Man, spending his energy on something to collect as much fun in life and do not take responsibility for anyone (family ...) will not be able to find integrity within itself.

Man, spending his energy on something to collect as much fun in life and do not take responsibility for anyone (family, employees, students) will not be able to find integrity within itself. Inside, it will accumulate dissatisfaction. And closer to the average age will be increasingly be a feeling of meaninglessness and emptiness. And he can not nowhere to hide from this inner pain. It will gnaw it from within, appearing in the form of guilt, in the form of apathy and depression, a fear of death.
So everything is arranged. Men, fate throws us a call and need to accept it! He definitely need to realize themselves.
Oleg Gadetsky
As a man shows in the quality of family care for others?
Control of the senses, and caring for others.