How dangerous the air in the house
What are the symptoms of Allergy to house dust, and what to do with her appearance?
Probably many have noticed that after cleaning my eyes begin to tear and uncontrollably sneezing. So manifests itself Allergy to house dust. We are faced with the daily dust. On each square centimeter of the floor, which had not vacuumed, lies about 12,000 dust particles.
Sixty million five hundred thirty seven thousand one hundred seventy four
Combating household dust for many Housewives transformed into eternal war. And those who are not willing to put up with it, absolutely right. Dust is often the cause of many diseases. Because the composition of house dust is very complex – it contains inorganic particles, insect fragments, mold spores and germs. Dust may provoke the development of respiratory diseases, asthma and allergies.
Symptoms of Allergy to household dust:
Scientists estimate that the air in our homes is 4 times dirtier and 8 times more toxic than outdoor air. It poisons the dust – a mixture of tiny particles of textile fibres, soot, pollen and mold spores, dead skin flakes, insect remains and waste their life. Many components of dust cause allergies. This applies in particular to the excrement of microscopic mites-saprophytes that live in any home. Few suspects we have at hand is inhabited by millions of these creatures. Mites can only be seen under a microscope – they are so small.
Saprophytes feed on dead skin scales and feather stuffing from old pillows. Preferred habitat of these insects – bed, upholstered furniture and carpets. The mattress used few years, there are about two million species of mites. These mites themselves are not dangerous – they do not bite, do not cause skin diseases, can not tolerate the infection. However, tiny particles of dead mites and especially their droppings – the strongest allergen.
According to the world Health Organization today about 40% of the world population suffer from some form of Allergy to dust. And often be the culprit mites. They cause unpleasant symptoms of an Allergy to dust, cough, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, itching and skin rashes. But the most dangerous consequence of allergies dust asthma. Cough, conjunctivitis and itchy, no doubt, do not deliver much pleasure. However, they, unlike asthma, is not life-threatening.
With allergic asthma, the sign of every 12th resident of Russia. Attack of allergic asthma begins with a painful dry cough. Breathing becomes rapid, labored, and "whistling". There is shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. Asthma is very dangerous, especially for young children. In the most severe cases can even be fatal. Alas, very often mistaken for asthma bronchitis and prescribe an ineffective treatment.
Bronchial asthma
Currently, the diagnosis of asthma included in the list of the most common diseases. It is estimated that in various forms it affects up to ten percent of the population of the globe.
What is asthma and how is it dangerous to humans? It is an allergic disease, which manifests itself by repeated attacks of breathlessness occurring as a result of cough and bronchospasm. The person tormented by this disease is easy to recognize: he's dry, jerky cough, has difficulty breathing, from your lungs a work out wheezing. Usually, bronchial asthma is stronger manifests itself at night, and also when a strong emotion and physical exertion.
Despite the fact that the symptoms is very obvious, the disease can be detected immediately. It is often diagnosed as a form of bronchitis, as a result prescribed the usual drugs for cough and asthma do not waste time. More than half of the patients, the correct diagnosis is made too late, when the disease has entered the late stage.
The most common cause that triggers the occurrence and development of disease, are the allergens that cause the onset of allergic reactions in the bronchi. Asthma may develop at any age, from it nobody is insured. Most often seen in bronchial asthma in children. Any most expensive asthma treatment today will help to reduce the symptoms of the disease. Today's advances in medicine and pharmacy can achieve control of asthma. Leading role in control over the frequency of exacerbations of asthma plays an elimination of allergens.
Dust causes irreparable harm to the health of the child!
The lack of regular wet cleaning in the house can cause the development of the child's disease.
Invisible, but very deadly threat awaits the children who grow up in homes where no is held constant wet cleaning. Dust contains substances which cause asthma, behavioral disorders and even cancer in children. And the constant presence of a pregnant in this area may cause birth defects.
Scientists from the University of Simon Fraser argue that dust is one of the sources of lead. Children absorb 50% of incoming lead and an adult – 10%. Children are at particular risk.
By the way, the substances with which cleaned the premises themselves should be non-toxic.
What is the danger of dry air in the apartment?
It is no secret that children are much more sensitive to environmental exposures than adults. Today let's talk about one of these climatic factors – humidity.
For proper growth and development of the child is necessary to maintain normal humidity in the room, which should not be below 50%. How to determine moisture content, we have considered here, those interested can read the article, but for now let's talk about how dangerous the dry air in the apartment.
With increasing temperature, particularly acute problem in the hot season, the air in the home becomes more dry. This leads to the fact that the allergens don't settle, and as it hangs in the dry air, and thus easily moved around the apartment. As most of these allergens can act as an ordinary dust, pet dander and pollen.
