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How to make a water filter with your hands: a review of the most popular homemade

According to environmentalists, air pollution and soil already is the norm and caustic chemical compounds they easily penetrate into the groundwater. It is therefore increasingly important question: how to do practical water filter with your own hands quickly and without any extra costs.

Why you need water purification system?Filters in the form of jar is now included in the list of the main devices of your kitchen interior. They'll do just fine, if you want to filter a couple liters of fluid. But when we are talking about large volumes of handheld and household devices are useless and have to look for a reasonable alternative.

Correctly assembled, the filter is quite capable of clean tap water, but it is better not to drink it immediately, but give her some time to stand up a Suspension of sand, fine clay particles, organic matter, waste products of all types of animals and microorganisms make the water from open reservoirs is strictly unsuitable for drinking. Just as is the situation with wells.

Agricultural industry every year becomes in one row with the heavy and chemical level of sabotage, because of the amount of nitrates. Thus, the use of nitric acid to fertilize the soil, enriches the ground water harmful salts.

Anyway, even the most modern equipment periodically needs to be replaced cleaning tapes, to say nothing about the pipe. After a certain time is necessary to replace the handicraft system on a specialized.

This is important because water can contain pathogenic bacteria and other undesirable microflora, which can be filtration, and to deal with bacteriological contamination of the river or the well, only for the exterminators.

For making a simple water filter is all you'll need catrige type "Aquaphor". The device will be enough to clean approximately 179 liters How to choose a filler for the filterPicking up the capacity to filter, you need to calculate, because the cleansing properties primarily depend on well-formed "stuffing". In terms of the filter container should be such as to freely accommodate all of the components.

Absorbent widely used natural materials such as quartz or washed river sand quarry, gravel, activated carbon and zeolite. As you know, any filter begins with a primary layer of coarse dust. Often this role is assigned to textile materials based on cotton.

Natural materials are very impractical from the point of view of hygiene. First, in a wet environment such a filter layer is subject to processes of decay because of the bad odor. Second, the structure of the fabric assumes a very rapid clogging of the filter of unwanted particles, which speeds up the need to change the layer.

Much the best performance observed in synthetic counterparts. More preferred in this respect – lutrasil. The material has water-resistant qualities and is more stain resistant than cotton or bandage.

Non-woven polypropylene fabric — lutrasil can be used as a bottom layer intended for the final purification of water is Quite a budget option of a fabric filter can be considered a synthetic layer, which is used in the preparation of coffee.

Quartz sand copes with the delay of fine particles, and filtration of heavy chemical compounds. While gravel on the contrary, better will eliminate a large blotches of unwanted materials.

Disparate purification effect has a mineral called zeolite.

Zeolite is widely used in the field of water purification. Remove of heavy metals, organic compounds, phenol, nitrates, ammonium nitrogen, etc. an Active effect of the substance to cheer cope with the water pollution of metal and a salt slurry and neutralizes pesticides and other by-products of the agricultural industry.

Coal compact filter Hiking typePerhaps the most high-quality filtering show homemade options based on activated carbon. Absorbent equally successfully cope with the delay as mineral formations, and toxic substances.

The material properties include the ability to inject fluid transparency, and to eliminate the unpleasant smell and the waste products of microorganisms.

In the choice of coal it is necessary to pay attention to the structure of the mineral. Too small, powdery — will penetrate into the water, and large, on the contrary — will not provide the proper level of cleaning. (It is preferable to use granular source material).

Activated carbon is the most popular material in the device of self-made filters. It is advisable to fill it with layers so that the bottom was the powdery material on top of the pellets, and fractional composition increased another Important factor is the degree of the so-called "doneness" of coal. If you overdo it with this procedure, the absorbent will quickly lose all its valuable qualities.
Coal can be bought in any supermarket or make it at home. The best absorbent quality observed in deciduous woods, particularly birch.

It is not recommended to use conifers, because they contained essential oils, can give the filtered water smell of pine.

To obtain the coal necessary to load the wood in any metal container and heat it on the fire (preferably put in the oven). After the wood is heated to red, remove the container and allow to cool – all the charcoal ready to use in a filtration system.

Quite the Hiking option is a homemade filter on a coal-based water from the ash the burnt-out fire. On occasion, it is better to use solid pieces of about 4 cm in length.

As a rule, the case for such an improvised system can be anything, but mostly for convenience, use a plastic container or bottle.

 Manufacturer of carbon filter for waterBefore you assemble, you need to find a better way case. You will need:

  • Several plastic containers (bottles or PVC pipe, in some cases, you can use food containers. Due to its durability, they will serve as the basis of cartridge).
  • Tools for processing of plastics (a variety of sharp objects: awl, scissors, utility knife, screwdriver).
  • Absorbent material (in this case activated carbon).
  • Additional filter granulates (quartz sand, gravel).
  • The material for the primary fabric filter (medical bandage, gauze or coffee filter).
  • Plastic caps or plugs.
For the tightness of the design, at the joints of connection of modules, use of polymeric substances (if the filter is layered and consists of several parts). Good water-resistant silicone adhesive or an insulating tape.

