What to change so that the house does not settle dust on furniture and mirrors

Everyone's attitude to cleaning is different. For some, it is the best way to calm down and put your thoughts in order. But for some it does not bring the slightest pleasure. In any case, you need to clean your house, because only in flat You can really relax and rest. Today we will talk about dust in the house and methods of getting rid of it.

Dust in the house Probably many neat housewives would like dust off once and for all. It accumulates constantly, even if the windows are closed, and rarely in the room. Dust is commonly referred to as the small particles between 0.01 and 10 microns that cover mirrors, furniture and floors.

Large dust can be seen in the corners of the apartment. It is presented in the form of large down lumps, but small constantly hovers in the air. We are most vulnerable to the second type. This kind of dust might even obstruct.

There are sources of dust that cannot be eliminated. For example, we, our belongings, pets and the street from which a lot of particles get into our apartment. soil, pollen and construction waste. However, careful cleaning and proper organization of things inside the room will greatly improve the situation.

How to reduce the amount of dust in your home
  1. Carpets
    Carpet coatings are the most “hardworking” collections of dust. It accumulates in them for years, and on contact immediately gets back into the air we breathe. Ideally, carpets need to be shaken and vacuumed once a week. If this is too much for you, I advise you to completely get rid of these dust collectors, making your life easier.

  2. Curtains
    Curtain care is very important. Ignoring it clean-up It can lead to an increase in the amount of dust in the air and an invasion of dust mites. Curtains should be washed once every few weeks and treated with steam. By the way, now many people change the usual curtains and curtains to stylish blinds, which are much easier to care for.

  3. Pillows
    Feather pillows can be replaced with a less dust collecting option. However, both must be carefully aired. Dust also accumulates in soft toys. Therefore, it is desirable to store them in a separate box. The fewer things scattered around the house, the less dust will accumulate.

  4. Cleaning
    Cleaning will be much easier if there is no pile on the surfaces trinkets. Take inventory and put all the small items in the nightstands and lockers. When cleaning the dust, remember to do it from top to bottom.

  5. polyryl
    Now on sale you can find various tools that will help keep the surface clean for a long time. Glycerin can also be used. First, wipe the dust in the usual way, and then apply to the cloth. some glycerol And walk on the surfaces. Now the dust will settle on them in much smaller quantities.

Anyone who loves cleanliness, but does not like to clean, should pay attention not to the cleaning itself, but to the organization. The simpler and more minimalist your apartment is furnished, the easier it will be to clean it. Another small piece of advice is to eliminate small contaminants and clutter right away. Then you definitely don't have to spend the whole weekend cleaning up your apartment.