Naturally, all each of them can be dangerous for the baby, because it is in early childhood often develop a variety of allergic reactions. In addition, dry air in the apartment leads to drying of the mucosa of the nasopharynx, with the result that it becomes more vulnerable to the penetration of germs.
Go on. If your child has any health problems, dry air can further aggravate the situation. For example, there is deterioration in the condition or the efficacy of treatment will decrease. Which ultimately may trigger the development of chronic diseases.
In conclusion, we present an interesting opinion. Pediatricians believe that even a perfectly healthy baby, dry air in the room can lead to a change in the diurnal regime of renal function and the development of dysbiosis.
How to clean the air in the house from dust?
Clean the dust from the floor is much easier than from the air. But the methods of air purification from dust is still there.
Before leaving on vacation, we bring the apartment to Shine, to return to clean the house and do the cleaning, and viewing photos. But we all noticed the mysterious phenomenon – two weeks later the dust is back again.
It covers a thick layer of all surfaces, although Windows and doors were tightly closed, and in the apartment no one lived. Where does this dust? From the air.
In sunlight, you may notice hundreds of thousands of tiny dust particles. This is a microscopic textile fibres, flakes of dead skin, grime from the streets, pollens, mold spores, fragments of dead insects and hundreds of other substances!
It gradually settles and spoil the life of Housewives who have to MOP it several times a day. But the dust is not only ugly. It is also harmful!
Many components of dust are strong allergens. And dust Allergy manifests itself gradually.
Persons many years may consider themselves not prone to allergies, until one day wakes up with an allergic runny nose, cough and watery eyes. In addition, the city dust contains toxic elements.
Effective cleaning of air from dust in industrial premises is carried out by special cumbersome and expensive devices. But how to get rid of house dust?
To care for upholstered furniture?
If we dealt with our sofas, mattresses and pillows under the microscope for a long time would lose sleep and rest. Bed linen and soft furnishings – the perfect habitat for mites-saprophytes. These microscopic insects live in each apartment and feed on dead skin cells.
They love warmth and dark, so that it is under the upholstery and deep cushions they live best. Huge colonies of mites live for years and die in pillows and mattresses. Their selection and the fragments of dead insects – the strongest allergens!
Many people who are allergic to dust, in fact, can not tolerate is the waste products of these small pests.
To deal with ticks is to regularly buy new pillows and blankets. Prefer synthetic fillers. Mattresses are quite expensive, and change them every two or three years expensive.
Vacuum electrophysiology and function of dry cleaning will save you from such expenses. Sofas and chairs also need to be cleaned regularly. It is much easier to keep clean, the upholstery of leather or imitation leather.
To maintain the optimum humidity level?
In dry air easy dust does not settle down for a long time. That is why humid air is much cleaner on the dry side. The ideal level of humidity for humans is 40-60%, but usually in apartments, it does not rise above 20-25%.
To raise humidity you can use aquariums and decorative indoor fountains. However, this method is not very effective, though beautiful.
Much more will be confused by the household humidifiers. These devices vaporize the water, saturating the air with moisture.
In humid air, the dust becomes wet and quickly drops to the floor, and from there it is easy to collect with a vacuum cleaner.
Many moisturizers and even purify the air, runs it through carbon and HEPA filters. Some models also ionize, disinfect and aromatize the air. Multifunctional humidifiers are more expensive, but the effect of their work is noticeable immediately.
To get rid of trash?
The more the house "dust collectors", the harder it is to keep clean. Dozens of figurines and framed photos, books, open cabinets, soft toys, multi-layered Drapes with fabrics, fluffy carpets attract dust like a magnet.
If you are willing to devote to cleaning for a few hours weekly, get rid of all that difficult to clean. Give preference to minimalistic Scandinavian style or a fashionable high-tech.
Floors covered with tile or laminate flooring clean from dust much easier than a Persian rug. More hygienic self-leveling floors in which no seams and joints. Remove the curtains and hang them instead of aluminum or wood blinds that can be wiped in one motion.
And if not cherished trinkets house seem uncomfortable to you, put them in glass cabinets with lights – they will look much more spectacular, and dust will be less.
The technique also attract dust, but only when running. So don't forget to turn off the TV and computer at the same time and save electricity.
To clear the air of dust... fresh air?
In the stagnant air, fungus, mites and mold life is very good, can not be said about the man. In addition, many cheap materials used in the decoration of houses continues to release toxins for several years.The same applies to carpets and furniture.
