THIS IS A SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION FOUND phenomenon that ZEALAND called the "pendulum"

According to a new study murmuratsii starlings mystery can be explained with the help of the dynamics of dark and light spots in a flying flock.

Scientists at Warwick University have found that starlings, get in packs, try to maintain a density at which they are able to optimally gather information from their environment.

To do this, the state of the utmost transparency - light should break through the pack to each bird, and under a variety of angles. The resultant structure of this dark and light spots starling provides each individual with the necessary information.

These are the dynamic structures and created birds, constantly changing its position and flight angles inside the pack. Experts have noticed that no matter what form did not take a pack of light through it falls to each bird, and from all sides.

With this information, experts have constructed a computer model murmuratsii, in which each "bird" tends to occupy a position that gives her as much information about the pack. Previously it was thought that some birds are guided only by the motion of the nearest neighbors.

Murmuratsiey called wonderful natural phenomenon, when thousands of birds gather to huge flocks that are dynamically generated in the amazing celestial figures, constantly clenching and unclenching. Until now, this phenomenon could not be explained even by using sophisticated computer models.

By comparing the results obtained with the help of computer simulation, with the natural movements of flocks of birds, the scientists found clear similarities, which testifies to the correctness of the new algorithm.