CHIPS raw food diet. Syroedchesky mayonnaise from seeds. Recipe living sauce.

Raw food recipes. Recipe legendary Syroedcheskogo mayonnaise from sunflower seeds!
Sunflower seeds soak for 4 hours.
Add water in a blender to cover the seeds on 2 fingers.
Pink salt in taste, spices (curry, mayonnaise is yellow), asafoetida or garlic, lemon or orange juice, herbs (dill, parsley, nettle - mayonnaise will be green)
. Whisk in a blender until thick sour cream. If necessary, add water.
Syroedchesky mayonnaise (sauce) of seeds stored in the refrigerator 2-4 days. You can make the sauce from nuts, seeds (sesame).
This is a great syroedcheskaya dressing for salads or just as a sauce for vegetables!
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