The concentration of these harmful indoors increases. Make it a rule every day to air all the rooms – this is best done in the morning and before bedtime. But at the same time make sure the ventilation works.
It's easy to do: gently bring to the ventilation of a burning match. If the flames leaned to the bars, all right. If it did not move or even deviated from the hole – it's time to call professionals to clean the vents.
For the year on each square meter of the apartment may accumulate up to 8 grams of dust. And if you live on a low floor, near roads, construction sites or plant, it is much more. Of course, to get rid of dust once and for all impossible. But the described methods of air cleaning will help to make your house cleaner and save your health.
Why you need to wash your hands. Disease from dirty hands
We all like to dress nicely, be tidy and neat, to get the look in no case did not spoil our reputation. And if You come to thoroughly clean Your skin? If You think that now we are talking about regular body wash, it is not quite right. Want to discuss the issue of regular hand washing, because of how carefully You approach the issue of hygiene depends largely on the General condition of Your health.
Disease from dirty hands.
There are many diseases that can be avoided if in time to wash my hands (or at least wipe with a damp disinfectant wipe). One of these diseases in common is called "disease of dirty hands", and in medicine – dysentery. Typhoid, hepatitis, cholera – all these diseases are the result of poor hand washing. A lot of people are in the hospital because of their negligence, forget the time to wash my hands before eating.
The issue of hygiene may not be the problem of one person. In addition to his desire he can become a spreader of serious diseases in the family circle, friends and family are close to the "dirt" is in danger. Intestinal infections are able to strike at once all the family, and not one person. Question hand hygiene is particularly acute in the catering, children's institutions. The employees of these institutions apply higher requirements, because of how employees comply with the rules of hand washing depends largely on the health of hundreds of children.
During outbreaks, many people avoided diseases because on time and regularly washed their hands. Known to us reliable information as to the effect of microbes on a simple action – washing hands. Just imagine that the microbes are killed within 10 minutes if placed on a clean skin. Now note those who do not like to wash hands! Microbes on the skin of dirty hands persist and continue to live in 95% of all cases.
No need to put a reminder on your phone to remember to wash my hands. Try to make sure that this process was natural, without any reminders. Develop yourself and your loved ones a habit, a skill. If You have a child, try to instill in him from an early age the personal hygiene habits of hand, and explain that before you sit down at the table to thoroughly wash hands.
Author: Julia Budanov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: hylarussia.ru
Probably many have noticed that after cleaning my eyes begin to tear and uncontrollably sneezing. So manifests itself Allergy to house dust. We are faced with the daily dust. On each square centimeter of the floor, which had not vacuumed, lies about 12,000 dust particles.
Sixty million five hundred thirty seven thousand one hundred seventy four
Combating household dust for many Housewives transformed into eternal war. And those who are not willing to put up with it, absolutely right. Dust is often the cause of many diseases. Because the composition of house dust is very complex – it contains inorganic particles, insect fragments, mold spores and germs. Dust may provoke the development of respiratory diseases, asthma and allergies.
Symptoms of Allergy to household dust:
Scientists estimate that the air in our homes is 4 times dirtier and 8 times more toxic than outdoor air. It poisons the dust – a mixture of tiny particles of textile fibres, soot, pollen and mold spores, dead skin flakes, insect remains and waste their life. Many components of dust cause allergies. This applies in particular to the excrement of microscopic mites-saprophytes that live in any home. Few suspects we have at hand is inhabited by millions of these creatures. Mites can only be seen under a microscope – they are so small.
Saprophytes feed on dead skin scales and feather stuffing from old pillows. Preferred habitat of these insects – bed, upholstered furniture and carpets. The mattress used few years, there are about two million species of mites. These mites themselves are not dangerous – they do not bite, do not cause skin diseases, can not tolerate the infection. However, tiny particles of dead mites and especially their droppings – the strongest allergen.
According to the world Health Organization today about 40% of the world population suffer from some form of Allergy to dust. And often be the culprit mites. They cause unpleasant symptoms of an Allergy to dust, cough, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, itching and skin rashes. But the most dangerous consequence of allergies dust asthma. Cough, conjunctivitis and itchy, no doubt, do not deliver much pleasure. However, they, unlike asthma, is not life-threatening.
With allergic asthma, the sign of every 12th resident of Russia. Attack of allergic asthma begins with a painful dry cough. Breathing becomes rapid, labored, and "whistling". There is shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. Asthma is very dangerous, especially for young children. In the most severe cases can even be fatal. Alas, very often mistaken for asthma bronchitis and prescribe an ineffective treatment.
