The human diet should consist of live cells

Fully balanced nutritional products consist only of living cells. Only plant organisms after they thwarted, remain alive for a long time. Look at the bouquet of roses continue to bloom in a vase with water, look at the wheat seeds, which germinate in a few years after it had been torn down. But the cells of dead animals or milk cells, milked from the animal organisms die immediately, and then begin to decompose and turn into toxins, while cooking transforms them into something terrible. The fact that animal protein in quality above the plant, is the most serious and sad misconception most obvious evidence of the short-sightedness of our biologists, who are ardent fans of meat.
If we accept the fact that the animal organism converts vegetable proteins, and turns them into completely balanced nutritional products, then the flesh of animals such as foxes, wolves, dogs, cats and tigers, eating such "fully balanced" proteins must be of a huge nutritional value; however, we know that the toxic nature of the flesh of these predators is such an obvious fact that even the most ardent supporters of meat do not dare to eat them.
Those biologists who incite their personal preferences to the study of the special advantages in the meat, opening the so-called "essential" amino acids that do not take into account the fact that these amino acids are formed from well-known grasses consumed by animals. On what basis the representatives of science believe that the body is able to extract cow amino acids of the worst weeds and grasses, but the human body is not able to extract the same components of plant foods of higher nutritional quality? How are millions of Buddhists in the absence of these same amino acids, supplied meat?
The greatest disadvantage of doctors and biologists who are fed traditionally, is the short-sightedness. They close their eyes to the damage, which manifests itself in small things, and do not foresee any serious consequences, which sooner or later will take place as a result of the reasons why it is now apparent neznachitelnymi.Vot few examples. Food, especially meat, replete with poisons. Small daily poisoning no one noticed, but when in the course of time, these poisoning eventually incapacitate the heart, liver or kidneys, it is attributed to an unknown or entirely different reasons.
When the stronger end of poisoning vomiting or diarrhea, it is called the stomach flu. Poisoning consider only those cases in which the entire body is covered with poison and life in serious danger. How many lives of innocent people was carried out in such a way! People do not see the daily flow of sewage, flowing into the blood vessels of their daily food, but when these impurities layering on the walls of blood vessels, narrows their passages to such an extent that one day stop the circulation, short-sighted people see this as a "surprise".
When constantly eroding stream of additional water to keep the crumbling giant dam in the balance, calculated on the millions of tons, short-sighted people attribute the fall of the dam of random stone's throw child. Compared with a clear idea of the nature of the cancer, which has rawfoodist, perhaps 400 different pathogens it put forward by researchers, blyudomanami, such as scratch or razor burn from cigarettes, mean more than a stone thrown by a child?
Each organ is made up of millions of cells. The functions of each organ are sent through the joint work of all cells. When food is devoid of the required components, while others are presented in an excessive amount, the cells begin to run out, weakened and ill. The deal included replacement of the organism, which, however, sooner or later run out. While the body somehow does the job, no one notices what is happening; but when it eventually fails, declare that the body is sick, and resort to drugs. But unless some small tablet or a drop of poison can replace destroyed by the fire for many years components and special features to recover lost sick and dead cells?
Masses of eggs, meat, cheese, butter and white bread, zalezhivayas days on the digestive tract, decompose, inflame the gut wall and showing symptoms of diarrhea (diarrhea), poisoning the entire body. But when the child shows clear signs of diarrhea, the whole blame for it usually falls on the fruits, peel which can be seen in the feces; it does not even think about how this fruit, do not lie entirely in the body may cause inflammatory bowel disease. The tragedy comes from the fact that people believe eggs, meat, butter and cheese, natural, useful and nutritious food, and fruit - something secondary and completely optional. Sometimes it is considered necessary to prohibit the child to eat fruit as they are "detrimental effect on the stomach."