How to keep the air clean while vacuuming?
Many users of modern technology are wondering how to keep the air remove the room from the emission of dust during the vacuum cleaner. After all, the garbage deposited only large particles of debris and fine dust is returned back into the room. It is in order to prevent such a negative point, almost all new models of vacuum cleaner is equipped with a HEPA filter. This filter is able to detain even those particles that you cannot see without a microscope.
The name Nehru comes from the English abbreviation for High Efficiency Particulate Air/Absorbing, which stands for "high efficiency particle retention". Such a filter specialists refer to the so-called "filters". HEPA filters are divided into several classes – from 10 to 14 which hold 85 up to 99.995% of particles of size 0,3 µm, respectively. The filters are single - use or reusable depending on the materials from which they are made. Disposable made of paper with the addition of fiberglass, and reusable – made of PTFE. HEPA filter is a folded filter material and glued to the frame. The more surface area the better it works.
Sale vacuum cleaner for clean cleaning is carried out in the popular online stores. It is important to pay attention to when choosing on the presence of a HEPA filter.
HEPA filter captures particles from 0.1 µm to 1 µm with the effect of gearing, inertia and diffusion. The meshing is applied to all particles, when they pass near the microfibers and adhere thereto. Inertia is more typical of large particles, which cannot go around the microfiber filter and collide with the surface of the filter. The effect of diffusion is more beneficial for the retention of fine dust particles, which collide with air molecules and repelled from them, falling on the filter surface.
As we already mentioned, the HEPA filter copes well with the dust particles with size from 0.1 to 1 µm, smaller is not captured by the filter, but a larger negative impact on the quality of the filter they bring down finer particles from the surface of the filter and reduce filtration efficiency. That's why the HEPA filter placed at the exit from the vacuum cleaner when dusty air will be cleaned from larger particles, passing through other filtration systems cleaner.
An important point – the HEPA filter must be periodically replaced or washed, if it's a reusable filter, as its surface will become clogged. If you forget to do this, a clogged HEPA filter does not hold the dust and you will feel unpleasant dusty smell. Disposable filter a couple of times to blow out with compressed air, which will help to recover up to 80% efficiency of the filter, but after several purges the filter comes into complete disrepair. So, if you care about the most effective operation of the cleaner, do not be lazy to check the cleanness of HEPA filter and time to change it.
Source: moskva.sravni.com/catc370t16384.html

The name Nehru comes from the English abbreviation for High Efficiency Particulate Air/Absorbing, which stands for "high efficiency particle retention". Such a filter specialists refer to the so-called "filters". HEPA filters are divided into several classes – from 10 to 14 which hold 85 up to 99.995% of particles of size 0,3 µm, respectively. The filters are single - use or reusable depending on the materials from which they are made. Disposable made of paper with the addition of fiberglass, and reusable – made of PTFE. HEPA filter is a folded filter material and glued to the frame. The more surface area the better it works.
Sale vacuum cleaner for clean cleaning is carried out in the popular online stores. It is important to pay attention to when choosing on the presence of a HEPA filter.
HEPA filter captures particles from 0.1 µm to 1 µm with the effect of gearing, inertia and diffusion. The meshing is applied to all particles, when they pass near the microfibers and adhere thereto. Inertia is more typical of large particles, which cannot go around the microfiber filter and collide with the surface of the filter. The effect of diffusion is more beneficial for the retention of fine dust particles, which collide with air molecules and repelled from them, falling on the filter surface.
As we already mentioned, the HEPA filter copes well with the dust particles with size from 0.1 to 1 µm, smaller is not captured by the filter, but a larger negative impact on the quality of the filter they bring down finer particles from the surface of the filter and reduce filtration efficiency. That's why the HEPA filter placed at the exit from the vacuum cleaner when dusty air will be cleaned from larger particles, passing through other filtration systems cleaner.

An important point – the HEPA filter must be periodically replaced or washed, if it's a reusable filter, as its surface will become clogged. If you forget to do this, a clogged HEPA filter does not hold the dust and you will feel unpleasant dusty smell. Disposable filter a couple of times to blow out with compressed air, which will help to recover up to 80% efficiency of the filter, but after several purges the filter comes into complete disrepair. So, if you care about the most effective operation of the cleaner, do not be lazy to check the cleanness of HEPA filter and time to change it.
Source: moskva.sravni.com/catc370t16384.html