Bronchial asthma
Currently, the diagnosis of asthma included in the list of the most common diseases. It is estimated that in various forms it affects up to ten percent of the population of the globe.
What is asthma and how is it dangerous to humans? It is an allergic disease, which manifests itself by repeated attacks of breathlessness occurring as a result of cough and bronchospasm. The person tormented by this disease is easy to recognize: he's dry, jerky cough, has difficulty breathing, from your lungs a work out wheezing. Usually, bronchial asthma is stronger manifests itself at night, and also when a strong emotion and physical exertion.
Despite the fact that the symptoms is very obvious, the disease can be detected immediately. It is often diagnosed as a form of bronchitis, as a result prescribed the usual drugs for cough and asthma do not waste time. More than half of the patients, the correct diagnosis is made too late, when the disease has entered the late stage.
The most common cause that triggers the occurrence and development of disease, are the allergens that cause the onset of allergic reactions in the bronchi. Asthma may develop at any age, from it nobody is insured. Most often seen in bronchial asthma in children. Any most expensive asthma treatment today will help to reduce the symptoms of the disease. Today's advances in medicine and pharmacy can achieve control of asthma. Leading role in control over the frequency of exacerbations of asthma plays an elimination of allergens.
Dust causes irreparable harm to the health of the child!
The lack of regular wet cleaning in the house can cause the development of the child's disease.
Invisible, but very deadly threat awaits the children who grow up in homes where no is held constant wet cleaning. Dust contains substances which cause asthma, behavioral disorders and even cancer in children. And the constant presence of a pregnant in this area may cause birth defects.
Scientists from the University of Simon Fraser argue that dust is one of the sources of lead. Children absorb 50% of incoming lead and an adult – 10%. Children are at particular risk.
By the way, the substances with which cleaned the premises themselves should be non-toxic.
What is the danger of dry air in the apartment?
It is no secret that children are much more sensitive to environmental exposures than adults. Today let's talk about one of these climatic factors – humidity.
For proper growth and development of the child is necessary to maintain normal humidity in the room, which should not be below 50%. How to determine moisture content, we have considered here, those interested can read the article, but for now let's talk about how dangerous the dry air in the apartment.
With increasing temperature, particularly acute problem in the hot season, the air in the home becomes more dry. This leads to the fact that the allergens don't settle, and as it hangs in the dry air, and thus easily moved around the apartment. As most of these allergens can act as an ordinary dust, pet dander and pollen.
Naturally, all each of them can be dangerous for the baby, because it is in early childhood often develop a variety of allergic reactions. In addition, dry air in the apartment leads to drying of the mucosa of the nasopharynx, with the result that it becomes more vulnerable to the penetration of germs.
Go on. If your child has any health problems, dry air can further aggravate the situation. For example, there is deterioration in the condition or the efficacy of treatment will decrease. Which ultimately may trigger the development of chronic diseases.
In conclusion, we present an interesting opinion. Pediatricians believe that even a perfectly healthy baby, dry air in the room can lead to a change in the diurnal regime of renal function and the development of dysbiosis.
How to clean the air in the house from dust?
Clean the dust from the floor is much easier than from the air. But the methods of air purification from dust is still there.
Before leaving on vacation, we bring the apartment to Shine, to return to clean the house and do the cleaning, and viewing photos. But we all noticed the mysterious phenomenon – two weeks later the dust is back again.
It covers a thick layer of all surfaces, although Windows and doors were tightly closed, and in the apartment no one lived. Where does this dust? From the air.
In sunlight, you may notice hundreds of thousands of tiny dust particles. This is a microscopic textile fibres, flakes of dead skin, grime from the streets, pollens, mold spores, fragments of dead insects and hundreds of other substances!
It gradually settles and spoil the life of Housewives who have to MOP it several times a day. But the dust is not only ugly. It is also harmful!
Many components of dust are strong allergens. And dust Allergy manifests itself gradually.
Persons many years may consider themselves not prone to allergies, until one day wakes up with an allergic runny nose, cough and watery eyes. In addition, the city dust contains toxic elements.
Effective cleaning of air from dust in industrial premises is carried out by special cumbersome and expensive devices. But how to get rid of house dust?
To care for upholstered furniture?
If we dealt with our sofas, mattresses and pillows under the microscope for a long time would lose sleep and rest. Bed linen and soft furnishings – the perfect habitat for mites-saprophytes. These microscopic insects live in each apartment and feed on dead skin cells.
They love warmth and dark, so that it is under the upholstery and deep cushions they live best. Huge colonies of mites live for years and die in pillows and mattresses. Their selection and the fragments of dead insects – the strongest allergens!
