Why keep your mouth shut, or how to conserve energy

The proverbs are often given very helpful guidance. Especially if you stop looking for a double meaning in them and accept as is. Keep your mouth shut - advised old and not in vain. Perhaps it is not only about the benefits of silence - in the practice of yoga meets technique in which the tongue is placed behind the teeth - "nabhi-wise" or "Nabhi-wise."
Here is an excerpt from the classical yogic text Gheranda Samhita:
"Wherever there is a yogi, and that whatever he does, he should always keep your mouth up and hold your breath. It Nabhi-wise, drives away disease from the yogi. »
And here is a description that gives Swami Sivananda:
"Nabhi-wise is the tip of the tongue touching the palate. This technique is used for the closure of certain circuit of prana (vital energy) in the system of the subtle body channels and runs continuously throughout all the practice exercises. »
Under the subtle body channels, in this case it refers to the fact that in Chinese tradition is called microcosmic orbit or small heavenly circle.
Small Heavenly Circle includes two channels (front and back) and composes an important energy structure of the human being.
Through it monitored the work of all the other channels, filling them with energy.
That's what gives the definition of qigong master Mantak Chia:
"Ancient Taoist teacher discovered that in the body there are two energy channels. One channel, the channel of action, or the yin channel begins at the base of the trunk at the crotch goes up along the front of the body, passing pubis, abdominal organs, heart and throat, and ending at the tip of your tongue. The second channel, a channel steward, or yang channel, begins in the same place. It comes from the crotch up to the tailbone and then up along the spine into the brain, and then descends to the palate. »
There are three options execution nabhi-wise, which differ from the language point of contact palate.
We put the tongue behind your teeth and conduct them on the upper palate ago, consistently passing all three points:
1. Vayu (air) nabhi-wise - the tip of the tongue touches the hard palate of the upper gum.
2. Agni (fire) nabhi-wise - the tip of the tongue touches the point of transition into the soft palate.
3. Jala (water) nabhi-wise - the tip of the tongue touches the soft palate in the throat.
We only use the first option, because it is the most neutral.
The remaining two options are, respectively, "fire" and "water" characteristics and are used for the quantitative increase of these elements in the system, in other words they are not all and not always shown.
"Nabhi-wise," we close the energy channels, thereby
increasing the body resistance to disease.
QUESTION: What is the language for the castle?
ANSWER: Very often, beginning or continuing a regular practice, we run into the failure of our personal power. At the same time, we constantly receive energy from food (mostly), which feeds on our organic body. And, because we are accustomed to a completely irresponsible to treat it, we, humans, have to get it in large numbers, significantly - by several orders of magnitude - exceeding that which we really vital. There is another reason that attempts to regain control of the mediocre to waste energy, in turn, also require energy. Vicious circle. And to tear it up, we simply cease to waste the energy that we get every day.
Hatha Yoga offers the practitioner the methods by which it can "fill holes" in their everyday lifestyle - those "holes" through which constantly eluded his personal power, that is, to the extent possible, eliminate from your life "article unjustified costs "of energy.
Such "leakage" - those aspects of our state and way of life through which we just wasting energy for no reason at all. Talking about aspects of lifestyle, a "leakage zone" can be attributed habits and actions that are not wanted. For example, the habit of chattering incessantly, the habit of being angry, the habit of "swing right" habit "cool" look into the eyes of others, the habit of "ohmuryat" opposite sex, excessive emotionality and so on. N. When it comes to states, one of the "leaks "include such usual state of mind, organs, systems, groups of muscles, the result of which becomes uncontrolled mindless dissipation of energy. The simplest typical examples - saggy belly and closed on the palate language.
Dispersion upper energy centers in the vast majority of human beings is due to the fact that they are not used to keep the tip of the tongue pressed against the upper gum base. It would seem - a primitive, but nevertheless ... tongue on the palate closure ensures the integrity of small heavenly circle, or "microcosmic orbit" - one of the most important energy channels of the body. The nature of the circulation of energy in the circuit of small heavenly circle depends on the vast majority of Ms?
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