Why do I have to cook?

And indeed, what people need to cook and what to cook? Meat, cereals, vegetables, prepared to improve their taste. But why, after all of this in the wild can not be found? Wild animals eat what they give nature, it does not improve. They do not have the need to improve what is already good.
Carnivores eat living flesh, fresh grass grazers, frugivorous - ripe fruit, and there is no animal that could not have intended him food in its natural form, or such food would be unpleasant to him. But when one takes initially unsuitable for eating food, he has to prepare from it edible. If he takes suitable food, then it is not necessary to cook. And in the first and in the second case he takes her from nature.
And as in nature the plant is preparing to fruition? Fruits ripen, getting the sun's heat and moisture of the earth, and then they find the animal and eats. Man digs up the potatoes, bring to the kitchen, cleans and places it in a pot of boiling water, then puts the pan on a hot stove, where food is prepared again.
Man're not satisfied with what he has taken from nature. Then, maybe, he took something else? There is a pig, for example, that would be happy to eat potatoes in kind. And there are wolves that same potato is uninteresting.
Nature took care of every being peculiar. For all she cooks only once and is always ready to live. But a person does not notice, he takes a lively and again prepares to give out of it dead. So he makes two strange action: ready to cook and prepare the dead from the living
. An example of the first act - the man collects cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, everything is finely cut, find somewhere seeds from which squeezes out the oil, mix, sprinkled with salt, spices and eats. It is not clear how ready can be improved by preparing a second, because every being so good on separateness.
An example of the second act - a person breaks the zucchini, cut it clears from the seeds, rub the pulp with salt, chunks coated with a thick layer of cream and cheese, sprinkle with chopped mushrooms, tomatoes and puts it all in the oven for 40 minutes, after which it eats
It is not clear how the dead is able to feed a living organism, to supply him with the necessary reserve life. Even more, it is not clear at all how and where living turns into dead. The man is so accustomed to what is happening in the oven for the 40 minutes that they completely missed out of sight.
He puts it in the oven some unpalatable food, forget about it, time goes by, he again says, opens the oven gets something good to eat, taste, and if the taste of his suits, is still satisfied, if not satisfied - think about what not reported or shifted. the conversion process is completely falls out of focus. And so it is always bypasses the thinking that takes place with the food in the oven. But it is important to find out what was happening to her, and for that we turn back to nature.
Here the fruit ripened on a branch plant. What will happen to him next? After some time, the ripe fruit will begin to decompose. Degradation - is a natural process of recycling that has turned into debris. If the ambient temperature falls slightly below the normal temperature inside the fruit, decomposition slows down, if it exceeds it significantly, the expansion is accelerating.
Being exposed to direct sunlight, ripe fruit quickly deteriorate. That is, any significant deviation of the temperature from the internal rate eventually leads to rapid decomposition, burning or freezing.
If exposed to direct sunlight the product deteriorates with time, at the plate, where the temperature greatly exceeds the temperature of the sun's rays, it spoils quickly. And the longer the product is cooked on the fire, the less it is still edible and inedible appears the more, until everything turns into ashes. So, with the help of fire and hot boiling water over the heat of the sun and moisture earth becomes a living dead.
While we are talking about edible and inedible. Now let's talk about useful. After all, not everything that is edible, is beneficial. It is useful that fits the body. And the body in all different in nature, many species of living beings. How do they determine what it is they gave nature?
If nature gives something, it means doing so that it can take. Wolves have sharp teeth and claws to get their food, and a pig snout and hooves have for getting their food.
But imagine: in front of a fox put a piece of meat and a couple of kartoshinu she prefer? Despite what the fox, but we see a healthy fox that lives in the wild. Of course, it will choose the meat: in appearance, the smell of the meat would be closer to her. But if the beast would be endowed with intelligence and asked to choose, and before that would be mocked and lifetime instead of meat fed potatoes to the beast hesitated.
Potatoes him familiar, and in appearance and smell, even taste familiar. But if this fox is still trying to mouth potatoes and then try the meat, its sensations point to the last. Doubts - mostly human trait, as people used to watch the mind, the mind and smell the same to try them, the fox is less characteristic
. The man has his tools, such as the nose, eyes, hands, mouth. With the help of these organs a person can recognize the food intended his body, but only when it begins to use them to their destination.