Many people who are allergic to dust, in fact, can not tolerate is the waste products of these small pests.
To deal with ticks is to regularly buy new pillows and blankets. Prefer synthetic fillers. Mattresses are quite expensive, and change them every two or three years expensive.
Vacuum electrophysiology and function of dry cleaning will save you from such expenses. Sofas and chairs also need to be cleaned regularly. It is much easier to keep clean, the upholstery of leather or imitation leather.
To maintain the optimum humidity level?
In dry air easy dust does not settle down for a long time. That is why humid air is much cleaner on the dry side. The ideal level of humidity for humans is 40-60%, but usually in apartments, it does not rise above 20-25%.
To raise humidity you can use aquariums and decorative indoor fountains. However, this method is not very effective, though beautiful.
Much more will be confused by the household humidifiers. These devices vaporize the water, saturating the air with moisture.
In humid air, the dust becomes wet and quickly drops to the floor, and from there it is easy to collect with a vacuum cleaner.
Many moisturizers and even purify the air, runs it through carbon and HEPA filters. Some models also ionize, disinfect and aromatize the air. Multifunctional humidifiers are more expensive, but the effect of their work is noticeable immediately.
To get rid of trash?
The more the house "dust collectors", the harder it is to keep clean. Dozens of figurines and framed photos, books, open cabinets, soft toys, multi-layered Drapes with fabrics, fluffy carpets attract dust like a magnet.
If you are willing to devote to cleaning for a few hours weekly, get rid of all that difficult to clean. Give preference to minimalistic Scandinavian style or a fashionable high-tech.
Floors covered with tile or laminate flooring clean from dust much easier than a Persian rug. More hygienic self-leveling floors in which no seams and joints. Remove the curtains and hang them instead of aluminum or wood blinds that can be wiped in one motion.
And if not cherished trinkets house seem uncomfortable to you, put them in glass cabinets with lights – they will look much more spectacular, and dust will be less.
The technique also attract dust, but only when running. So don't forget to turn off the TV and computer at the same time and save electricity.
To clear the air of dust... fresh air?
In the stagnant air, fungus, mites and mold life is very good, can not be said about the man. In addition, many cheap materials used in the decoration of houses continues to release toxins for several years.The same applies to carpets and furniture.
The concentration of these harmful indoors increases. Make it a rule every day to air all the rooms – this is best done in the morning and before bedtime. But at the same time make sure the ventilation works.
It's easy to do: gently bring to the ventilation of a burning match. If the flames leaned to the bars, all right. If it did not move or even deviated from the hole – it's time to call professionals to clean the vents.
For the year on each square meter of the apartment may accumulate up to 8 grams of dust. And if you live on a low floor, near roads, construction sites or plant, it is much more. Of course, to get rid of dust once and for all impossible. But the described methods of air cleaning will help to make your house cleaner and save your health.
Why you need to wash your hands. Disease from dirty hands
We all like to dress nicely, be tidy and neat, to get the look in no case did not spoil our reputation. And if You come to thoroughly clean Your skin? If You think that now we are talking about regular body wash, it is not quite right. Want to discuss the issue of regular hand washing, because of how carefully You approach the issue of hygiene depends largely on the General condition of Your health.
Disease from dirty hands.
There are many diseases that can be avoided if in time to wash my hands (or at least wipe with a damp disinfectant wipe). One of these diseases in common is called "disease of dirty hands", and in medicine – dysentery. Typhoid, hepatitis, cholera – all these diseases are the result of poor hand washing. A lot of people are in the hospital because of their negligence, forget the time to wash my hands before eating.
The issue of hygiene may not be the problem of one person. In addition to his desire he can become a spreader of serious diseases in the family circle, friends and family are close to the "dirt" is in danger. Intestinal infections are able to strike at once all the family, and not one person. Question hand hygiene is particularly acute in the catering, children's institutions. The employees of these institutions apply higher requirements, because of how employees comply with the rules of hand washing depends largely on the health of hundreds of children.
During outbreaks, many people avoided diseases because on time and regularly washed their hands. Known to us reliable information as to the effect of microbes on a simple action – washing hands. Just imagine that the microbes are killed within 10 minutes if placed on a clean skin. Now note those who do not like to wash hands! Microbes on the skin of dirty hands persist and continue to live in 95% of all cases.
No need to put a reminder on your phone to remember to wash my hands. Try to make sure that this process was natural, without any reminders. Develop yourself and your loved ones a habit, a skill. If You have a child, try to instill in him from an early age the personal hygiene habits of hand, and explain that before you sit down at the table to thoroughly wash hands.
Author: Julia Budanov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: hylarussia.ru