Rejuvenating stimulating massage the face, neck and head
Massage - a wonderful way to relax tense muscles and get rid of the tired expression. In addition, it improves blood circulation and makes the complexion more healthy. The psychological effect is not worse: a good massage relieves anxiety, headache and fatigue, gives a feeling of satisfaction with themselves and their lives. All this means that the inclusion of a massage in the overall set of exercises will help you look and feel years younger.
Before starting
Very vigorously rub hands together for twenty to thirty seconds. Now rub your wrists and fingers. After that, raise your hands up, relax your wrist and shake them. Every time do all this before you touch the face.
< Stimulation and neck lymph nodes
Begin to exercise as soon as you rubbed your hands.
Palm stroking themselves from the chest to the front of the neck, chin and jaw.
Smoothly change hands. Repeat ten times with each hand.
< Stimulation of blood circulation face
Vigorously rubbing the hands together, immediately proceed with the exercise.
Very, very gently stroking his fingers and face follows:
1. Start with the chin, cheeks and moving to both sides of the nostrils.
2. Gently smooth the skin on the forehead and the eyes up to the hairline.
3. Keep the same in the downward direction on the sides of the face to the chin.
Repeat the movement six times without a break.
Remember: the movements should be very smooth and legkilsh. No need to stretch the skin.
< Stimulation of the area around the eyes
Middle and ring fingers of each hand, smooth the area around the eyes.
1. Start with the nose.
2. Move the fingers outwards along the eyebrows.
3. Continue toward the cheeks and nose.
Repeat this circular motion six times.
< Relaxation forehead
1. Use your fingers to swipe up from the nose to the forehead, and up to the hairline on both sides of the face.
Perform this movement six times.
< Stress Relief in temples
1. Place the fingertips on the temples on each side of the head and thumbs massage the area in front of the ears - from the lobes to the temples
. Make small circular movements.
Repeat all three times.
< The stimulation of the scalp
1. Use your fingertips to massage the entire scalp in small circular motions for thirty seconds or more.
Pick up more hair and pull up. It promotes their growth.
< Stimulation of the area under the chin
1. shuffled himself under the chin back part of the arm (you can not change hands). Make quick and easy thirty-claps.
< palming
1. Vigorously rub your hands together for ten seconds. Then put them on your eyes and relax.
Do this whenever you are tired or tense.
< POINT facial massage
In this and the following sections, I'll show you an easy way to encourage a burst of energy to the skin and muscle tissue, which helps you achieve even better results from the complex.
Through all of our bodies are tiny channels - "meridians" - in which all organs and nerve fibers prostate transmitted energy. These channels are sometimes clogged the life and energy is transferred to worse. However, if some part of the body to affect the fingers (especially on the hands and feet), this vital energy flow freely again.
Do these exercises as often as possible. During the first month, it is desirable to do it every day, then as a support - two or three times a week
. You can do all this while sitting, standing or lying down, even in bed. You should feel relaxed and warm. But first it is more convenient to sit in front of a mirror to learn the complex. It takes almost no time, and then you can perform the massage in any position.
The illustration shows the range of numbers. They are marked with the dates of your point.
1. Start with the point index and middle fingers firmly press the point and hold your finger on the five bills.
Now, on a point a circular motion, making thirty to forty revolutions, first in one direction, then in another.
Same keep all numbered points one by one to the ninth inclusive. Using both hands, massage the points on either side of the head where shown (points 4-8).
Point 10. Directing the thumb pad to the ears by swiping your finger on each cheek, until you find the groove. This is the point massage.
Point 11. The stimulation of the ear.
Point 12. By placing the fingers of one hand on one side of the throat and the thumb on the other hand, massage the rapid vertical movements of this place twenty times. Then switch hands and repeat.
Then follow the pat (discussed below).
massage points
It is not necessary to press on the final hand. Let your fingers do all the work. From time to time "to shake" hands and breathe calmly.
< Stimulation EAR
This massage is very warm and stimulating. Try it and you will see how your face just shines.
1. thumb and forefinger, grasp the top of the ears and pull up. In small circular movements massage the area.
2. Go down a little lower, gently pull yourself by the ears and massage them. Continue down below.
3. When you reach the lobes, pull them down again and massage.
All repeat the exercise again.
4. Now massage your ear all deepening shallow rapid circular movements. Forefingers pads (not tips) do best.
< POINT MASSAGE EYE AND nasal passage
In the illustration you see a new set of numbers. This point massage to areas around the eyes and nasal passages. Massage these points stimulates the flow of energy. In many cases, it will help relieve eye strain and get rid of the problems with the sinus. Start with the point marked No. 1.
Use large, middle or index fingers. Firmly press on these points, stopping at five accounts. Now, these points do rotational movement, first upwards, then inwards. Only twenty or thirty revolutions do. Keep the same with the rest of the numbered points one by one.
You do not need to press his head in his hands. Let your fingers do all the work calmly breathe and be relaxed
Massage is very small movements made by the edge of the bridge, but not in the soft part of the eye socket.
< Patting
Patting the points specified in this illustration, improves circulation. Every time you need to pat twenty pads middle fingers.
Claps have to be sharp, easy and very fast (as if you check if the iron is hot).
1. Start with a brow (near the nose).
It is easy to pat each point twenty times.
2. Repeat the same on the cheeks (no sockets).
3. Now go up from the corners of the mouth to the nostrils.
4. Take a walk along the jaw on both sides of the face to the earlobes. It should not pat on the jaw, and slightly higher - at a soft tissue
. These pats are carried out very quickly. They can be done anytime and anywhere. In addition, they perform well after a massage of the face and ear points.
Periodically "shakes" the arms and shoulders to avoid voltage rise.
Massage - a wonderful way to relax tense muscles and get rid of the tired expression. In addition, it improves blood circulation and makes the complexion more healthy. The psychological effect is not worse: a good massage relieves anxiety, headache and fatigue, gives a feeling of satisfaction with themselves and their lives. All this means that the inclusion of a massage in the overall set of exercises will help you look and feel years younger.