The process of Assembly of the deviceFor installation of suspended structures you should use the utility knife to pre-cut from a plastic bottle bottom. Then make two holes opposite each other for fixing the hinges. Now improvised housing can be hung, for example, on the branch of a tree.

Next you need to make output valve, from where it will flow filtered liquid. At this stage, the feature of the design depends on individual preferences. You can organize something according to the principle soul is to do a lot of small holes in the lid, and you can drill one large.

The next step will be directly laying components. Screwing down a perforated cover, flip case or hung by the loop. Then, the first thing is placed a folded several times a bandage or gauze. Everyone is encouraged to use a coffee filter.

In some cases one can find designs where the role of the primary filter material performs a fabric cover, sewn specifically for the case. This greatly facilitates the task of change of absorbent and saves time.

You should pay attention to the fact that the laying of the absorbent components must be done according to the "pyramid". This means that the first thing you should always fine-grained absorbent (charcoal), followed by a layer of quartz sand, and then comes the turn of river pebbles or gravel.

Each next filter layer has a different, often smaller structure than the previous one. This contributes to a more thorough cleaning. For greater efficiency it is recommended to alternate several layers of pebbles, however, do not forget that the excess material can impede the flow of water.

Fill hole it is better to cover with some cloth or a lid in order to avoid any unwanted objects inside of the cartridge.

The principle of operation of such a filter is the passive flow of water through all the layers. Under the influence of granules, contaminated fluid is cleaned and flows out the perforated holes. You first need to pass through the filter several liters of water. The first filtering procedure will wash the layers and clean up the pollutants.

The disadvantages of the system include a fairly slow speed of cleaning and the need to constantly pour new fluid at the completion of filtration.

The disadvantages of homemade water filters with natural fillers is a low speed, the need to frequently change the filter layers, not too high qualityof a Homemade carbon filter out of PVC pipeFor the construction of designs will need cut from plastic water pipe and 2 containers. You can connect the two bottles, where the top segment will serve as a strainer.

The filter can be made of improvised means without the aid of special equipment. Everything needed will be in the house each Inside, as expected, first place a primary layer of gauze or wool, while erecting some semblance of a mesh substrate, for example, of plastic material, the layers did not mix. Very suitable for this plastic cover that you can glue in a PVC pipe and then drill some small holes around the circumference.

Perforation in the plastic partition needed to delay synthetic or natural fibers primary filter Then begins the stage of initial filling of the cartridge by a synthetic material (you can use polyester batting). Then again to close the module cover, only this time it is not necessary to resort to the use of glue, because this part needs to be removable for replacement and cleaning of the filter material.

Lay the filler is tight, but at the same time not too much, that layer did not prevent the passage of water Then begins the turn of a plastic pipe. Bottle to cut the neck and secure it inside the tube so to be able to use the thread.
To mount is tight to avoid leaks (good silicone adhesive). The outside and rim of the neck is recommended to wrap several layers of duct tape for added strength.

Wind the insulation should be several layers in order to prevent the possibility of leakage At the other end of the tube, as usual, you need to insert the cover and do a perforation. On the inner surface of the makeshift cassette be sure to place a tissue layer.

After all the manipulations, the design is ready for filling with granulate (in this case activated carbon). For best efficiency, you can alternate layers of minerals inside the pipe.

It is best to use a synthetic material as a filter layer, because it is more durable and does not need frequent replacement Upon completion, the primary filter module with the coal structure are twisted together by means of a thread. Then, on both sides of the added plastic bottles. That's all, a carbon filter out of PVC cut ready to use.

Homemade design does not require special conditions of use and does not occupy much space in a disassembled stateWater filter for fish aquariumAs is known, for the normal life of aquatics, you should promptly clean the tank and maintain clean water. Owners of small aquariums will have very useful manual on the construction of a filter at home.

Body homemade filter for hard water can be any plastic tube of suitable diameter, including, in the absence of such, is well suited 2 of the syringe.

Before Assembly you need to prepare some additional details: spray bottle (used bottles of detergent), sponge with a high degree of rigidity, and the mechanism by means of which the construction will be attached to the wall of the tank (suction Cup).

The main advantage of this design is the ease of manufacture. All components can be easily detected at home the First thing you need to take out the movable part of the syringe, it is not useful. Then, using a hot-melt adhesive or other sealant, to connect the workpieces with each other, after cutting off noses.

For the current of water it is necessary to make a perforation. To cope with this great traditional soldering iron, and if not, you can heat over a fire any metal object such as a nail, to make holes over the entire area of the syringe.

To optimize the speed of passage of water through the filter it is recommended to make holes at a uniform distance from each other In some cases, you can sleep in the capsule filter of some chips, the best option would be the use of zeolite as the absorbent well, filtering nitrates.

