That's what happens when you massage this point on the forehead

There are plenty of relaxing massages, which are not only useful, but also very enjoyable. But usually they require time, money and a good specialist.
Today Website is sharing with you a simple way that will benefit your body and does not take too much time and effort.
Surely sometimes you subconsciously feel the need to massage the point between the eyebrows.
It turns out that our intuition fails. Massage this point improves concentration, reduces tension, relieves headaches and relaxes your eyes, especially if you are a long time in front of computer. Connoisseurs of Chinese medicine also believe that massage this point strengthens the human intuition.
What should I do? Lightly press this point and move your finger up to 3 cm in a vertical line. Pressure on this point for 45 - 60 seconds. The result was not long in coming.
The researchers argue that "this procedure activates one of the centers of the brain, eliminating stress. In addition, this procedure improves the appearance of the skin, corrects the corners of the eyes and mouth, and activates regeneration processes. "
In general, if suddenly you had a headache or sparks flying from his eyes after a day spent at the computer - you know what to do
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via www.shutterstock.com/pic.mhtml?id=325800887&src=id
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