What threatens shortage of vitamin C: terrible consequences, which are worth knowing!
Vitamin C - building element of the immune and nervous systems. Since childhood, we know that ill - eat lemons and honey. A storehouse of vitamin C, the body truly necessary, performs a variety of fruits and vegetables.
The recommended daily dose of vitamin C for adults:. 60-100 mg per day
Vitamin C deficiency Lack of vitamin C can be quite tragic consequences: nervous disorders, low resistance to pathogens, dysfunction thyroid, the early appearance of wrinkles, increased side effects while taking medications and the most unpleasant - scurvy
. Scurvy invades a person's life, along with malnutrition and dysfunctional lifestyles. A person with scurvy, the following symptoms are noted: bleeding gums, loss of teeth, central nervous system disorders, characteristic skin rashes, heart rhythm disturbances, bowel problems and so on. That is, at risk of and affected almost all human organs and systems.
If you will notice at some Deficiency symptoms of Vitamin C , it is worth considering in the first place to change the power mode, and range of products, which you used to eat.
Very little effort is necessary to keep the immune system in good shape and easy to enjoy life. Eat enough fruits (lemons, oranges, kiwi fruit) and vegetables (potatoes, cauliflower, red peppers) and refrain from bad habits.
Scientists have shown that nicotine out of the body a lot of vitamins, including vitamin C, such a precious, and this adversely affects the health of the smoker.
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The recommended daily dose of vitamin C for adults:. 60-100 mg per day
Vitamin C deficiency Lack of vitamin C can be quite tragic consequences: nervous disorders, low resistance to pathogens, dysfunction thyroid, the early appearance of wrinkles, increased side effects while taking medications and the most unpleasant - scurvy
. Scurvy invades a person's life, along with malnutrition and dysfunctional lifestyles. A person with scurvy, the following symptoms are noted: bleeding gums, loss of teeth, central nervous system disorders, characteristic skin rashes, heart rhythm disturbances, bowel problems and so on. That is, at risk of and affected almost all human organs and systems.
If you will notice at some Deficiency symptoms of Vitamin C , it is worth considering in the first place to change the power mode, and range of products, which you used to eat.

Very little effort is necessary to keep the immune system in good shape and easy to enjoy life. Eat enough fruits (lemons, oranges, kiwi fruit) and vegetables (potatoes, cauliflower, red peppers) and refrain from bad habits.
Scientists have shown that nicotine out of the body a lot of vitamins, including vitamin C, such a precious, and this adversely affects the health of the smoker.
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