How to choose a water filter

What should I look for when choosing a water filter? In some of its advantages of the filter to choose? How to distinguish the really important information from the advertising?
We hope this material and this site in general will help you find answers to all questions, including the most important of them, "how to choose a water filter?»
When you select a filter, the first thing that catches the eye is its appearance, it certainly plays a significant role, but what's the point of appearance, if the filter passes through a water unobtrusively affecting its quality.
First of all it is necessary to pay attention to the rate of filtration.
Buying the filter we want to get rid of chlorine and of metals and bacteria, so you should pay attention to the degree of purification. As important resource of the cartridge (how often to change the filter element).
Identify all of these indicators can be, knowing the internal structure of the cartridge.
The inner space of the filter is always filled with substance absorbs harmful impurities - sorbent. The most common natural sorbent is activated carbon, some manufacturers use dolomite - usually shredded gravel, as well as sorbents of shungites and zeolites.
The main criterion when choosing a sorbent - is its sorption ability (ability to absorb the pollutant).
And so you need to know for the correct selection of the filter water purification?
1. Initial quality of treated water that you are not satisfied with it, what impurities? It is best to learn by passing water for chemical analysis in the laboratory.
2. The required water flow rate on the day, month, year and its purpose (cooking and household needs).
3. A place to put the water purification filter or water treatment system
Household filters are flow or inlet, jug.
If you need a filter for purification of tap or well water, there are two solutions.
Filter jug (inlet) type - a still reasonable in price, but the treated water resource they have a small (100-300 liters). Cleaning the water in them is carried out by one principle - removal of chlorine, improved organoleptic properties (color, taste, smell).
Flow-through filters - more expensive, but their share in the thousands liters of treated water. With flexible hoses, they join the cold water tap. Their placement on the kitchen sink, or under it. On a countertop kitchen sink is installed (or use an existing mixing valve) single tap, providing you supply the crystal clear water with a capacity of 0, 3-7, 0 l / min.
If there is a need dochistke tap water or purified water from the well, the recommendations are such. According to statistics, the tap water has a high "stiffness" and the chlorine content, and underground water are prone to excessive impurity content of iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, hardness (Ca, Mg).
To accept the residual right decision, how to choose a water filter, you first need to make an independent chemical analysis of water and seek professional advice. Detailed advice on the individual selection of the filter for water purification will provide our employees.
In the course of selecting a filter for water purification raises several questions:
1. What is the water treatment technology is most preferred (best is reverse osmosis system )?
2. By what equipment do it better?
3. What is the cost of equipment?
4. What are the guarantees that after cleaning, the water really safe to drink and meets the requirements of GOST, WHO, and, of course, your?
Answers to these and more questions to answer these specialists of Water Workshop. We provide free expert advice, analysis of water in your home, organization, cottage, pick up the necessary configuration of wastewater treatment system, in general, will try to protect you and your family from potential damage to health and property due to the consumption of poor quality water.