Sun - one of the most important and affordable medicines
We humans are heliotrope, ie we need the sun for our existence. Nature has created us in such a way that many of the biological processes in our body are controlled or initiated by sunlight.
If the sun was so bad, as claimed by modern medicine, the result of evolution, we have adapted to this harmful factor at creating some sort of sunscreen on the skin and the like sunglasses to protect the eyes. However, we have a completely opposite such an assertion biological mechanisms.
So, thanks to ultraviolet rays, which are an important component of sunlight, contained in red blood cells (erythrocytes) hemoglobin is able to bind oxygen necessary for a variety of cellular functions.
These rays are stepping up the production of important hormones that regulate many important functions of the body: serotonin, melatonin and solitrola. Finally, under the action of ultraviolet rays produced by all known vitamin D. Normal levels of vitamin D in the body can prevent up to 80% of various types of cancer.
The effect of this vitamin, much like a hormone and is also able to regulate gene for cancer prevention. Almost all patients with cancer have lower performance vita-min D levels. It follows a logical conclusion that the sun is one of the most important and affordable drugs in the treatment of not only cancer, but also other chronic diseases through the development of this "super vitamin" and restore a healthy balance of the body.
In the early twentieth century there were many scientific works and practical achievements in the treatment of sun-tuberculosis, depression, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes and some cancers. Later, however, medicine has moved away from this disadvantageous and uncontrollable therapeutic agent in favor of proprietary toxic chemicals.
Availability sun treatment was a great hindrance interests of Big Pharma, and so began the company deployed about the dangers of the sun's rays, which coincided with the popularization of sunscreens and points. Despite the imposed myth that sunscreens protect the skin from burns and therefore from skin cancer, statistics-shows, that is after the beginning of the use of such creams, cases of skin cancer have increased significantly. And there's a simple explanation: the ultraviolet rays can not pass through the sunscreen, as a result of vitamin D is produced in the skin
. It is also highly toxic ingredients of these creams get into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Some of these toxins such as phthalates and parabens are "hormonal breakers" and can cause cancers hormone. Certain substances in these creams can generate free radicals when exposed to ultraviolet rays. These free radicals are capable of destroying the DNA of the skin cells and cause carcinogenic changes leading to the development of melanoma - skin cancer
. Actually, it was absolutely incorrect to declare the cause of the harm sunlight ultraviolet radiation. It is absolutely necessary for the normal condition of the skin. Just without the skin ages, because it slows down the regenerative processes.
Thus, the alleged positive effects of solar baths using sunscreen becomes toxic shock to the body, it poses a threat to the development of skin cancer, and generally aggravates her condition.
Another important barrier to obtaining a positive effect from the sun are the sunglasses. Wearing glasses does not allow the optic nerve to adequately respond to the bright sun, resulting in the pineal gland does not come correct information that we are under the bright sun. And while this is an important endocrine organ produces not enough hormone melatonin.
Lack of melatonin results in skin melanocytes cells that do not produce enough melanin. This melanin is responsible for sunburn and skin protection against sunburn. That's why wearing glasses makes the skin less protected to sunlight. Also, wearing sunglasses knocks body with circadian rhythm (circadian biorhythm), which violates many physiological processes.
Interestingly, research has not been able to prove the link between the use of sunscreens and reduction of skin cancer, and so became much less used the advertising slogan on the application of the cream for the prevention of melanoma. Instead, more now say that the cream protects against sunburn, which lead to skin cancer.
However, as early as 1996, Dr. Marian Berwick of the Memorial Cancer Center. Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (USA) found no link between sunburn and skin cancer. In the words of the famous explorer naturopathic Andreas Moritz, the only benefit gained from sunscreens - a financial benefit for the companies manufacturers of these creams
. The need for sun exposure is reduced not only to the production of ultra-violet rays and their role in the production of vitamin D. More and more scientists are engaged in the issues of the role of the influence of photons (light particles) and light waves in the cell itself. It is found that the cell membrane have receptors that respond to light, and the light reaches the cells using acupuncture meridians as optical fibers, thereby playing the role of photon transmission system.
With regard to cancer, the solar rays are not only able to prevent the occurrence of cancer, but they may play an important role in its treatment. In this connection, the doctors advice to avoid the sun's rays to cancer patients, especially children, in the best case are ignorance and at worst - just wrecking.
I do not want to understand me as though I recommend the other extreme - to be exposed a lot of time in the sun. So you can get burns and heat stroke. Everything should be in moderation. Sunbathing should be taken in doses, especially after the winter, or those who come to the resorts: starting from a few minutes under a high sun (between 12 and 15 hours, and not just in the morning, as we usually advise), and then gradually increasing their duration; and the rest of the time - hiding behind the clothes, being in the shade or using as protecting natural substances (aloe vera, coconut oil, etc.)
