Three things that each of us knew before he was born

Cuttlefish can recognize prey, has not chosen from the egg and chick svezhevylupivshiysya already know sound "password" to communicate with parents. And that is not all. It turns out that people are also beginning to learn long before the birth.
< Website has collected the opinions of scientists about how and what a child learns in the womb.
1. Feel the taste

Is it possible to fall in love with the taste of food before the birth? This question interested Professor Peter Hepper of Queen's University Belfast.
Together with his colleagues, he conducted a study involving 33 children, whose mothers late in pregnancy or frequently ate garlic, or do not use it. Garlic was chosen. The fact that it is capable of juice retained in the body for several hours after consumption. A baby can get a taste by swallowing amniotic fluid. This usually takes place starting from 10 weeks of development. In addition, the taste can be transmitted directly from the mother's blood into the blood baby, bypassing the digestive system.
It was found that children whose mothers during pregnancy preferred garlic dishes, happy eating potatoes with garlic, even when they were 8-9 years.
It affects the formation of the child's tastes and dishes with less pronounced taste, such as carrot juice. Scientists have observed the development of babies whose mothers in the last months of pregnancy drinking carrot juice, or water only. Then analyzed the facial expressions of the 5- and 6-month-old infants while taking carrot juice and water, the researchers came to the conclusion that kids might like carrots still in the womb.
"When a child is put to the breast, it feels the same taste, which was used for the last 30 or more weeks before the birth, - says Hepper. - If a different taste, there can be problems. " This is how the mechanism of recognition of parents. And not only in humans but also in animals.
2. Hear the sound

The team of Finnish researchers conducted an experiment in which one group of women in late pregnancy almost every day listening to the melody of children's lullaby "twinkle twinkle my little star» (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star). The second group did not listen to the melody.
"During the experiment, the children were asleep, - says Minna Huotilaynen of the University of Helsinki, who led the study. - To determine their reaction, we used EEG, that is recorded continuously for the signal coming from different parts of the brain »
. The brain of children, who heard the tune before his birth, he published stronger pulses as compared with children who do not lose it earlier. Moreover, these children recognize that the melody is played with errors, and react to it, while the second group of children was all the same, there is a change in the motive or not. This leads to the conclusion that they have learned and memorized the melody, while still in the womb.
3. Recognize it

A psychologist from New York University Atena Vulumanos compared the newborn response to human speech and other sounds. Experiments have shown that babies prefer human speech and not other sounds.
Moreover, infants learn their native language and sounds great pleasure to listen to them. "Children of the English-speaking parents actively sucking a pacifier at the sound of the English language in comparison with the French, - says Vulumanos. - And the children of Francophone parents have made more effort when they heard the French language, which is interspersed with Russian experimenters »
. It was also found that children are able to learn the sounds of their native language not only from the mother's mouth, but when other people say.
The study proved to be very useful, since scientists have shown how important it is to pay special attention to sound environment babies born prematurely. If indoors maternity hospital will have a lot of mechanical noise, the children will remember these sounds instead of speech sounds. In the future this may lead to problems with the study of the language, they believe.
Based on materials bbc.com
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