He put his shoes in a paper coffee filter ... The result could be seen in an hour!
< paper coffee filters - a real jewel. It never occurred to them so use your head, but the thin paper can to help in the most difficult moments!
Get acquainted with these brilliant ideas: sin not to use them if the filters are always there in your house. Especially good trick with a bottle of oil ...
Paper coffee filter
Get acquainted with these brilliant ideas: sin not to use them if the filters are always there in your house. Especially good trick with a bottle of oil ...
Paper coffee filter
- After washing pans decomposable paper filter in it. It perfectly absorbs excess moisture, destroys the surface of dishes.
Apply a little vinegar and a drop of your favorite essential oil on the filter paper, and then wipe them with clothes. Thing is fragrant! Also, this manipulation will save the clothes of excess static electricity.
Put filter paper inside major spices - bay leaves, celery, parsley soup; cinnamon stick, star anise, and the barberry for mulled wine. Rewind bag thread. You can in one fell swoop remove the spices from ready meals!
Great idea - pave bottom of the pot for flowers with a paper filter. This will create a favorable environment for plants: the soil will not be washed out through the hole during watering.
To apply a thin coat of oil to the pan, you can use the coffee filter as an applicator.
Paper filters can be cleaned with a laptop screen: perfectly cleans the surface, creating an antistatic effect.
Original feed products using paper filters - it is very convenient ...
If there is no cookware lids, can cover the food on top of a paper filter. No spray on the walls of the microwave!
And here is the trick that I use often! Filters for coffee machines successfully replace muffin tins.
To drop of oil is not running down the bottle, can be wound around the neck of the filter paper and fix it. Bottle no longer fatty!
Mound inside paper filter a little soda or coffee grounds, tie the bag. In this form, place it in shoes. Thanks to this simple reception will disappear unpleasant smell of shoes, and all excess moisture is absorbed!
Rub the paper filter corn young - it will help you easily clean it!
Paper coffee filter can also be used instead of the matting facial tissues! I so liked these tips, I'll search for new and original ways to use this thing. I'm sure you can come up with many interesting things!
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