What is awareness
Awareness is the awakening of the consciousness, continuous care at every moment of life. When during the execution of any action is not happening wandering thoughts and focused on what is happening specifically at the moment.
Ordinary perception is like a drowsy state, in which, somewhere at the subconscious level is a "frame by frame" scanning what is happening in the moment. Then "adopted" in the form of images the information goes to a more detailed treatment with the help of the mental apparatus.
Thus, the person loses contact with pure reality, which he substitute for it (karmically) due to thoughts. Awareness awakens the dormant consciousness.
The purpose of practicing mindfulness is to divert attention from thoughts about what is happening in the very happening in the now. As one Zen master about his practice: "When I eat – I eat when carrying water – I carry water." This is extremely important, you might say, the key point (and the point) of the practice of awakening and evolving our consciousness.
In fact, mindfulness and meditation are synonyms. Meditation differs only in the fact that during its execution, You practice mindfulness in the most comfortable, "hothouse" conditions. However, one cannot spend years sitting with his eyes closed. Moreover, the awareness in motion – this is a more advanced practice. And what sense to sit back your whole life? Even if the movements have no meaning, their absence also does not have any sense! Otherwise life would be from the state not the manifestation of Nirvana. Wisdom in an active, creative clarity.
Under what conditions the practice of awakening awareness successful?
The whole point is to make your continuous attention, not be distracted by thoughts for a moment. Thanks to this continuous vigor of consciousness, there is incredible, a fine experience, as if You awoke. At first it seems a miracle that this amazing freedom and completeness of a continuous time of "now", feeling of being has always been with you, and how strange that nobody notices and doesn't say about it.
The surrounding space and objects lose sense of size, because all these experiences are only the mental color. Looking at familiar objects, becomes an obvious fact of conditionality of values. Hard to say, big items or small, far or close they are, and it does not hinder your movement, but on the contrary makes it more accurate and heartfelt.
With the further deepening of awareness may be feeling of eternity, like what is happening with you has always been, and the distance to objects can seem infinitely distant. The body begins to be perceived from the outside.
Speed events also loses its usual criteria, even in simple movements and feelings experienced incredibly rapid stream of sensations. These experiences are impossible to convey in words. Nothing compares to direct experience. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/studiya_zen?w=wall-28623892_3118
Ordinary perception is like a drowsy state, in which, somewhere at the subconscious level is a "frame by frame" scanning what is happening in the moment. Then "adopted" in the form of images the information goes to a more detailed treatment with the help of the mental apparatus.
Thus, the person loses contact with pure reality, which he substitute for it (karmically) due to thoughts. Awareness awakens the dormant consciousness.

The purpose of practicing mindfulness is to divert attention from thoughts about what is happening in the very happening in the now. As one Zen master about his practice: "When I eat – I eat when carrying water – I carry water." This is extremely important, you might say, the key point (and the point) of the practice of awakening and evolving our consciousness.
In fact, mindfulness and meditation are synonyms. Meditation differs only in the fact that during its execution, You practice mindfulness in the most comfortable, "hothouse" conditions. However, one cannot spend years sitting with his eyes closed. Moreover, the awareness in motion – this is a more advanced practice. And what sense to sit back your whole life? Even if the movements have no meaning, their absence also does not have any sense! Otherwise life would be from the state not the manifestation of Nirvana. Wisdom in an active, creative clarity.
Under what conditions the practice of awakening awareness successful?
The whole point is to make your continuous attention, not be distracted by thoughts for a moment. Thanks to this continuous vigor of consciousness, there is incredible, a fine experience, as if You awoke. At first it seems a miracle that this amazing freedom and completeness of a continuous time of "now", feeling of being has always been with you, and how strange that nobody notices and doesn't say about it.
The surrounding space and objects lose sense of size, because all these experiences are only the mental color. Looking at familiar objects, becomes an obvious fact of conditionality of values. Hard to say, big items or small, far or close they are, and it does not hinder your movement, but on the contrary makes it more accurate and heartfelt.
With the further deepening of awareness may be feeling of eternity, like what is happening with you has always been, and the distance to objects can seem infinitely distant. The body begins to be perceived from the outside.
Speed events also loses its usual criteria, even in simple movements and feelings experienced incredibly rapid stream of sensations. These experiences are impossible to convey in words. Nothing compares to direct experience. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/studiya_zen?w=wall-28623892_3118