l.
10. Cover the candy dark chocolate.
11. Send candy for 4-5 hours in the freezer, then get out of the molds. Candy instantly become soft.