Awareness: the line between human and robot
Did you know that humans and robots have something in common? And the people and machines combines the ability to operate the program.
Psychologists have found that each of us in the psyche laid Program (Setup) that determine our behavior and aspirations. If we do not think of them, in any of our activities, we are like a machine.
The most common installation is now: "I have to earn more", "I should be no worse than others," "I need a prestigious job" ... There are many cases when people have it all in life is, and there is no happiness. All day they are the same. They do not make their case for the sincere impulse of the soul, and therefore do not enjoy, and do not feel that they are masters of their own lives.
These people talk about his life: "I live under water" or "like a squirrel in a cage." Their life is like a vicious circle: the work - consumption - work. They live on the holiday before the holiday, from entertainment to entertainment, from falling in love to being in love. And this applies not only to workers employed, but often - the wealthy and seemingly successful people
. Being a machine for man - killer: he does not feel his life
. In the past, the danger was that men became slaves.
The danger of the future is that men may become robots.
Erich Fromm "Healthy Society»
Plants are placed in the mind through the cultural environment (education, movies, songs, books). That is why in societies with different culture, different traditions, different standards of conduct. (For example, in the Soviet Union it was a model of relations, but with the advent of perestroika and Western films, songs - there was another).
Yes, the surrounding culture and traditions shape our behaviors (so many people say, "Do not we are, life is"), but then the culture is formed by people!
There are people who themselves come up with rules or consciously change them based on some of their goals. Good or evil are the people - a separate issue, but the main thing about them is that they are able themselves to manage their lives and even the lives of others. This conscious people.
Awareness - a very important quality of a person, because It allows you to move from the state of the robot, mindlessly worked the alien program to the state of a subject who chooses his own path and its own model of behavior.
How to develop awareness?
This will help us game-training "awareness". The game is based on the dialectic of Socrates, is philosophical in nature, but it is easy and fun to hold.
The game helps:
understand themselves,
choose a partner,
help children find their way in life, to understand the values.
The technique described in the training as if you spend it with someone. But it can be done, and himself.
Stage 1:
Take any kind of human activities (hobbies, work) or a purpose in his life. If activities and goals a lot, take one thing. If, on the contrary, choose not anything else, it will help to questions: "What do you like to do?", "What do you dream?". After receiving a response such as "I'm learning," "I love to draw," "I'm saving the world," "I dream to find a husband," go to the main part.
Stage 2:
To find out whether these actions a person performs the installation or consciously, you can use the series of questions "Why?". Admitted similar questions, unless the context is best suited to each formulation (eg, "it will give you?»)
. Watching the progress of responses can be traced back to the motivation of this or that kind of activity. If a person knows what he will do that / other activities, he has a high level of awareness. In general, this game shows the entire person's value system.
For each person the most recent response to a particular stage of life one no matter what activity or purpose was the starting point of the game. Last reply shows how one understands the meaning of life. In unconscious people will be infinite chain, the links will be repeated. But tips are prohibited.
With teenagers the first time, the game should not be carried out until the end. Suffice it to 5-7 questions, "Why?»
The normal reaction when people get into a stupor when it concerns intangible benefits, especially in the passing game for the first time. Example. "I want to be loved" or "I want to be healthy." If the question "why" there is a pause, then that's fine.
If the sound of the material nature of the requests, then the question "why", on the contrary, should be followed by a response without any stupor. The person must be able to distinguish the goal from the means.
Example of Game
The student says: "I love to engage in physical exercise»
. - Why
? - To be healthy
. - Why
? - To have the strength for everything
. - What do you need power in the first place
? - To study
. - Why learn
? Options: to get then a prestigious job to know everything that parents praise, etc.
Depending on the answers drawn personality.
When "questionable Answers" (prestige, praise) definitely need to continue to ask the question "Why?", The disciple thought, what trappings of him. But it is not necessary to torture for a long time. The most important thing to give him food for thought.
It is advisable to repeat the game in 1-2 months, and track changes; You can increase the number of questions, "Why?" and dig deeper.
The correct answer
Do not zombie, conscious humans final answers will be approximately the same in meaning, although they may differ considerably in wording. The higher the degree of awareness, the shorter chain.
What is the correct answer at the end of the chain - we will not tell. Find it yourself!
The technique before publication was discussed and tested in practice by the author, as well as during the class hours with students in Grade 10. Some of our friends have used this methodology in the selection of their second halves.
Discussion and testing have shown that the training provides accurate information to the person who holds it, and promotes awareness of those who passed.
