Triple filter by Socrates: an application in our reality
Socrates used a triple filter, which determined whether one or the other news to be heard. It was a wise and respected man, which many took as an example. A small informative parable for this reason.
Once to Socrates approached his disciple and said:
Teacher, I want to tell you something about one of your students.
— I will hear your news only on the condition that it passes the triple filter, ' replied Socrates. — So the first filter is truthfulness: are you sure that your news is absolute truth?
I'm not sure, ' replied the disciple, I heard it from others and not personally tested. But I thought you'd like to know...
— Because you're not sure if this is true, then the first filter fail. The second filter is whether the news is good, positive? What you want to tell me about my student is something good?
— No, on the contrary, it's bad news.
Socrates said:
— So you brought me unverified information, which is also negative... and the Third filter is usefulness. What benefits I can derive from your message?
— Probably, no, ' replied the student.
— As you can see, your news has not passed any filters. You wanted to tell me useless information bearing a negative, and besides, you're not sure that's true. So I don't have to listen to this, — concluded Socrates.
If we apply this triple filter the information encountered every day, we will see that most of the news that we "merge" the different mass media, are negative, unhelpful and also significantly distorted. And reasonable people limit such malicious information channels, refusing to watch and listen to negative useless news, which, moreover, are strongly distorted.
Why let your mind information that will not be anything except worry, stress, destruction of the psyche and health, and then go to the pharmacy to spend a lot of money for medications to treat consequences of their stupidity?
Focus on useful news that are good and in a good mood, tune in the positive is much more useful and practical. Positive thinking and rational behavior brings a lot of benefits, improving our lives. And the study of wisdom saves us from possible mistakes and their implications – problems of various kinds.
Often people say, "But I must know what is happening in the world" and to justify the daily hours of immersion in negative news: viewing, listening, pondering, and discussion with the same "interested" neighbors and acquaintances. It's one thing to know the news and another to take in them for many hours every day. Often we excuse our stupidity, for which he suffered.
To understand how we are affected by news, just a week use of triple filter, Socrates: to abandon a negative and meaningless information, which doesn't do any good. Weeks is usually enough to feel the difference and make conclusions.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: esoteric-land.ru/publ/pritchi/trojnoj_filtr_pritcha_o_sokrate/6-1-0-322

Once to Socrates approached his disciple and said:
Teacher, I want to tell you something about one of your students.
— I will hear your news only on the condition that it passes the triple filter, ' replied Socrates. — So the first filter is truthfulness: are you sure that your news is absolute truth?
I'm not sure, ' replied the disciple, I heard it from others and not personally tested. But I thought you'd like to know...
— Because you're not sure if this is true, then the first filter fail. The second filter is whether the news is good, positive? What you want to tell me about my student is something good?
— No, on the contrary, it's bad news.
Socrates said:
— So you brought me unverified information, which is also negative... and the Third filter is usefulness. What benefits I can derive from your message?
— Probably, no, ' replied the student.
— As you can see, your news has not passed any filters. You wanted to tell me useless information bearing a negative, and besides, you're not sure that's true. So I don't have to listen to this, — concluded Socrates.
If we apply this triple filter the information encountered every day, we will see that most of the news that we "merge" the different mass media, are negative, unhelpful and also significantly distorted. And reasonable people limit such malicious information channels, refusing to watch and listen to negative useless news, which, moreover, are strongly distorted.
Why let your mind information that will not be anything except worry, stress, destruction of the psyche and health, and then go to the pharmacy to spend a lot of money for medications to treat consequences of their stupidity?
Focus on useful news that are good and in a good mood, tune in the positive is much more useful and practical. Positive thinking and rational behavior brings a lot of benefits, improving our lives. And the study of wisdom saves us from possible mistakes and their implications – problems of various kinds.
Often people say, "But I must know what is happening in the world" and to justify the daily hours of immersion in negative news: viewing, listening, pondering, and discussion with the same "interested" neighbors and acquaintances. It's one thing to know the news and another to take in them for many hours every day. Often we excuse our stupidity, for which he suffered.
To understand how we are affected by news, just a week use of triple filter, Socrates: to abandon a negative and meaningless information, which doesn't do any good. Weeks is usually enough to feel the difference and make conclusions.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: esoteric-land.ru/publ/pritchi/trojnoj_filtr_pritcha_o_sokrate/6-1-0-322
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