Before starting
Very vigorously rub hands together for twenty to thirty seconds. Now rub your wrists and fingers. After that, raise your hands up, relax your wrist and shake them. Every time do all this before you touch the face.
< Stimulation and neck lymph nodes
Begin to exercise as soon as you rubbed your hands.
Palm stroking themselves from the chest to the front of the neck, chin and jaw.
Smoothly change hands. Repeat ten times with each hand.
< Stimulation of blood circulation face
Vigorously rubbing the hands together, immediately proceed with the exercise.
Very, very gently stroking his fingers and face follows:
1. Start with the chin, cheeks and moving to both sides of the nostrils.
2. Gently smooth the skin on the forehead and the eyes up to the hairline.
3. Keep the same in the downward direction on the sides of the face to the chin.
Repeat the movement six times without a break.
Remember: the movements should be very smooth and legkilsh. No need to stretch the skin.
< Stimulation of the area around the eyes
Middle and ring fingers of each hand, smooth the area around the eyes.
1. Start with the nose.
2. Move the fingers outwards along the eyebrows.
3. Continue toward the cheeks and nose.
Repeat this circular motion six times.
< Relaxation forehead
1. Use your fingers to swipe up from the nose to the forehead, and up to the hairline on both sides of the face.
Perform this movement six times.
< Stress Relief in temples
1. Place the fingertips on the temples on each side of the head and thumbs massage the area in front of the ears - from the lobes to the temples
. Make small circular movements.
Repeat all three times.
< The stimulation of the scalp
1. Use your fingertips to massage the entire scalp in small circular motions for thirty seconds or more.
Pick up more hair and pull up. It promotes their growth.
< Stimulation of the area under the chin
1. shuffled himself under the chin back part of the arm (you can not change hands). Make quick and easy thirty-claps.
< palming
1. Vigorously rub your hands together for ten seconds. Then put them on your eyes and relax.
Do this whenever you are tired or tense.
< POINT facial massage
In this and the following sections, I'll show you an easy way to encourage a burst of energy to the skin and muscle tissue, which helps you achieve even better results from the complex.
Through all of our bodies are tiny channels - "meridians" - in which all organs and nerve fibers prostate transmitted energy. These channels are sometimes clogged the life and energy is transferred to worse. However, if some part of the body to affect the fingers (especially on the hands and feet), this vital energy flow freely again.
Do these exercises as often as possible. During the first month, it is desirable to do it every day, then as a support - two or three times a week
. You can do all this while sitting, standing or lying down, even in bed. You should feel relaxed and warm. But first it is more convenient to sit in front of a mirror to learn the complex. It takes almost no time, and then you can perform the massage in any position.
The illustration shows the range of numbers. They are marked with the dates of your point.
1. Start with the point index and middle fingers firmly press the point and hold your finger on the five bills.
Now, on a point a circular motion, making thirty to forty revolutions, first in one direction, then in another.
Same keep all numbered points one by one to the ninth inclusive. Using both hands, massage the points on either side of the head where shown (points 4-8).
Point 10. Directing the thumb pad to the ears by swiping your finger on each cheek, until you find the groove. This is the point massage.
Point 11. The stimulation of the ear.
Point 12. By placing the fingers of one hand on one side of the throat and the thumb on the other hand, massage the rapid vertical movements of this place twenty times. Then switch hands and repeat.
Then follow the pat (discussed below).

massage points
It is not necessary to press on the final hand. Let your fingers do all the work. From time to time "to shake" hands and breathe calmly.
< Stimulation EAR
This massage is very warm and stimulating. Try it and you will see how your face just shines.
1. thumb and forefinger, grasp the top of the ears and pull up. In small circular movements massage the area.
2. Go down a little lower, gently pull yourself by the ears and massage them. Continue down below.
3. When you reach the lobes, pull them down again and massage.
All repeat the exercise again.
4. Now massage your ear all deepening shallow rapid circular movements. Forefingers pads (not tips) do best.
< POINT MASSAGE EYE AND nasal passage
In the illustration you see a new set of numbers. This point massage to areas around the eyes and nasal passages. Massage these points stimulates the flow of energy. In many cases, it will help relieve eye strain and get rid of the problems with the sinus. Start with the point marked No. 1.
Use large, middle or index fingers. Firmly press on these points, stopping at five accounts. Now, these points do rotational movement, first upwards, then inwards. Only twenty or thirty revolutions do. Keep the same with the rest of the numbered points one by one.

You do not need to press his head in his hands. Let your fingers do all the work calmly breathe and be relaxed
Massage is very small movements made by the edge of the bridge, but not in the soft part of the eye socket.
< Patting
Patting the points specified in this illustration, improves circulation. Every time you need to pat twenty pads middle fingers.
Claps have to be sharp, easy and very fast (as if you check if the iron is hot).
1. Start with a brow (near the nose).
It is easy to pat each point twenty times.
2. Repeat the same on the cheeks (no sockets).
3. Now go up from the corners of the mouth to the nostrils.
4. Take a walk along the jaw on both sides of the face to the earlobes. It should not pat on the jaw, and slightly higher - at a soft tissue
. These pats are carried out very quickly. They can be done anytime and anywhere. In addition, they perform well after a massage of the face and ear points.
Periodically "shakes" the arms and shoulders to avoid voltage rise.
To be fair: 18 Tips for parents
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