Author: Elena Smolitskii
Psychologists have found that each of us in the psyche laid Program (Setup) that determine our behavior and aspirations. If we do not think of them, in any of our activities, we are like a machine.
The most common installation is now: "I have to earn more", "I should be no worse than others," "I need a prestigious job" ... There are many cases when people have it all in life is, and there is no happiness. All day they are the same. They do not make their case for the sincere impulse of the soul, and therefore do not enjoy, and do not feel that they are masters of their own lives.

These people talk about his life: "I live under water" or "like a squirrel in a cage." Their life is like a vicious circle: the work - consumption - work. They live on the holiday before the holiday, from entertainment to entertainment, from falling in love to being in love. And this applies not only to workers employed, but often - the wealthy and seemingly successful people
. Being a machine for man - killer: he does not feel his life
. In the past, the danger was that men became slaves.
The danger of the future is that men may become robots.
Erich Fromm "Healthy Society»
Plants are placed in the mind through the cultural environment (education, movies, songs, books). That is why in societies with different culture, different traditions, different standards of conduct. (For example, in the Soviet Union it was a model of relations, but with the advent of perestroika and Western films, songs - there was another).
Yes, the surrounding culture and traditions shape our behaviors (so many people say, "Do not we are, life is"), but then the culture is formed by people!
There are people who themselves come up with rules or consciously change them based on some of their goals. Good or evil are the people - a separate issue, but the main thing about them is that they are able themselves to manage their lives and even the lives of others. This conscious people.
Awareness - a very important quality of a person, because It allows you to move from the state of the robot, mindlessly worked the alien program to the state of a subject who chooses his own path and its own model of behavior.
How to develop awareness?
This will help us game-training "awareness". The game is based on the dialectic of Socrates, is philosophical in nature, but it is easy and fun to hold.
The game helps:
understand themselves,
choose a partner,
help children find their way in life, to understand the values.
The technique described in the training as if you spend it with someone. But it can be done, and himself.
Stage 1:
Take any kind of human activities (hobbies, work) or a purpose in his life. If activities and goals a lot, take one thing. If, on the contrary, choose not anything else, it will help to questions: "What do you like to do?", "What do you dream?". After receiving a response such as "I'm learning," "I love to draw," "I'm saving the world," "I dream to find a husband," go to the main part.
Stage 2:
To find out whether these actions a person performs the installation or consciously, you can use the series of questions "Why?". Admitted similar questions, unless the context is best suited to each formulation (eg, "it will give you?»)
. Watching the progress of responses can be traced back to the motivation of this or that kind of activity. If a person knows what he will do that / other activities, he has a high level of awareness. In general, this game shows the entire person's value system.
For each person the most recent response to a particular stage of life one no matter what activity or purpose was the starting point of the game. Last reply shows how one understands the meaning of life. In unconscious people will be infinite chain, the links will be repeated. But tips are prohibited.
With teenagers the first time, the game should not be carried out until the end. Suffice it to 5-7 questions, "Why?»
The normal reaction when people get into a stupor when it concerns intangible benefits, especially in the passing game for the first time. Example. "I want to be loved" or "I want to be healthy." If the question "why" there is a pause, then that's fine.
If the sound of the material nature of the requests, then the question "why", on the contrary, should be followed by a response without any stupor. The person must be able to distinguish the goal from the means.
Example of Game
The student says: "I love to engage in physical exercise»
. - Why
? - To be healthy
. - Why
? - To have the strength for everything
. - What do you need power in the first place
? - To study
. - Why learn
? Options: to get then a prestigious job to know everything that parents praise, etc.
Depending on the answers drawn personality.
When "questionable Answers" (prestige, praise) definitely need to continue to ask the question "Why?", The disciple thought, what trappings of him. But it is not necessary to torture for a long time. The most important thing to give him food for thought.
It is advisable to repeat the game in 1-2 months, and track changes; You can increase the number of questions, "Why?" and dig deeper.
The correct answer
Do not zombie, conscious humans final answers will be approximately the same in meaning, although they may differ considerably in wording. The higher the degree of awareness, the shorter chain.
What is the correct answer at the end of the chain - we will not tell. Find it yourself!
The technique before publication was discussed and tested in practice by the author, as well as during the class hours with students in Grade 10. Some of our friends have used this methodology in the selection of their second halves.
Discussion and testing have shown that the training provides accurate information to the person who holds it, and promotes awareness of those who passed.
Author: Elena Smolitskii
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