10 applications to save time and money on travel

Website know how to reduce spending money on the trip and secure release from the banality. This mini-guide apps we have made for those who prefer a non-standard holidays, tested the point on the map and saving secrets.
Download and prepare for new discoveries.
Help offline

On the Maps.me you will not get lost in a strange city, and will save a considerable amount on roaming. This service works even when you're offline. Load the card via the Internet and drive without straying from the path. The app instantly get directions, and can still follow the course of the aircraft during flight
Platform:. iOS, Android, BlackBerry
local Councils

In the Spotted by locals you will find recommendations of local residents from 65 cities in Europe and North America. The app will tell you where to look for lunch and shopping, avoiding tourist places with high prices. Citizens are advised to interesting walking routes, checked on personal experience
Platform:. iOS, Android
Special Offer

Through Hotel Tonight rent a hotel discount. The application works on the principle of urgent reservation: the closer the settlement day, the lower the price. Base service is available in 450 cities around the world. The program will show hostels and hotels near your location
Platform:. iOS, Android, Windows
by the hotel

A reliable way to save money in a foreign country - not to pay for a hotel room. In this case, you will Airbnb
Platform:. iOS, Android, Windows

Internet-based platform will help to organize a spontaneous and inexpensive flight. < Dohop will schedule flights from the airport, which is located next to you, and offer options for ascending price
Platform:. iOS, Android
Free Internet

Service WiFi Map Pro to find free Wi-Fi and select a network password. Now you do not need money on the internet abroad
Platform:. iOS, Android
Intelligent Browser

On the Opera.Mini you reduce the traffic flow - this browser compresses the amount of data the processing of
Platform: iOS, Android
warm welcome.

With the application Couchsurfing you reduce the cost of travel and get to know people from other countries in a homely atmosphere. The hospitality of the people knows no bounds - see for yourself and find new friends across the globe
Platform: iOS, Android
According to a reliable trail

TripAdvisor has amassed a collection of consumer reviews on hostels, hotels, cafes and shopping areas. Tips to help you plan your trip and find an economical interesting routes
Platform:. iOS, Android, Windows
We are on the way

The younger brother of the traditional hitchhiking, and a boon for budget travel - the app BlaBlaCar
Platform: iOS, Android
See also <. /
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