. from a book of Boris Greenblatt "DIAGNOSIS - CANCER: Dermatologic or live?"
If the sun was so bad, as claimed by modern medicine, the result of evolution, we have adapted to this harmful factor at creating some sort of sunscreen on the skin and the like sunglasses to protect the eyes. However, we have a completely opposite such an assertion biological mechanisms.

So, thanks to ultraviolet rays, which are an important component of sunlight, contained in red blood cells (erythrocytes) hemoglobin is able to bind oxygen necessary for a variety of cellular functions.
These rays are stepping up the production of important hormones that regulate many important functions of the body: serotonin, melatonin and solitrola. Finally, under the action of ultraviolet rays produced by all known vitamin D. Normal levels of vitamin D in the body can prevent up to 80% of various types of cancer.
The effect of this vitamin, much like a hormone and is also able to regulate gene for cancer prevention. Almost all patients with cancer have lower performance vita-min D levels. It follows a logical conclusion that the sun is one of the most important and affordable drugs in the treatment of not only cancer, but also other chronic diseases through the development of this "super vitamin" and restore a healthy balance of the body.
In the early twentieth century there were many scientific works and practical achievements in the treatment of sun-tuberculosis, depression, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes and some cancers. Later, however, medicine has moved away from this disadvantageous and uncontrollable therapeutic agent in favor of proprietary toxic chemicals.
Availability sun treatment was a great hindrance interests of Big Pharma, and so began the company deployed about the dangers of the sun's rays, which coincided with the popularization of sunscreens and points. Despite the imposed myth that sunscreens protect the skin from burns and therefore from skin cancer, statistics-shows, that is after the beginning of the use of such creams, cases of skin cancer have increased significantly. And there's a simple explanation: the ultraviolet rays can not pass through the sunscreen, as a result of vitamin D is produced in the skin
. It is also highly toxic ingredients of these creams get into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Some of these toxins such as phthalates and parabens are "hormonal breakers" and can cause cancers hormone. Certain substances in these creams can generate free radicals when exposed to ultraviolet rays. These free radicals are capable of destroying the DNA of the skin cells and cause carcinogenic changes leading to the development of melanoma - skin cancer
. Actually, it was absolutely incorrect to declare the cause of the harm sunlight ultraviolet radiation. It is absolutely necessary for the normal condition of the skin. Just without the skin ages, because it slows down the regenerative processes.
Thus, the alleged positive effects of solar baths using sunscreen becomes toxic shock to the body, it poses a threat to the development of skin cancer, and generally aggravates her condition.
Another important barrier to obtaining a positive effect from the sun are the sunglasses. Wearing glasses does not allow the optic nerve to adequately respond to the bright sun, resulting in the pineal gland does not come correct information that we are under the bright sun. And while this is an important endocrine organ produces not enough hormone melatonin.
Lack of melatonin results in skin melanocytes cells that do not produce enough melanin. This melanin is responsible for sunburn and skin protection against sunburn. That's why wearing glasses makes the skin less protected to sunlight. Also, wearing sunglasses knocks body with circadian rhythm (circadian biorhythm), which violates many physiological processes.
Interestingly, research has not been able to prove the link between the use of sunscreens and reduction of skin cancer, and so became much less used the advertising slogan on the application of the cream for the prevention of melanoma. Instead, more now say that the cream protects against sunburn, which lead to skin cancer.
However, as early as 1996, Dr. Marian Berwick of the Memorial Cancer Center. Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (USA) found no link between sunburn and skin cancer. In the words of the famous explorer naturopathic Andreas Moritz, the only benefit gained from sunscreens - a financial benefit for the companies manufacturers of these creams
. The need for sun exposure is reduced not only to the production of ultra-violet rays and their role in the production of vitamin D. More and more scientists are engaged in the issues of the role of the influence of photons (light particles) and light waves in the cell itself. It is found that the cell membrane have receptors that respond to light, and the light reaches the cells using acupuncture meridians as optical fibers, thereby playing the role of photon transmission system.
With regard to cancer, the solar rays are not only able to prevent the occurrence of cancer, but they may play an important role in its treatment. In this connection, the doctors advice to avoid the sun's rays to cancer patients, especially children, in the best case are ignorance and at worst - just wrecking.
I do not want to understand me as though I recommend the other extreme - to be exposed a lot of time in the sun. So you can get burns and heat stroke. Everything should be in moderation. Sunbathing should be taken in doses, especially after the winter, or those who come to the resorts: starting from a few minutes under a high sun (between 12 and 15 hours, and not just in the morning, as we usually advise), and then gradually increasing their duration; and the rest of the time - hiding behind the clothes, being in the shade or using as protecting natural substances (aloe vera, coconut oil, etc.)
. from a book of Boris Greenblatt "DIAGNOSIS - CANCER: Dermatologic or live?"
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