Next, the inside of the case you have to place the atomizer, with flexible tube is supposed to go the entire length of the cassette.

Then an impromptu cartridge completely wrap the sponge and fix the outer layer, so it does not spill. That's all the capacity such a filter is enough to purify water in a small aquarium.

The design is quite compact and can fit in any small tankSand pool filterAs already mentioned, the construction of small variations of filter systems are quite simple, however, when it comes to large pond, you need to consider all the details of the purification system.

Many are probably faced with the problem of "flowering" of water. Most often this process is observed in the warm season, and if the pool is equipped with a heating system, such mishap can occur anytime.

Fair to say that the green water problem can be completely solved with improvised means, namely, to remove mechanically, but sometimes the algal scum can sink to the bottom and remove the surface film it can not be resolved.

In addition, the pollutant can be not only algae, but also the fallen leaves and sand and all kinds of micro-particles, if the pool is on the street.
Faced with such problem, people frantically begin to buy all sorts of detergents and cleaning products, in the hope to get rid of annoying green islets. But the active chemical action of substances can only help with the polluter, which is on the surface and in order to clear the tank to the bottom, we need different methods.

To clean the entire pool, there are special filter systems. They work on the principle of "cleaner", and it is pumped through the compressor, liters of contaminated fluid. The filtering process is a reusable haul water from one part of the basin to another.
This mechanism is often used in large municipal or private institutions, where the volume of the pool sometimes comes to thousands of liters, so the best solution is an automated filtration system.

But the average user is not profitable to invest in such cumbersome equipment, for example, if you need to clean just a small inflatable reservoir seasonal.

For such reservoirs there is a manual on the construction of the sand filter.

The device contains a filler of filtering (sand). You can replace material on any other build process will need all the capacity, which can perform the functions of the cartridge. A water tunnel from the primary filter can be made from plastic pipe with a length of 2 meters (if the pool is large size).

You also need to consider that the construction of the tunnel involves a 90 degree turn, so you need a PVC area. The size of the internal diameter of the cartridge and the pipe should be about 50 mm.

As a reference pin for cleaning modules, you can use a threaded insert M10. The convenience of this design allows to connect several filter cassettes one that turns an ordinary filter into a multilevel. Thereby increasing the absorption efficiency and, eventually, the water becomes more pure.
The first step is to make two holes (it is better to use a drill).

The first end cap of the filter, and the second in the PVC area, and then connect the two parts using pins and screws. At the other end of the tube should be secured water compressor. Power equipment should be chosen based on the volume of the pool.

To ensure that the filter was floating, you need to make a backer Board out of foam.

The cleansing process is a circular one, and occurs by means of water abstraction from the lower layers of the basin and pumping it through the filter by means of the pump.

The advantage of this design is the absence of additional elements for the production of filtered water, as well as the possibility of replacing the cartridge. The wash procedure is best done over a separate container to avoid contamination from dirty fluid back into the pool. Better to use a bucket.

In addition, the cost of this installation is considerably less than the branded counterparts. All you need can be purchased in specialist shops, for example, the compressor sold in any pet store, PVC pipes and angles in building supermarkets, and refill cartridge in the markets in the Department of sanitary engineering.

A big plus when creating the floating filtration system is the freedom of design thought. If you have decorative components, you can mask the filter for any object fit into the composition of the pool, for example, a ship.

A homemade water filterAt home everyone is able to build a system consisting of three tanks connected in series. This filter works only under a certain pressure water system.

As future cassettes you can use plastic or glass containers, and to connect the segments you need by means of a transitional nipple ¼ inch.

The filter is connected directly to the water system and does not require the installation of additional communications facilities on the adapter caused the guide "input/output". They will make sure that the build process was successful. Another important point is the integrity of the installation. To avoid leaks it is recommended that each thread wrap in Teflon tape, and the joints sealed with a synthetic material.

Filter this sample connects to a tee and is connected in series with the water pipes. As a granulate, you can use all the same angle. It will clean the raw water from harmful micro-particles and prevent the build up of limescale on the heating elements of an electric kettle and a washing machine.

Features improvised filterAfter some time, you will have to replace such a system for more professional. This is connected not only with the wear of the old parts, but because of their low absorbent and cleaning efficiency in relation to the microorganisms contained in the water.

To ensure the sterility of the reservoir, the modern filters are equipped with a mineralizing system. Before buying equipment, you should test the water in the laboratory on the content of minerals and then, based on the results of the examination, to choose a filter with an appropriate mineral composition.

The equipment is made in the handicraft way, there is no such function, so after the purification step, the filtrate should not boil.

Compare also the power filter with water pressure. Incorrect calculation of the intensity of Wodonga in relation to improvised filtration system, can affect the functioning of the equipment.

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: sovet-ingenera.com/vodosnab/filtr-schet/filtr-dlya-vody-svoimi-rukami.html