The benefits of using a filter for pond

The owner is sufficient for the size of the land, most likely, sooner or later will succumb to the desire to equip a small but private pond. Creating it is only half the battle, more difficult to maintain it in order. However, daily care of the pond can take on electric helper filter for the pond. The share of the owner will remain simple life of joy: an opportunity to enjoy the unusual beauty of water plants, contemplate the expanse of water and watch the underwater inhabitants.
What is the pond and how it differs from other bodies of water To a private landowner, there are two types of artificial water bodies: swimming pool and pond. The difference is that in the pool you can swim, the pond is designed for keeping plants and possibly fish. A compromise exists, we'll talk about it below.
If pool is clear, then the pond is more complicated. This is a real living organism. There are several types of ponds: ponds for fish, ponds with plants and ponds for swimming.
Important: the Basic rule of maintaining order in pools of any type is the movement of water. Its circulation was ensured by a system of filters and pumps. Filtering is so important that its ability to provide even at the design stage of the pond.
A nearby pond is a small water oasis
Types of ponds for the purpose of This kind of water garden. Tasteful underwater, floating and coastal plants are the main inhabitants of the pond. Arrangements pleasing to the eye and adorn the pond.
It without a filter can not do, and the pumps and filters for ponds with fish are selected with great reserve of power: the fish grow and their metabolic products are becoming more.
A rare phenomenon in Russia, although in its homeland of Austria, they began to form back in the seventies of the last century. Now in Europe, the technology to create these "reservoirs of the future" has reached perfection. This hybrid of the pond and the pool is clearly divided into a swimming area and a regeneration zone, in which live plants. The filter is not needed, as the plants selected in such a way that you can do to completely clean the water.
Swimming pond in England. Can be divided into zones
Ways to clean the pond while Organic matter is decomposed by bacteria into non-toxic constituents — nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. A biological filter is a container of any porous non-toxic material, which inhabit colonies of aerobic bacteria. Specifically they are to be applied, the container will populate itself in the process of pumping water from the pond through the filter. Some manufacturers offer ready-made biologics for the treatment of water, all that is required is to pour the drug with bacteria in the pond, where they quickly multiply and purify the water.
You can find a lot of reagents able to run in the water a chemical reaction that clears the water. Reagents apart at the same harmless for people and fish joints, most often water and carbon dioxide. Way to rid the pond of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, hydrogen sulphide and harmful metals.
This radiation is deadly to single-celled algae and microorganisms and is harmless to fish and higher plants. The ultraviolet will help to where can't handle regular mechanical filtration. You need to remember that ultraviolet radiation is harmful to the eyes and skin of humans and animals.
It looks like a UV filter. It is enabled only when the "bloom" of water
- Mechanical cleaning of the water
Types of filters and their characteristics Flow filter for the pond.The water in the filter is pumped, flows into the pond by gravity. Set just above the water level in the pond.
Water from well disguised flow filter flows in the form of a waterfall
Pressure filter for pond.This is the most common option. It combines the simplicity of the device and ease of use, and can completely professionally cleaned pond. Set on the banks as above the level of the water surface and below. For inspection and cleaning need not go into the water, which is especially frustrating to do in cold weather. The filter can be dug into the ground and decorate the top. It is ideal for ponds with streams and slides, because it can already serve purified water to a height of two meters. Almost all models of pressure filters have a three-stage filtration system, including biological, mechanical and UV cleaning. The average cost is$ 500. Modular filters.It filters for large bodies of water, powerful and effective. Their other name: — multi-chamber filters. In each cell (module) is a variety of filter material, and the water poured from chamber to chamber, additionally is aerated. Set on the beach. The volume can be up to several hundred liters, so it is difficult to decorate. Brand models are very expensive, and professional rybarzowice often made modular filters alone.
Modular filter to guard the purity of the rather large body of water
Making homemade filter Despite the fact that brand filter is decent, there is no other device that is as easy to do it yourself. To make a filter for a pond with their hands will have to buy the pump.
Take any container, e.g., plastic bucket, drill holes in the bottom. Fill a bucket with coarse sand, fine gravel, pumice, lava, expanded clay, foam. Aim the stream of water from the pump into the bucket. Place the bucket on shore so that the water flowed by gravity back into the pond. Homemade filter for pond ready.
Homemade filter wrapped with black tape masking. On top you can put the plant in the pot
The calculation of the filter capacity and operation of the Filter is selected based on its performance. A small reservoir with a volume of about ten cubic meters should filter all the water 5-6 times a day. The greater the reservoir, the lesser number of daily filtering required. The hourly output of the filter is calculated by the formula: volume of the reservoir multiplied by the daily number of filtrations and divide by 24. Place the filter so that in the pond left of the zones with stagnant water.
Include the unit in the spring when the air warms up to +15, and shut off in the fall. All this time the filter needs to work constantly.
The filter is connected to the electrical panel via a residual current device (RCD) that any leakage of current opens the circuit. Cables and wires must have insulation armored, allowing you to sink them with stones. The outlet should be protected from moisture.
If you do not filter the water in the pond let's Say you built a pond, planted his plants and even launched a fish. And the water filter did not. What are the prospects of your pond?
The untreated water in the pond is blooming. In this reservoir do not grow cultivated plants and algae, dying fish
In all closed reservoirs are the same process, they will begin and in your pond. Dead plants, fish excrement, having fallen into the water leaves and branches caused by the wind the soil will settle to the bottom, where the microorganisms take over the decomposition. It will be anaerobic microorganisms, because at the bottom of a little oxygen. Simply put, the cause will take putrefactive bacteria. The decay will "wash out" the oxygen from the water, at the same time saturating it with nitrogen and phosphorus — food source of phytoplankton. That is, "water bloom". Fish kills are provided.
Further — more. Increasing sediment oxygen long ago is not in sight: underwater plants choked out, failing to produce turbid water from plankton. In the pond there is an active gas, there was a smell of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide is a), the water was covered in a muddy film. Waterlogging is in progress. In "favorable" conditions will be quite a season so full of life pond turned into a stinking puddle.
Therefore, arranging the reservoir in any case don't forget the filter for the pond. Whether it is pressure, flow, or homemade filter. Most importantly, that his power was sufficient to maintain order in the pond and then the pond will be your pride and ornament of the site.
Source: 101dizain.ru