Signs of a healthy person

But the outline of a system-wide health conditions that is synonymous ready to evolve - first physiologically, and then creatively and spiritually:
You go to sleep early (no later than 22.00) and easily, without an alarm clock, wake up too early - at 6 or even 5am. Wake up, because the body simply does not accept the more sleep and recumbency. I want to immediately get up and take action.
You see beautiful and vivid dreams - indistinguishable from reality. During sleep, you act sensibly, is quite aware of itself. Events unfold sleep in a beautiful natural environment, in bright light.
You experience the joy - all the time. I want to rush, jump, sing.
Body sparkles on it streaming flow of freshness and warmth. You do not feel the internal organs - at least, if not to listen to them specifically
. Hands and feet warm, even in cold weather. A cold wind is perceived as fresh and brings joy. The heat is also transferred easily.
Language you bright pink nails elastic and smooth.
Picking up healthy, fresh vegetables or fruits, you feel coming from them flows the life that you are moving to a heat wave of freshness or hot tingling. Junk food makes you an instinctive rejection. Even just looking at it, you start to choke, there is a burning sensation in the stomach, the head starts to hurt.
Creative solutions do not have to look long. Here there was a problem - and you immediately "see" her decision, with this solution is always simple, acceptable to all, and carries a certain special internal humor
. Most problematic circumstances around you resolved easily as if by themselves. It seems simple enough to think - and this has already happened
! If you are experiencing the described state of health, you can only congratulate this and wish continued success.
Sergey Gladkov